This week's chronicle is brought to us by cache22, and is entitled "No Regrets." It tells the story of the first(and only, to date) wedding in the history of our web board. I really have to hand it to cache22 on his excellent writing. You can read the story [url="http://"*Cythera+Chronicles&DaysPrune=25&article=000061&startpoint="]here[/url].
We are still out of chronicles. You people need to submit something and quit making good ol' cache do all the work!
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
<edit> Fixed your link </edit>
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 11-26-2001).]
[This message has been edited by Slayer (edited 11-27-2001).]
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New wedding 11/26
Posted 26 November 2001 - 10:06 PM
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
Posted 26 November 2001 - 10:20 PM
What can I say, you drove me to it! 
This was a bit earlier than I intended to release it; but, knowing it was coming up, Moonshadow started posting in such a way as to force my hand.
Kobayashi Maru!
[This message has been edited by cache22 (edited 11-26-2001).]

This was a bit earlier than I intended to release it; but, knowing it was coming up, Moonshadow started posting in such a way as to force my hand.

Kobayashi Maru!
[This message has been edited by cache22 (edited 11-26-2001).]
"The e-mail of the specious is deadlier than their mail" - Tom Holt, 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai'
Posted 27 November 2001 - 06:43 PM
Heh. I'm just thinking this, but I -really- think we should have a topic similar to the Tavern; "The Wedding Chapel".
Anyway, I love the story. I also wonder if the happy couple will have a honeymoon on an IRC channel. 
Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?
[edit] dumb smileys...
[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 11-27-2001).]

Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?
[edit] dumb smileys...

[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 11-27-2001).]
And we're never gonna tour again.
Posted 27 November 2001 - 07:24 PM
You know, they say some people write about experiences in their lives. In this case, perhaps that isn't the greatest idea... 
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
"Sometimes I get confused whether I'm posting on ATT or in the War Room. But then I remind myself: If it's moderators acting scatter-brained and foolish, then it's the War Room*.
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 02 December 2001 - 11:50 PM
OK, I've had nearly a week to mull this over and I still don't understand it. Just what exactly are you insinuating, here? 
Kobayashi Maru!

Kobayashi Maru!
"The e-mail of the specious is deadlier than their mail" - Tom Holt, 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai'
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