it was a very cold night when the cloaked man apeared in the tavern he looked very grim and his eyes seemed to look at every one as if they where about to curse him. "hi pops" called a young man who happened to be plaaying pool "i bet 1000 obloi i can beat you in an arm wresteling compitition" the cloaked man turned to the young man whose name hapened to be Atheon and said "fine then i accept your challange" the two walked silently over to a table and sat down. it was not until then that the cloaked man removed his hood to reveal that he had 3 inch scar across his throat that looked like is had been slit. "so ready to lose pops" said Atheon to the man. "I only hope you have the money to pay me because im gona need it for my trip" Then the two started to arm wrestle, Atheon had started to push the other mans hand to where it was less than an inch off the table when he could go no further. Then Atheon looked into the mans eyes, his cold grey eyes. Then the man smiled a warm welcoming smile that didnot match his eyes, the man then pusher Atheons hand to the other side of the table lik his arm was that of a rag dolls. "who are you?" said Atheon apperantly supprized he lost. "i"the man started the man "am Sephiroth and i am giong north across the Scylla Ocean to find the Ultimate Sphere Of Power, I came here to find those brave, strong, or foolish enough to come with me"
do you wana buy a duck
a what
a duck