If anyone can answer these questions without spoiling the game, it would be appreciated.
1. Where do you find a fishing pole? and are you supposed to fish off the coast of odemia and you'll wind up with a sapphire book?
2. Do you ever learn the skill "swimming"? would this be used for getting around in some of the caves that have water in them, and you can't go any farther, even though there's things on the other side?
3. What skill or item do you need to open secret doors with "no obvious way to operate it.."
4. Is there a spell of some sort in one of the higher degree halls to unlock magically locked things, or is blowing them up the only way?
don't give specific details if possible, i still want to make it through the game myself. thanks,
All that is gold does not glitter, not all
those who wander are lost
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Posted 14 September 2001 - 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Zair:
If anyone can answer these questions without spoiling the game, it would be appreciated.
1. Where do you find a fishing pole? and are you supposed to fish off the coast of odemia and you'll wind up with a sapphire book?
2. Do you ever learn the skill "swimming"? would this be used for getting around in some of the caves that have water in them, and you can't go any farther, even though there's things on the other side?
3. What skill or item do you need to open secret doors with "no obvious way to operate it.."
4. Is there a spell of some sort in one of the higher degree halls to unlock magically locked things, or is blowing them up the only way?
don't give specific details if possible, i still want to make it through the game myself. thanks,
If anyone can answer these questions without spoiling the game, it would be appreciated.
1. Where do you find a fishing pole? and are you supposed to fish off the coast of odemia and you'll wind up with a sapphire book?
2. Do you ever learn the skill "swimming"? would this be used for getting around in some of the caves that have water in them, and you can't go any farther, even though there's things on the other side?
3. What skill or item do you need to open secret doors with "no obvious way to operate it.."
4. Is there a spell of some sort in one of the higher degree halls to unlock magically locked things, or is blowing them up the only way?
don't give specific details if possible, i still want to make it through the game myself. thanks,
1. Steal a pole (there is a trick that makes it not stealing but that would be a spoiler) you can find em in some houses. No sapphire book is found by fishing.
2. NO SUCH SKILL! I havent ever heard of that and there is no such skill (I have learnt all skills and there aint a Swimming)
3. Find a lever. There is no skill like that there is just a lever somwhere that will open the door.
4. There is no spell in the halls of Pnyx to do that but there is a spell found on a scroll (telling you were would be spoiling) and it is best to learn it using a girimoire than to use the scroll.
Hope this helps
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
[This message has been edited by Verran (edited 09-14-2001).]
Posted 16 September 2001 - 11:58 AM
okay, so how about the sapphire book that the guy of house nicander threw in the sea? any possible hints as to how to find it?
i found the remove mage lock spell scroll the day i posted, about an hour later actually.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all
those who wander are lost
i found the remove mage lock spell scroll the day i posted, about an hour later actually.
All that is gold does not glitter, not all
those who wander are lost
All that is gold does not glitter, not all
those who wander are lost
those who wander are lost
Posted 16 September 2001 - 12:22 PM
Another way to remove mage locks is with bombs, although there are few. You can buy them in the Ratcatchers Guild, and also find a large stash in Omen's room. About the Sapphire book you mentioned. 2 things, look for loose dirt near Odemia, and get a shovel. 
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Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?
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