I was searcxhing in dressers in kosha (sp?) and I searched a kelt, and guess what i find 3 more kelts inside the first one!.
Tycho Maudd
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
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Posted 05 October 2001 - 06:37 AM
Don't stop there! Keep searching, your so close... 

I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~

I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~
"I don't need a plan, just a goal. The rest will follow on its own"
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
Posted 05 October 2001 - 05:13 PM
I found the ring, I was searching other places to see if any thing else had anything to reveal
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
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This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
Posted 06 October 2001 - 11:18 PM
There's a ring there? I tried looking for it in those clothes, but all I ended up doing was steal all the clothes; I'm pretty sure I examined every kilt and cape. BTW, is there supposed to be a way to do this without having to steal the clothes? (I can't move the stuff)
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Mike Lee (Firebird)
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Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: [url="http://"http://cs.paching.com/"]http://cs.paching.com/[/url]
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Posted 07 October 2001 - 02:00 AM
no i mean i found the ring in the mage's room nder cadiam, and i was lookings in other plances for things
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
Posted 09 October 2001 - 07:59 AM
Well, in the dresser in Kosha, you find out that _______ is a cross dresser. 
I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~

I am no one, and I am everyone. But most importantly, I am
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~
"I don't need a plan, just a goal. The rest will follow on its own"
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
- Magic: the Gathering, "Temper"
The One And Only
~Theo Nean Donly~
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