Posted 09 March 2001 - 12:59 PM
I download ace, double click on it, and then a sign comes up that says it can't find the stuffit expander.So then I download a new stuffit expander.Then I double on ace and then the same sign comes up.(It can't find the stuffit expander.)
So I can't get ace.But maybe I could e-mail my game to someone else that has ace and they could use their ace to get me more training points.But then again I don't even know how to e-mail my game to someone.
Posted 09 March 2001 - 01:08 PM

Other than that, all I can suggest is to figure out where you saved the stuffit expander, go into it, and open Ace! manualy.
Hope this helps.
"It has to start some time.
It has to start some where.
What better time than now?
What better world than this?" ~Theo Nean Donly~
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
Posted 09 March 2001 - 04:52 PM
1)Open stuffit.
2)Have it expand the binhex (or stuffed) document that was created when you downloaded Ace!
3)Open ace and have FUN!!!

Ace can take off that boring trading work in EV too, just give yourself 12m credits and get a Kestrel...
C M? M R Snakes.A R Not! O S A R! C M B D I's?
L I L B! A R Snakes! -President Bush talking to V.P. Richard Cheney at Camp David
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 09 March 2001 - 06:37 PM
Note: if it still doesn't work (say it doesn't expands but just quits stuffit) you've probably got a corrupt download. Just download it again and trash the old one.
<font color="gold">Bronze: the other gold metal.
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url], [url="http://""]Once Again: on the web.[/url]
Bacchus Freeware: Olympus Wars, a plugin for EV:N.
Bacchus Publishing: [url="http://""]Chronicles by Jake101: the unposted chapters[/url].
Posted 11 March 2001 - 08:12 AM
[This message has been edited by Grapper (edited 03-11-2001).]
Posted 11 March 2001 - 12:14 PM
Have you tried dragging the Ace file onto the application Stuffit Expander?
If you have, and you get the CarbonLib error, go to a place like [url="http://""][/url] and search for CarbonLib. Install that and then it should work.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 11 March 2001 - 12:16 PM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 11 March 2001 - 04:39 PM
make sure you put the return address in it.
C M? M R Snakes.A R Not! O S A R! C M B D I's?
L I L B! A R Snakes! -President Bush talking to V.P. Richard Cheney at Camp David
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 12 March 2001 - 03:14 PM
attach your saved game to it (and your brother's

Good Luck
C M? M R Snakes.A R Not! O S A R! C M B D I's?
L I L B! A R Snakes! -President Bush talking to V.P. Richard Cheney at Camp David
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 12 March 2001 - 09:14 PM
Avatara, I just downloaded CarbonLib and a sign still comes up that says it can't find CarbonLib.
[This message has been edited by Grapper (edited 03-12-2001).]
Posted 13 March 2001 - 08:51 AM
Ace can take off that boring trading work in EV too, just give yourself 12m credits and get a Kestrel...
Or the Alien Weapon in all the three Marathon games

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 14 March 2001 - 03:05 PM
Also make sure to send a duplicate, just in case.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he'll drink beer and sleep in a boat all day!
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 16 March 2001 - 11:25 AM
[This message has been edited by Grapper (edited 03-16-2001).]
Posted 16 March 2001 - 08:36 PM
I could send you one that is just started out, with the hacks already done to it, hmmm... good idea.
Sit tight I'll try sending you one. How's Grapper for a name?

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he'll drink beer and sleep in a boat all day!
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 17 March 2001 - 02:42 PM
Good Luck
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he'll drink beer and sleep in a boat all day!
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 17 March 2001 - 06:41 PM
AD Gold:
Curse of Azure Bonds
Pool of Radiance
Secret of silver blades
Bard's Tale
Curse of Dragor
Damage Incorporated
Death Blade
Dragon Blade
EV and EVO
Ferazel's Wand
Foobar vs the DEA
Harry the Handsome Executive
Heroes of Might and Magic:
HM - Heroes
HM - Players
HM - Heroes
HM - Players
HM - Towns
Jewel of Arabia - Dreamers (PPC and 68k)
King's Bounty
Marathon Evil
Marathon 2
Marathon Infinity
Master of Orion
Might and Magic:
M&M 1
M&M 2
M&M 3 - Characters
M&M 3 - Party
Odyssey - Legend of Nemesis
Pathways into Darkness
Prime Target
System Shock
Ultima 3
Unlimited Adventures (Characters and Passwords)
Wizardry Gold
Yipe (Quest of Yipe! II and Yipe! III)
Ok. Those are all of em. Though I do hope they release another one when EVN comes out.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he'll drink beer and sleep in a boat all day!
[This message has been edited by TheDarkDragon (edited 03-17-2001).]
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 18 March 2001 - 05:42 PM
Posted 27 October 2001 - 08:35 PM
I use it but only once i have completed the game without cheating.

I have made a discovery! If I can stay up until 4 in the morning and still get over 13% for science, the human body does not need sleep. I intend to make use of my extra time conciouness.