DesertFox hadn’t been in his right mind since he went into that portal. It was definitely the one Avatara had gone through, but Avatara had been prepared for it. DF had hopped right through it without any preparation. The images, sights, sounds, and other sensory information given to him drove him mad, wild. The many things facing him had forced him to use all of his known powers and beyond. His spells were precise and harsh. He attacked many legions of enemies as his dark powers started getting stronger. During his maddening quest through the realm, an evil presence kept terrorizing his mind. Then one day, it appeared in the form of a massive demon overlord. Its attacks were similar to that of an overlord, it was not the fastest on its physical attack but it complimented each of its attacks with magic strikes on DF. DF, to his credit, held off the evil beast for hours. His strikes were deadly but the beast seemed incapable of during and it responded with extremely brutal strikes of its own. DF attacked with all sorts of combos, each designed to take down any sort of opponent that he would come up against, but it quickly became apparent that this vile being could only be taken down with the holies of weapons and spells available. As DF began to get more frantic, his attacks got a bit faster but his guard started to slip and more slashes started to nick and injure DF. Eventually, the demonic being had DF flat out on the ground and unable to move. As it placed its blade on DF’s neck, it started to chant some unknown phrase. Then, something happened, deep within himself. A power he didn’t even know he had decided to make itself appear and DF blasted the demonic beast away from his body with a powerful lightning-dark combo spell. Then DF suddenly cast a spell that he did not know a few seconds earlier, and his shadow separated from him. It was a very interesting spell indeed. The shadow was an exact copy of his body and form. It then leapt at his adversary with a spark that DF had never seen before. It speed was blinding as its slashes and thrusts came quickly and overwhelmed the stunned overlord. DF’ had too little energy to assist his shadow in the fight so instead he used the remaining energy in his body to grab one of the few remaining vials that Avatara had given to him long ago.
As DF drank the vial down, he realized that this was the being that Avatara was hunting for. This being completely trashed DF because DF wasn’t the person able to defeat him, only Avatara had the power to do that. DF then looked at his shadow warrior and knew that it was doomed. This was starting to become apparent as the lightning fast attacks were no longer having any type of effect on the demon overlord. It made a last resort attack on the beast and summoned all of its shadowed power to attack, but the demon overlord easily blocked it and hit it with an attack so brutal, that it tore a hole in the dimensions. DF looked through the opening and he saw Cythera. He then looked down and saw the shadow on the ground, unmoving.
If that being gets through, there is no telling what will happen to Cythera, but how can I stop something like that DF thought as he moved toward the opening of the portal
Suddenly, Avatara appeared out of nowhere, his companions were nowhere to be seen.
“DF, get out of here and close the tear, you have done all you can, leave me to my battle” Avatara called out as he leapt at the overlord with his sword
DF quickly exited the devilish realm as Avatara was waging an epic battle against the vile demon. DF started chanting a spell which Avatara had taught him before DF went hermit. With his powers all concentrated on the closing of the portal, he was powerless to stop a shadowy being that jumped through the portal as it was closing.
“Good luck, Avatara. I hope you find your way back” DF said to himself.
DF quickly shook the vision of Avatara from his head. Avatara had used a spell of his to assist DF on getting out of there but DF knew that it was nothing more than a mere image. Avatara was smarter than attacking the beast on his own. That was more of a distraction for DF to get out and close off the door before the evil one could escape. DF realized that this could happen again and focused his power once again to reinforce the walls of the realm so that Avatara could poke through if he tried his damndest.
One hour later DF was searching his pockets and vial loops again for more potions. He found one and drank it down. This was one that survived the attack Moonshadow had sprung upon him before he entered the portal. He was instantly recharged and he looked back at his handiwork. The seal was completely closed. Even Avatara himself couldn’t have done a better job of sealing it. As DF turned, he noticed something. It was like a shadow. More sinister though. DF quickly drew his sword and readied himself as he drew closer to the forest's edge, hoping to get out before a battle would break out. DF hated fighting in the woods, tree limbs slowed down attacks. Too little too late. The presence was on him. It was human, or at least humanoid. The two weapons it held an initial advantage over DF. DF was no novice though, he called upon past knowledge of the sword to help him in this fight.
It came quick. High slash blocked with shield, low slash with sword. The sparks flew as the attacks came. Scissor attack blocked by shield, thrust counter-attack dodged by high jump-kick combo. . Its form was that of an expert fighter and its skill surpassed even that of Talos, who was considered by all to be the champion of swords. DF was fighting with his all but could not seem to get any ground on this adversary. Then he did a quick slash with his sword and then a high kick, which sent his assailant sprawling into the bushes at their feet. DF couldn’t press the advantage because before he knew it, his adversary was up on its feet and pressing its own attack. High attack, low kick, mid thrust, dual downslash. It was all DF could do to even keep up with this evil. He then started to use his magic to assist and soon after, he released a blast that sent the evil sprawling again into the brush. DF couldn't press this either because his enemy had leapt right back up as if nothing happened. DF was furious at this point but as soon as he cast his spells, his enemy cast counterspells, which nulled out his spells and then his adversary slashed and gashed at him. Spell after spell, no matter how strong, DF couldn’t connect with another dark attack or any other attack for that matter. DF kept his enemy on its toes for a good 5 hours before he was too tired to cast any more spells and too cut up to offer much resistance anymore. His enemy wasn’t looking much better. The nicks and cuts on the warrior were quite numerous and spoke of DF’s skill despite the unexpectedness of the attack. One of the swords that the warrior had started with had been shattered in the middle of the battle and a few of the larger shards were embedded in the warrior’s arm and a few were embedded into DF’s shoulder. This slight standoff gave the warrior enough time to make a final attack and he came in fast, feinting low, feinting high, and thrusting low and landing the attack. Its sword went right through DF’s left thigh, shocking DF but disarming the warrior as it had to jump away to avoid the counterslash DF made. It was apparent that the result of this battle was a draw. The shadowy warrior disappeared in the forest and DF passed out at the edge of the woods.
A bit later, the warrior DF had fought fell to the ground and gripped his skull. It tried and tried but it never seemed to escape whatever had been cursing its mind. It all of a sudden let out a terrible scream and its body dissipated from inside to the outside.
A couple days later, DF had managed to get up and bandage his wound. The final vial he had with him was broken but the remaining potion had been able to stop the bleeding in his leg and allow him to walk on it, as well as giving him the energy to walk around. He traveled by the edge of the woods for 3 days. Stopping only to get a drink at the small creeks and rivers that seemed to crisscross his path and eat the fruits that he found along his path. On the third day he finally came across a small town and he entered. Upon entering, he saw a small gathering outside of a tavern. As he approached, the crowd parted slightly due to his reputation.
"" DF managed to get out as he looked down at his former comrade’s dead body
"Who could have done such a thing?" asked one of the Ronin.
"It may have been what caught up with me in the forest” DF started out, visibly becoming more tired as he went “ but its weapons were completely different. This….is very strange. Please…..somebody….call………a…medic." DF managed to get out as he passed out onto the ground
A few of the men around, including Kestral, scooped DF up and get him into bed as the medics came. The only thought DF could think now was of revenge, revenge for himself, revenge for his comrade, and revenge for Cythera, for if this evil was left unchecked for long, it could spell dire consequences for the future of this realm.
Elsewhere, in a secluded place, a person sat by himself. Quite satisfied with his deed, he started to laugh.
"It may have taken a lot of energy to create, but it was more than enough to handle this one" a dark voice said...
Gone for a time, but now back and better than ever. -DF
[This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 11-10-2001).]
--Just making your "Avatara" be more Avatara-like.
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 11-10-2001).]
--killed my escape with that vision thing, made it so I still escaped the realm (I entered last story)
[This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 11-12-2001).]