Meleager sits in his chair in the room adjacent to the main hall and Aethon and hector sleep in the main bedroom. Mine is (obviously) the other room in the house.
I have placed at the very least one plant in every room and lots of candleabras. In the kitchen there is box full of food (yum!) and outside in the private garden there are two chairs. All the rooms have under gone serious changes such as the placing of a coffer in my bedroom (on the table) and seats in the main bedrooma dn plants EVERY WHERE.
In the tyrants tomb in my back yard I have got about 13 chests all full of different weapons and armour. In the coffer with the money in it is all my money (about 6000 obols).
The tomb is so well lit that it is permanently light under therer and there is no need to carry a candle or cast daylight.
This is a decent description of my house in Cythera. If you can post some descriptions of where (if anywhere) you live in Cythera and what your house is like, it would be good.

Time is a predator that hunts you down. You can cheat it for as long as you like with doctors and medicines, but in the end time will catch up with you. What if I was to tell you I had found a place where the predator had no teeth?