This isn't exactly Cythera related, but it's cool and I wanted to show you guys. Flak is an e-mail header generator. What that means it that it will generate a false e-mail address and you can send to anyone. You can get it [url="http://""]here[/url]. On that page, go to Downloads->Classic or Carbon depending on what you use->Flak 1.3.2->Download. A bug fix in 1.3.2 is that and accounts will recognize the header generated. The Flak proxie is a unique mail proxie, and since it wasn't professionally made, is down occasionally. Also, Flak will get an error if you enter a false domain. Real ones are the only ones to work (i.e., ect.). Have fun!
Again, you can get it [url="http://""]here[/url].
If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
[edit] I just got notification from iridium that his server has a new IP so the redirect won't go -anywhere- for a bit. I'll tell you when it's back up. [/edit]
[This message has been edited by ferazel_09 (edited 11-30-2001).]
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Flak 1.3.2
Posted 30 November 2001 - 03:17 AM
Oooh, didn't know he fixed hotmail.
/me goes to send an email to his friend...
Check out Aviary Productions' news and info.
You can find the latest version of Fortress of Die Nacht at:
/me goes to send an email to his friend...

Check out Aviary Productions' news and info.
You can find the latest version of Fortress of Die Nacht at:
Growth through the Cross.
Posted 30 November 2001 - 07:50 AM
Originally posted by theKestrel:
This is the kind of thing Flak was designed for: fun. Play around with it, it won't hurt!
If I'm not new here, and I'm not old here, what am I?
Get on [url="http://""]IRC[/url]! My channels: #ferazel. Join in to #levo and #cythera too!
And we're never gonna tour again.
Posted 30 November 2001 - 08:06 PM
Thanks for the blatant advert, ferazel. 
Remember, use it, dont abuse it.
I have a proxy set up, as ferazel mentioned, and I will cause much suffering to anyone who abuses the privelige. This happened once before, when I had logging disabled. Someone sent over 20 messages, to my sister at that, anonymously. If i get anything like this, i will start implementing filters so those IP's cannot use the proxy. Be warned.
On a lighter note, Flak is a lot of fun, feel free to play with it, and email me what you think of it at
<moki> Omniweb would be good if it didn't suck.

Remember, use it, dont abuse it.
I have a proxy set up, as ferazel mentioned, and I will cause much suffering to anyone who abuses the privelige. This happened once before, when I had logging disabled. Someone sent over 20 messages, to my sister at that, anonymously. If i get anything like this, i will start implementing filters so those IP's cannot use the proxy. Be warned.
On a lighter note, Flak is a lot of fun, feel free to play with it, and email me what you think of it at
<moki> Omniweb would be good if it didn't suck.
Posted 30 November 2001 - 09:56 PM
Yeah, I got spammed by somebody...actually, Irid, it was only about 15 messages. Took awhile for my mail to load. 
But Flak really is fun. It's great for bugging people...try sending somebody an email from themselves. It's hilarious!
Hah! I have a new name, but I'm still insane so you still have to put up with me. >

But Flak really is fun. It's great for bugging people...try sending somebody an email from themselves. It's hilarious!
Hah! I have a new name, but I'm still insane so you still have to put up with me. >

Follow in everybody's else's tracks- and blend into the crowd.
But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
But make your own path- and your footsteps will be recognized forever.
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