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Thin Wires Again....heroine
#1 Guest_imacian_*
Posted 05 October 1999 - 09:42 PM
Remember those thin wires under the sewer, after using the lyre to open the secret room, you see "thin wires" on the ground which you step over to go to the next room. Well, I tried to "use" them and it says "use heroine." Nothing physically happened to me, is this a sick joke or does it affect me in the long run??? And, are there any other secrets to these thin wires?
Posted 06 October 1999 - 12:01 AM
I have seen the wires, but it never said anything about "use heroine." BTW, a heroine that's a female hero, not to be confused with the nasty drug heroin.
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
Posted 07 October 1999 - 01:33 PM
P-M-G. The code was in one of the books in the library, I think.

Traipsing merrily through a spring meadow. Tossing out rose petals. Singing tralala!! I love EVERYONE!! (And Bege was afraid of my new sig. Silly Bege.)
I may be small but I have the strength of ten cats.
My BF's advice: "Take a deep breath. Step back. Count to ten. Then shut-up and LISTEN!
I may be small but I have the strength of ten cats.
My BF's advice: "Take a deep breath. Step back. Count to ten. Then shut-up and LISTEN!
Posted 20 October 1999 - 09:23 PM
You found that too? It's along the north wall, if you search the wall you're told that you find a tube...but then it disappears and I can't find it again.
Traipsing merrily through a spring meadow. Tossing out rose petals. Singing tralala!! I love EVERYONE!! (And Bege was afraid of my new sig. Silly Bege.)
I may be small but I have the strength of ten cats.
My BF's advice: "Take a deep breath. Step back. Count to ten. Then shut-up and LISTEN!
I may be small but I have the strength of ten cats.
My BF's advice: "Take a deep breath. Step back. Count to ten. Then shut-up and LISTEN!
#7 Guest_bournie_*
Posted 20 October 1999 - 11:34 PM
Guys I think you'll find out about the tube if you dont step over the wires carefully. My guess is it holds a popison dart or somesuch, I really don't want to test my theory, but I guess the wire sets off the trap and it shoots a dart at you!
Posted 20 October 1999 - 11:42 PM
I had the same theory. I tested it out by starting a new game and not using awareness on the door. I even went through in the dark. Unfortunately, I was still unable to recklessly trip over the wire. I am not certain that it is possible to do anything other than carefully step over the wire. If anyone has any further knowledge about these wires, I would be glad to hear it!
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
#10 Guest_harpy11_*
Posted 28 October 2001 - 04:36 PM
Duh... go to the SE part of the sewers and play PMG on a lyre. Go through the secret door and trip over the wire. Then get out your biggest gun and thrash the golem in the next room. Oh yah...
Examine the skeleton in the room with the golem.
Examine the skeleton in the room with the golem.

Posted 28 October 2001 - 08:32 PM
Sigh....harpy11, please stop answering old topics...If the topic has not been replied by or updated in a month, don't answer it. If you were a member of the boards, you would have been karma lowered by now.....
Your problem,idiotSavant, is that you go through life thinking everyone likes potatoes. Well,they don't. They like asparagus.
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 10-28-2001).]
Your problem,idiotSavant, is that you go through life thinking everyone likes potatoes. Well,they don't. They like asparagus.
[This message has been edited by idiotSavant (edited 10-28-2001).]
I am not your rolling wheels / I am the highway / I am not your carpet ride / I am the sky / I am not your blowing wind / I am the lightning / I am not your autumn moon / I am the night
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