Requiem (team story)
Posted 19 November 2001 - 06:29 PM
Sorry, but i'm going to have to pull Talm from the story for a while,
probably only a day or two.
Talm, meanwhile, sat in his quarters, oblivious to the trouble. Restless, he got up and entered the corridor, clutching the healing brew.
Suddenly, Talm tripped on a broken tile and lost his balance. When he picked himself up, he noted that the healing serum was still intact. However, the runic disc had fallen and landed about six feet ahead of him. It had split into two circular pieces. Talm suddenly noticed that one side of the disc was glowing. He picked it up and examined it. It had five illuminated bars of light stretching from the center to the outer edge. One yellow, one green, one blue, one red, and one white. Talm rotated the disc, and was astounded by the fact that although the disc rotated, the light bars also moved to point in the original directions. Talm put aside his fascination momentarily and picked up the other half. It also glowed, but only in the center. The point of light in the center shown bright, and yet Talm was at a loss to describe exactly what color it really was. Talm, with one piece in each hand, compared them. In the colored light of the first piece, he noticed four runes on the inside of the other half.
He'd studied the translation carefully back in Cademia, and recognized many common words. "Ah, 'Tencis Tranak' " he muttered, in refrence to two of the runes. "Tencis... ah, yes, time." He thought aloud. "Tencis Tranak Acti... " he continued, struggling over the last character. "Tencis Tranak Acti Nawl!" he exclaimed, proud of his successful translation.
However, that emotion was soon replaced with surprise as the glow of the second piece intensified greatly. Suddenly, Talm noticed that the room around him was beginning to fade. Reading the Runes aloud was a mistake, he thought. The Disc must have been voice-activated, and he didn't know what it would do. Talm saw the corridor fade out and be replaced by a view of Cadimia from the sky. He suddenly realized that he was in the air with no vehicle - or was he? Was he over Cadimia or simply seeing a view of it? Then, the view was replaced with one of a strange cave. Seldane Acolytes tended a Crystal much like the Solar Shard, but glowing green. Talm called out to them, but they couldn't hear him.
Talm was between terror and awe as his view shifted again. This time, it was of a huge waterfall. Near the top of the fall, a blue crystal rested between two moss-covered rocks. Talm noted that the blue line of the disc glowed brightest. The other, formerly colorless, side of the disc, was now glowing blue to match the brightest line. The color shifted to yellow, and he looked up to see the view of the splendid waterfall be replaced by a huge, floating castle! Talm did a double-take as took in the concept. The Air-Castle was suspended upon nothing! It seemed to Talm that it should crumble under it's own weight, and most certainly not float in the air! The view paned around to show a yellow glow radiating form a large, open-air dome at the top of the castle.
Suddenly, before the view was close enough to make out the source of the glow, it shifted again. This time, rather that a beautiful water-fall or majestic castle, Talm saw a sight of pure entropy. A rusting hulk of something was crashed firmly into the side of a mountain. what had once been some kind of colossal vehicle was now a ages-old mess, decayed and weathered. Talm could make out small portals on the side of the vessel, and through a gaping hole in the side Talm saw a white glow. Once more, the view shifted, back to Pynx. Talm saw a sight that boggled his mind. The discs lay on the floor, glowing bright, but he was nowhere to be seen! Was he somehow trapped within them? Then, the view panned around. He saw some kind of conflict going on, but before he could identify the participants, the view shifted back to Cademia and began the cycle anew.
Talm was very worried that he might never escape the discs.
Don't get Talm out yet, or have anyone read the runes and join him.
I'd appreciate if someone takes both pieces of the disc along if you end up leaving
Pynx before my next Talm Post.
Thanks, Bryce.
I saw board **... and it was good!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 19 November 2001 - 06:52 PM
First things first, Lochnivar needs backup and I know those two can hold their own DF thought as he sprinted down the hall to see Lochnivar casting one cold spell after another, not destroying his adversary but stopping it so that it couldnt attack back.
It can't be DF thought with surprize This demon, it should not be here
DF had recognized the signature that the demon was letting off with its magic and body and it did not comfort him in the least. With that, DF drew his sword and mentally prepared for battle.
Where could everybody be? Lochnivar asked himself as he let loose his most potent ice spell I cant hold this thing off forever
As if answering his question, DF came tearing down the hall with a loud war cry. Though meant to inspire terror in enemies, it provided more of a distraction to Lochnivar which the demon immediately took advantage of. With the greatest of ease it stabbed out with a wrist sword and impaled Lochnivar. Though not a killing blow, it would knock him down a bit.
Before the demon could do anything else, DF had trapped him inside a dark barrier. The demon, being stuck, tried to get out through multiple means. It struck the barrier with both magic and physical attacks that could shatter a human body easily. Instead of immediately attacking, DF kneeled down by Lochnivar
"Do you need help?" DF asked with urgency, knowing that his barrier wouldnt hold forever
"Yes, but kill it before it can do any more harm. Ugh. I will survive" Lochnivar forced out as he squirmed due to the pain in his body "Ugh, you dolt. That thing wouldnt get scared if you had the fiercest war cry available"
"Well, I tried, it only backfired" DF said with a bit of sorrow
"Well, destroy that and lets put it behind us"
With that DF stood to face the demon which had gone into fits bashing the walls with all kinds of energy.
"Well, following me from other realm, eh?" DF called out mockingly to the demon "That means that shadow spells, my specialty, will not work on you"
The demon let out a very sinister smile and stopped its fits. It gave DF the most mocking smile after it realized that what DF said was true.
"But" Df said, with a bit of amusement "You forget what the barrier also does other than keep you in" DF said as he started to charge up for a magic strike
The demon didnt look concerned. In fact, it pointed at a spot on its chest and closed its eyes.
"Hah, have it your way" DF out as he released his darkest blast
The blast hit the barrier and switched in form to light. The light blast struck the demon with a ferocity that it wasnt expecting. It looked down and noticed that it was no longer a dark spell and that it was piercing its body easily, spreading its holyness through its body, warping it.
DF stood back and smiled his own sinister smile as the barrier collapsed in on the demon, furthur warping its body. It fell to its knees, a hole through the center of it and warped body in all. It looked up at DF and coughed blood. Then, the demon fell over and died.
As the demon hit the ground, DF was hit with a mental spell. He let out a loud shriek as it coursed through his mind and shattered all his thoughts at once, dropping him to the ground and knocking him out.
Lochnivar watched the entire battle with stunned awe. The ending also shocked him terribly as he called out, trying to get Katze to come back. As soon as she did, she noticed several things that shouldn't have been. She saw Lochnivar run through and bleeding on the ground. She saw the demon, all warped and imploded dead in the corner. And then she saw DF, his comotose body lying there with no slashes or bruises on it whatsoever. It shook and shuttered and it looked as if he were almost dead. Katze gathered her wits and helped Lochnivar to the infirmary and got a couple apprentices to haul DF to the same place. With no understanding whatsoever, she believed him to be dead and did the passage rites that she had learned through her life, and left.
Lochnivar still watched as DF was placed in a bed, in case he were to awaken at any point. Something was odd about him but he could not place it. He continued to think as the healing potion started to work on him.
Dylam was pleased. His mind stun spells had lately gotten potent and he had found the perfect time to execute one on DF. The swelling pride in his mind had made it vulnerable for that one second and though Dylam was far away, he was able to stun his mind.
Now I know I have at least a couple days before he gets back up from that one. There is no counterspell because this does nothing to the person except disables the mind. It wont hurt him, it will just allow me to get close. Now to hurry before he reawakens Dylam thought as he raced down the road to Pynx.
Ill be gone for a few days, my character is disabled so dont use him until I post again.
New and improved, Df only attends the Cythera boards for some odd reason
Banana banana banana banana terracotta banana terracotta terracotta pie!
Posted 19 November 2001 - 09:46 PM
"Are those shadow fiends?" Sideline whispered.
"I suppose they must be," Brink whispered back. At that moment, one of the creatures seemed to notice their presence for the first time, and began to move menacingly toward them.
"Can your magic stop that?" Sideline whispered once more.
"No," was Brink's short reply. "Any ideas?"
"Just one, but you won't like it," Sideline replied, then handed over one of Moonshadow's healing potions. "When I count 'three', drink this as fast as you can!"
Brink took the potion, and looked at Sideline uncertainly; neverthless, he uncorked the bottle.
Sideline removed the stopper from one of the remaining two bottles, and held it in his left hand. The last bottle, in his right hand, he prepared to throw. Noticing this, Brink suddenly realised what Sideline was planning; his eyebrows rose as he gasped, and brought the bottle to his lips, ready to drink.
"One... two... three!" Sideline threw the bottle, as both men quickly gulped down the potions.
Katze had been scared, but that wasn't the reason she ran from the room. She knew she was completely outclassed, and was desperate to find all the help she could. She'd run along the corridor, banging on doors, until Lochinvar had called her back.
By the time she'd gotten Lochinvar to the infirmary, the Ronin and a few others had found Moonshadow and Desert Fox. Leandra gasped, and ran to Moonshadow's side. The others quickly determined that there was nothing they could do for DF, and left him to the two apprentices that came for him.
They turned their attention to Moonshadow, still out cold; Leandra was just finishing a rapid examination.
"She's got several broken bones, as well as a severe blow to the head. Help me straighten this leg," she said to Wolmark. "If we heal her with it crooked, she'll have a permanent limp." Wolmark took hold of Moonshadow's shin, and with a sickening crunching sound, Leandra twisted it back into place.
"It's a good thing she's unconscious," Wolmark commented. "That would have hurt!"
Leandra nodded, not trusting herself to speak for fear of losing control of her emotions. As it was, tears were beginning to trickle down her cheeks. She completed her examination, and cast a powerful healing spell.
Moonshadow began to stir, then abruptly sat up in panic, gasping. Looking around she quickly spied the remains of the demon, and relaxed. It wasn't until then that she noticed Leandra's smiling, tear-stained face.
"Thankyou!" Moonshadow exclaimed, reaching out to grasp Leandra's hand. Leandra just nodded.
At that moment the floor jolted as, for the second time that night, Pnyx was rocked by a powerful explosion.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-19-2001).]
Posted 20 November 2001 - 01:06 AM
Katze hurried over and draped one of his arms over her shoulder. "Here, lean on me," she said. Lochinvar nodded his thanks.
As they slowly made their way along the corridor, Katze quickly looked around; seeing nobody about, she spoke quietly to Lochinvar. "There's no hurry, she's all right; the Ronin are seeing to her now."
Lochinvar said nothing, and kept moving along the hall.
"Anyway," Katze continued, "you and I need to have a little talk."
Lochinvar stopped, leaned against the wall, and looked at Katze in speculation. "All right," he said, "what is it?"
Just then, the floor seemed to jump up beneath him; he lost his balance, and collapsed heavily to the floor.
From far below, a deep rumbling could be heard.
"So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
Posted 20 November 2001 - 11:04 AM
Then he realized somthing* - each of the light-bars represented an elemental crystal. The red one represented the solar shard, and the four others must have represented the other elements. The bars acted as a pointer, always aimed at the crystal they represented. But Talm wondered: were the discs a guide, or a portal? And if a portal, might using them be the key to his escape?
It's not time for Talm to get out yet, soon, though.
Thanks, Bryce
I saw board **... and it was good!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 20 November 2001 - 03:36 PM
'Exactly" said Sideline. At this point in rest of the group rush in, running madly. They stare at the two, uninjured. "What was the explosion?" asked Moonshadow. Brink only smiled. " You tell 'em Sideline"
Your problem,idiotSavant, is that you go through life thinking everyone likes potatoes. Well,they don't. They like asparagus.
Posted 20 November 2001 - 04:06 PM
Katze shook her head, amazed. "That was a gutsy thing to do! Stupid, but gutsy!"
Sasha looked around for sign of further fiends, but all she saw was more of the black sludge, splattered over the walls. One wall, she noted, had been blown out; she walked over to examine the breach more closely.
Wolmark was standing at the back of the group, somewhat preoccupied. "Has anybody seen Talm? I found something of his lying in the hall - it's not something he'd want to lose." His question was met by silence, and several shaken heads. "Hmm," he mused, and returned to his thoughts.
"Hey," Sasha exclaimed from the hole, "there's some stairs going down, back here!"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-20-2001).]
Posted 20 November 2001 - 11:27 PM
Yes, please join! While I gather a story can continue with one or two posters, it's better with lots, and they've been dropping like flies, lately - Bryce, DesertFox and Magpie have all pulled out, although I see Bryce is still around for non-story posts. (Hi Bryce!)

Lochinvar leaned against the doorframe, strength now returning quickly. Someone had handed him his quarterstaff, as they ran past down the hall to investigate the explosion. He noticed that much of the leather had been burned away, revealing the crystal core, but there was no time to worry about that now.
After checking that he was strong enough to make his own way, Katze had run on ahead with the others. Lochinvar reached the cellar door just in time to hear Sasha's exclamation.
"Let's check it out!" Ferazel said in response.
"Wait," Brink objected, "shouldn't we stock up on some more healing potions first?"
Sideline looked at him in disbelief. "You really want to risk going through that again?"
"So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
Posted 21 November 2001 - 12:06 AM
"I think we have found and destroyed almost all of them" Katze jumped up and drew her dagger, Lochnivar his sword. "What is it Katze?" he asked worriedly. Katze answered him in an almost whisper "Some one is coming" Lochnivar jumped to the left side of the stairway door and Katze jumped to the right. The footsteps approached "I got the.."
Katze jumped out "It's only you Brink" she cried thankfully.
He nodded "I got the potions, lets go" Lochnivar and Katze and Brink set off towards the door. "Ladies first" Lochnivar offered the door handle to Katze who glanced around the group. The door swung open wiht a creak to reveal a cellar, packed wiht wine. Brink inspected one of the bottles and grinned "This wine is older then king Alaric himself I should think!" he smeered a thick layer of dust away and put a few of the bottles onto the floor just outside the door.
Brink and Katze were scowering over the large room when the heard a muffled thud. "What was that?" Brink glanced nervously in the direction of the thud. Katze pointed out that shadow fiends don't thud.
"I am going over to investigate. I hope Lochnivar is alright" Katze and Brink tippy toed carefully around the wine cellar. Brink notioned to one of the back rows of wine. They arrived to find Lochnivar unconcious, but alive. Brink bent down to check his pulse but before he could reach the ground they both felt a cold steal blade to thier throats.
The knife wielder spoke "Who are you, and what are you doing in my cellar?" his voice was harsh and dangerous, Katze didn't dare turn around, not with a knife biting into her.
"I am Katze and my companion is Brink, the one on the ground is Lochnivar" she stopped, not wanting to tell this person all she knew. The cold knife blade got harder and broke the skin on her neck, creating a grinning cut that ozzed blood. "We are searching for the murderer of our friends" Brink winced at the thought of the knife cutting into his flesh and held still.
"Well I am going to let you guys go, but remember that I can kill you at any moment" Katze turned greatfully around to face thier attacker and Brink dropped to the floor to attend to Lochnivar.
He was a huge man. About 6'8 in hight and his muscles showed through the small gap in his armour around his neck. In addition to his armour he wore a big warm cloak and brown leather pants that were studded with bits of metal. Across his huge chest were strapped several dozen belts, all filled with weapons of many different kinds.
Located on his chest were several maces, 4 short swords, a few long, cruel looking knives and at least 5 battle axes. Countless daggers filled his belt and legs, and on his back lay 3 massive swords. On any other man the effect of so many weapons would have looked stupid, but on this man it was frightening.
Katze was about to sling a dagger at him, but decided against it. "Who are you?" Katze looked up at his towering frame, waiting for an answer
"My name is Dell Bradstone" he glanced at Lochnivar. "He'll be alright"
"So Mr Bradstone, what is your purpose here?" He grinned and leaned down towards Katze, his uncut bristle of hairs smelling of wine.
"Please call me Dell. I am a boundary warden, and that is good. For that is my job. Can I join your heric quest of love, war and adventure?" He mocked them and waited for thier reply.
Is this how you "write in" a character?"
/edit Sorry i left some of the people out. I thought it was only these three whoops.
"Hummmm" siad the Tunafish.
[This message has been edited by Dell (edited 11-21-2001).]
Posted 21 November 2001 - 01:14 AM
Yes Dell, that's how you do it; although it usually pays to start small, so as to avoid as many mistakes as possible. All-in-all, not a bad start; you forgot most of the characters (which you apologised for, so all is forgiven

Welcome to the story!
*** BiC ***
As Dell straightened up again he suddenly stiffened, as he felt something sharp and icy cold slip along the side of his neck from behind.
"And never forget, Mr. Bradstone," Sasha said angrily, "that if you'd harmed a hair on their heads any more than you have, your head would now be separated from your body."
"Yes, I see your point," Dell admitted.
"Very well," Sasha resumed, lowering her sapphire sword, but still glaring at him, "if you wish to accompany us, you may. Just watch your step."
Dell nodded meekly - even more so, for having seen Ulf for the first time; the sight of someone almost a full two feet taller than he was, was a very new experience for him.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-21-2001).]
Posted 21 November 2001 - 03:38 AM
Sideline suddenly looked around the group, as if looking for something. "Has anybody seen Rahl?"
"No," said Trinias in surprise. "I don't remember seeing him since the conference."
"Strange," Sideline muttered, and subsided into silence.
"Hey, everyone, over here!" Moonshadow called from the far wall. "The trace leads through this wall!"
Wolmark hurried over to examine the shelving on that wall. "Maybe there's a catch or release here, somewhere."
He'd just begun to search when Ulf walked up behind him, grasped the shelving and wrenched it away from the wall with a grunt.
"Or we could do that..." Wolmark muttered.
The removal of the shelving revealed a steel door; when Wolmark tried the handle, it was locked. There was no sign of a keyhole.
"Let me see if I can't do something here," Sasha said. She raised the Sapphire Fang, still in her hand, and with the other hand drew the Ruby Fang, which she'd been carrying since they'd found it at the scene of Flynn's murder. She pressed the tips of both swords to the door a few inches apart, and allowed their magic to go to work.
One part of the door began to frost over, while another part began to glow red; when the two areas met, the door began to hiss and crackle, buckling visibly. Suddenly, with a loud, ringing crack, the door broke in two across the middle; Ulf grasped each half in turn, and wrenched them from their hinges.
Sasha sheathed the Ruby fang, and crept through the now gaping doorway; the rest of the group followed, quietly.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-21-2001).]
Posted 21 November 2001 - 04:38 AM
Sideline frowned, but decided to be content with that answer - for now.
As everyone had passed and was well ahead, Lochinvar and Katze set out to follow them.
"So, what is it you want to talk to me about?"
"So..." Dell began, turning to Trinias - he had decided he did not want to confront Sasha right now. "You know, I'm sorry for treating you guys so roughly back then."
Trinias raised his eyebrows. "Well, then you've got the wrong person." He told Dell. "You didn't do anything to me."
"Oh, right..." Dell looked around. He spotted Brink immediately, but... "Where are Katze and Lochnivar?"
"Lochnivar? Who's that?"
Dell looked back at Trinias confusedly. "The man with the quarterstaff and -"
"Oh! You mean Lochinvar!" Trinias, too, started looking around for them.
"They're at the rear." Sideline said casually.
"Oh, thanks." Dell hurried off, grateful they had no noticed the embarassed blush that had crept up on his cheeks. It would not have suited him very well.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 11-21-2001).]
Posted 21 November 2001 - 03:26 PM
Eventually the passage ended in another doorway; this time the door opened with no trouble at all. As the group advanced, they found themselves in another large room. The floor and walls were bare, but the dust on the floor showed the marks of many recent disturbances. Trinias pointed out the trails in the dust, but they were so obvious even Ulf could follow them.
"Look," Lenadra exclaimed, "they lead up to that wall, and stop!"
"There must be another hidden door," Wolmark replied.
"Wolmark," Sasha began, "see if you can figure out -"
"Hey!" Brink's cry interrupted. "What is this?"
The Ronin whirled around, and saw that the others appeared to be trapped behind some kind of invisible barrier; Ferazel tried to return through the door, only to find that was blocked as well.
A voice suddenly sounded from behind them. "All my schemes were failing, and then you bring what I need right to my doorstep! How convenient!"
The Ronin whirled back - to see that the illusory wall was no longer there. Instead they saw a figure of a young man, glowing white; and wearing a plain gold ring on his finger.
"Nectas!" Sasha exclaimed.
"Enough!" Nectas said, and casually waved a hand.
Something pressed down hard on everyone, and the world went black...
As some of the group started to struggle back to consciousness, they saw Nectas moving about on the far side of the room. The Ronin were chained to a wall, their equipment spilled roughly in a pile in one corner.
Sideline rushed forward, only to bounce back as he connected with the barrier. The group stared, helpless to prevent Nectas from doing what he wished to the Ronin.
Before each of the six Ronin was a small table. On each table was a book, that seemed to be blank; there was a seventh book on a podium, with pages filled with dark red writing. Each table also held a large bowl, into which a red liquid was slowly dripping from a tube.
Sideline realised in horror that the tubes were inserted into each Ronin's arm, and that the red liquid was their blood!
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 21 November 2001 - 03:51 PM
Your problem,idiotSavant, is that you go through life thinking everyone likes potatoes. Well,they don't. They like asparagus.
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 11-21-2001).]
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 11-21-2001).]
Posted 21 November 2001 - 04:08 PM
Talm waited for his view to cycle to the discs in Pynx. For the tenth... no thirtih, time, Talm glipsed the majestic aircastle. The last few times he'd seen Pynx, the view had turned black. he hoped that the disks were simply obscured and that this wasn't a permanate situation. Talm had spent the last cycle deciding that it was worth a shot to try to escape, and soon he would see Pynx. As the view of the strange vessel faded, Talm reached down in preperation to touch the single, monotone light.
Talm was relvied that the blackness was gone, the disc were out in the open again. In the corner of the room, they were resting. Someone must have found and moved them, he thought. The view rotated to revil a sight that shocked him to the core. The Ronin, chained to a wall! The view rotated more, to show a barrier. Behind it stood a strange, glowing humanoid, who was distracted by talking to another person.
Time froze as Talm thought. Should he transport out now, and risk being trapped himself? But could he help his freinds if he did use the portal? Talm moved his hand closed to the glowing point. Then he noted somthing - the discs in the view were begining to glow, as were there counterparts in Talm's hands. Talm reasoned that this must be part of the transportation process, totaly normal. But what he didn't know was that in Pynx, the discs were also making a sound...
Nectas heard the sound, and turned to see the discs, glowing brightly. He saw a humanoid shape form above them. Nectas watched with interest as the from condensed into a normal human. Talm was no longer holding the discs, and the originals lay on the floor at his feet.
"Well, what have we here?" Nectas asked.
Talm began to become very worried.
I saw board **... and it was good!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 21 November 2001 - 11:54 PM
Nectas turned back to Brink. "Yes, you must die - but not before you see the shape of your doom!" Nectas laughed, an evil cackling sound.
"The portal under Land's End Volcano was destroyed; but no matter. The blood of the seven Last Ones will allow us to create a portal of most unusual properties and power! Being displaced through time as well as space, they have some very useful qualities; our new portal will have those same qualities, allowing us to invade anywhere, at any time that we choose! The whole universe will be ours!" Nectas' laughter now took on a distinctly maniacal timbre.
"Why do you call them the Last Ones?" Katze called out, franticly seeking anything for a distraction. She could see that the Ronin were becoming desperately pale; they didn't have much time left.
"Because that's what they are, foolish girl," Nectas replied. "Their own world is gone, destroyed! They are the last of their kind! All the causality of an entire plane of existence, in just seven beings! Really, the opportunity was just too great to resist."
Dell chose that moment to charge the barrier; like Sideline, he bounced back a considerable distance.
"Fools!" Nectas cried. "The barrier is attuned to the temporal signature of the Ronin. That's why they passed through it before you even knew it was there!"
"Now, stop distracting me!" he said, after a pause. "I have work to do."
Nectas turned to the book on the podium. "The blood of the others must be activated by this spell, written in the blood of the first."
He began to recite the strange words from the book, looking expectantly at the blood in the six bowls. Nothing happened. Nectas frowned, and recited the script again. Once again, nothing happened.
"What's the matter?" Ferazel asked with a knowing smirk. "Something not working out as planned?"
Nectas stared at the book in frustration. "I don't understand. Everything should be in order!"
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
[This message has been edited by Ronin (edited 11-21-2001).]
--random post chosen to test karma adjustments
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 12-11-2001).]
Posted 22 November 2001 - 12:17 AM
There was a terrible crack and a hole appeared in the wall. Thoughts raced through Dells mind. Lochinvar tapped the wll with his staff again. It bounced off painfully. Through the whole a man stepped. A man covered in armour, and spikes. His gauntlets were soaked in blood. The spikes on his helmet were soaked with blood.
Darken Rahl.
Rahl glanced briefly at the group and smiled, his armour clinking. "I see you had the time to visit our little reunion, please make yourself at home" He bowed and turned to Nectas. Katze felt anger boil up inside her "YOU TRAITOR!" she flung her dagger in fury at him, but it richotted of the wall and stuck itself in Dells arm. He cried out in pain, but kept hitting the wall.
"Nectas stop. The Ring Master sent me to do this task, go away" Nectas turned, anger flared in his eyes. He yelled in fury at Darken Rahl "I AM TO DO IT!" Nectas stepped towards Rahl and started chanting. Rahl just stood, and when Nectas had almost finished, Darken Rahl planted his armoured guantlet in Nectas's stomach with a terrible thud. Rahl grinned breifly and turned to the book and began chanting just as Nectas had.
"This one must meditate ones failure"
Famous words, strange button No. 4
Posted 22 November 2001 - 01:43 AM
"Nothing!" Nectas protested. "I did everything as instructed!"
"You can't have, or it would be working!" Rahl's voice rose to a thunderous level, as he yelled.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 22 November 2001 - 09:25 AM
Katze sat down, frustrated. Yet another ally turned foe. She looked up at Rahl, who was apparently getting more and more frustrated with the situation. Despite the situation, a cold smile suddenly crept up on her face. "Not working out as you planned, is it?" she questioned, but she did not get any immediate reaction. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Lochinvar stop his examination of the wall, staring with wide eyes at the Ronin, who were chained to the opposite walls. She turned around, trying to see what had surprised him. The Ronin had not moved, though they didn't seem quite as pale as before. It took her a little to figure, but then the thought hit her: they really weren't as pale as before. Years of secrecy payed off as her instincts make her look away casually, and she noted with satisfaction that Darken Rahl didn't seem to have noticed. She got up and walked over to Lochinvar, drawing his attention off the Ronin.
Moonshadow leaned back against the wall. It was not much, but at least she had bought a little time for her friends. But if they couldn't find a way t break the barrier soon, it wouldn't matter any more.
As l lay in my bed staring at the sky I asked myself:
Where the hell did the roof go?
Posted 22 November 2001 - 01:49 PM
Rahl glanced over at Talm in frustration. He would normally have ignored the man, but his nerves were highly frayed. He began to stalk menacingly toward the terrified prisoner.
"Rahl!" a voice called out from behind him; he whirled around to see Lochinvar, standing a few feet away, holding Sasha's shield.
"The barrier!" Nectas glanced over at the barrier, but the others were clearly still trapped. "How did you get through it!?"
Lochinvar just smiled, then his face began to take on a white glow. The light grew blindingly bright, then slowly faded away...
"So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar."
Posted 22 November 2001 - 01:50 PM
Flynn quickly raised the shield, deflecting the magical blast, then swung it back just in time to block Rahl's strike. Rahl's armoured gauntlet bounced off; he looked at the unmarked shield in consternation.
Flynn immediately began to counterattack. Flowing once more into the rhythmic style he'd used when rescuing Moonshadow, he proved a very hard target to hit - nevertheless, he was forced to resort to using the shield more than once.
Back and forth they duelled, one man carrying a shield and a quarterstaff, dancing lightly on his feet; the other big, heavily armoured, and incredibly skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Nectas occasionally tried to strike at Flynn magically, but always the shield was there to block it.
Rahl watched every move Flynn made, and eventually saw a weakness: whenever Flynn struck at him, he left an opening. It was small, but Rahl had no doubt he could use it.
Carefully gauging his moment, he struck - but Flynn had diverted his attack at the last instant! Instead of striking at Rahl, he spun around and slammed Nectas with the shield; Nectas dropped like a stone.
Rahl's blow struck hard, but not as he'd intended. His spiked gauntlet ripped a jagged tear across Flynn's back; Flynn cried out in agony and staggered forward, away from Rahl.
Rahl was moving in to finish Flynn off, when he heard a sound from behind - glancing back, he saw the entire group was free, and rushing towards him. Rahl laughed; he had complete confidence in his ability to kill them all.
He was still laughing when the diamond quarterstaff connected with his helmet, and an incredible electrical discharge drove all thought from his mind.
As Nectas lost consciousness, all his enchantments vanished. Once freed, the rest of the group had charged straight at Rahl; the distraction was just enough for Flynn to recover, and deliver the final blow.
Everyone hurried over to the Ronin, swiftly freeing them from the chains and stopping the flow of blood. As Healing spells were being cast and potions liberally handed out, Flynn walked over to Talm.
Talm was sitting on the floor where he'd fallen, when the magical bonds holding him had suddenly failed. "Thank you," Flynn said, as he helped the bewildered man to his feet. "That distraction was perfect - it gave me just enough time to get the shield."
The only substitute for good manners, is fast reflexes.
[This message has been edited by Flynn (edited 11-22-2001).]
Posted 22 November 2001 - 02:20 PM
Sorry about the shortness of this, I can't think of what to do.
I saw board **... and it was good!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.
Posted 22 November 2001 - 02:51 PM
How do men that have beards play the flute?
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 11-22-2001).]
Posted 22 November 2001 - 03:08 PM
Flynn looked wearily around the group, seeing a mixture of expressions. Some looked curious, some angry, others just plain tired. As his gaze swept over Katze, she nodded at him; he already knew she understood. Moonshadow just smiled at him, glad it was all over.
"I understand you all must have a lot of questions; but don't you think we should secure these two first? We know how dangerous they can be if they wake up."
"Someone should call Lindus, and see what he wants to do with them," Wolmark added.
There are three kinds of computer users: those that use Macintoshes, those that wish they used Macintoshes, and those that don't know any better.
Posted 22 November 2001 - 03:12 PM
"Well, what do you need?" Lindus said, as he surveyed the room with interest.
*pun unintended
I saw board **... and it was good!
Those online traslators just don't live up to the hype.