The Search for the Thieves' Cavern
Posted 25 August 2001 - 04:56 PM
"I have a feeling we won't find it here." Avatara said.
"Not on this shelf anyway." Eldrad replied as he moved to another shelf.
Avatara stopped examining the crystals arranged on his shelf. There were thousands in the room, a hopeless task for two people. Avatara began muttering to himself. "Now, if I were a special and powerful crystal that could be easily accessed, where would I be?"
"ARGH! Not this one either!" Eldrad threw the crystal in his hand across the room. It hit the far wall with a hollow thud before shattering on the floor.
"Aha!" Avatara walked over to the wall where the crystal fell, in between two sets of shelves. After a moment, he stood up, pushed on the wall, and a previously concealed door opened. Eldrad didn't notice Avatara walk in, and the door slam shut on its own accord. Eldrad turned, but he didn't see a trace of Avatara.
Avatara squinted his eyes to see in the dark room, when the door shut behind him. A maniacal voice sounded from somewhere nearby, "You fools. I shall get rid of you permenantly just like I did to your friends! Muahahaha..." Avatara felt something hit him from behind, and as his vision swam and blacked out he knew he had made a terrible mistake.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 26 August 2001 - 12:55 AM
"Hold him off a lottle more." she whispered "and Ill have a nice surprise for him."
Slayer and Rogan watched on, whithout their spell books and weapons they really couldent help much.
Just then the mage chanted a spell new to Verran and it was taking him long enugh that it might be pretty powerfull, Verran was about to send somthing over but it was too late. The mage shimmered with a water effect and then that water affect left him and became a towering Elemental. The mage didnt get to cast another spell as Katzes poion dart found its way to his neck and he dropped dead. The elemental on the other hand didnt.
"Must be an elemental indipendant of its master" Verran concluded.
"Its a water elemental is weak ainst fire." siad Rogan
"Yes" said Slayer "See if you can cast a fire spell."
On his friends advice he cast a fireball that slammed into the elemental, However this only distracted him a bit. Verran then began to chant an Elemental summon spell. By the time the water elemental was finished risistng the fire Verran was done.
Verran was pulsing with electericity and his eyes had gone blue again. This time though not a storm of Lighning bolts but an elemental was cast. The electric elemental looked like a storm cloud in humaniod form with electric currents coursing through it.
The elementals charged each other and began to fight.
"I only knew an Electric elemental spell" Verran explaned "But it think I have him now."
Verran then began to chant upp a very potent fireball. Just as it was ready he yelled out a word of command to the elemental and it moved aside. The fireball was much more effective this time and by the time the flames ceared there was no more wter elemental.
Verran salvadged his own elemental for mana and they came over to the new wall. Verran quickly began chanting a detect trap spell.
"There is a magical fire trap on this door if I touch it it will defentitly trigger." said Verran.
"Well then stand back." said Rogan and touched the wall.
A blast of fire burst out into the party and hit just between slayer and Verran. Verran and slayer gave it their best and finaly disrupted the spell.
"OK" said Katze "Now lets get out of here"
"How?" they all asked.
Katze realized she didnt know and the all bagan to search for a way to get through.
"Ive got it!" yelled Rogan.
"Got what?" asked Slayer.
"the solution!" he replied "Verran Cat lightning on that wall, try to aim for the center."
"Oh good" said Katze "Well just take it out peace by tiny peice."
"Actually" said Verran "I think I know what he is trying to do." and he formed a lighting bolt, shot it and Boom! The wall had a hole in it.
They peered through and could just see a small keyhole in it.
"It is a magical gate but it was sealed over with normal stone." said Rogan "Now Katze can you pick the lock?"
'Can I ever!" said Katze exitedly, and she began to work on the lock.
A minute later the lock clicked and the wall dissapeared.
"Quick" said Verran "The others are in danger!"
"I know were they keep the crystal." said Slayer "Its on the top floor. In the mages study."
"Darn!" said Verran "Thats the only floor with only one of us on it. Avantara is in trouble!"
*we dont know that anyone else is with him*
So they ran off in the direction of the weapons locker........
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
Posted 26 August 2001 - 09:46 AM
He started to knock on the wall, and heard hollow thuds.He wasn't the best secret detector, so he decided to ignite his sword and shoot a fire ball from his sword towards the wall.
The wall exploded with dark green fire, and he found Avatara unconscius on the floor.
He looked around and then he saw a man chanting something in an odd language.
trust not what your eyes behold
Posted 26 August 2001 - 10:14 AM
"'re too late!" the mage said, as the pieces of the door slammed into Eldrad, knocking him forward onto the floor. Eldrad spun and jumped to his feet, barely in time to dodge the mage's spell. The mage hurled a massive wave of energy at Eldrad, who was barely able to counter it in time. Holding the crystal high, it sparkling in the light, Eldrad found he couldn't move. "It ends now!" The mage laughed.
"What's going on?" Magpie and Lindus had stumbled upon the room full of crystals, and the scene they saw astonished them.
"No! He's using the crystal! He must be stopped!" Lindus shouted as Magpie rushed forward. Magpie used a quick spell, to distract the mage from Eldrad. Lindus jumped over, and grabbed a metal rod leaning against the wall. Holding the rod in the air, Lindus enchanted a spell on it; the rod glowed white and a blast of lightning shot out from the rod, and struck an eerie green sphere that had resolved around the mage. Magpie grabbed the nearest blunt object, and smacked the mage on the back of the head. The crystal flew out of his hand, and scattered in a corner somewhere, Magpie didn't see where. The mage spun and opened a channel of energy to Magpie, sucking out Magpie's mana and health, and using it to power his own attack.
Rogan, Slayer, Katze, and Verran emerged into the room, just in time to see Lindus take an impressive blow, and crumple to the ground unconscious. Despite not having the crystal's power at his disposal, the mage had already used it to gain impressive strength and power. He dropped Magpie, having drained the energy from him.
"Its your turn..." the mage laughed. Slayer glared back for a reply. Verran shot a blast of lightning that echoed off the walls, but struck the protective mana shield the mage had cast.
"This doesn't seem to be going very well..." Katze muttered.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 26 August 2001 - 12:00 PM
He jumped out and shot a pillar of dark green fire on the mage,
wich was deflected by the shield.
The mage spun around and shot a lightning bolt at Eldrad,wich hit him on the stomach.
Slayer shot a mystic arrow at the mage at the same time as Verran shot a lightning bolt.
The mystic arrow was deflected by the shield,but the lightning bolt hit him in the back.
The mage was thrown at the wall after wich Rogan charged at him.
The mage cast some sort of shield that Rogans sword couldn't penetrate.
Slayer revived the fallen, and Verran ran to the crystal.
trust not what your eyes behold
Posted 26 August 2001 - 01:15 PM
The mage looked at Verran, he was surrounded by enemys and looked to be in a loosing fight.
"Its Verran isnt it?" he sneered "Your spell was quite interesting" I had an aprentice of mine bring the Spell book to me while you were out. With the crystals help I leared the spell, and now none of you will get out alive!"
With all of magpies power he had more than enough to cast the spell, he bagan chanting in an ancient elven language and a vortex of wind began to grow around him.......
*This should be interesting

Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
[This message has been edited by Verran (edited 08-26-2001).]
Posted 26 August 2001 - 04:14 PM
"Chanting, of course." Slayer said.
"I see that!" Katze snapped. "Now what do we do?"
"Knowing the spell I'ld say: run for it." Verran replied. "It's just that we can't do that now."
"Oh, well..." Katze grabbed her dagger tightly, and - knowing the danger of the situation - charged at the Mage, only to be thrown back into Rogan by the strong winds around him. She got to her feet grimly, and prepared for a second attack.
"It's no use, Katze." Rogan said. "We won't get him that way!"
"Maybe, but it's the only way I have. I'ld feel useless if I wouldn't try." She grimaced as a bolt of pain shot through her right leg. By the looks of it, her ankle was hurt. She clenched her teeth, and charged again. Rogan reached out to hold her, but she evaded with magical agility and speed, even though she was hurt. This time, the winds did not throw her back, as she reached the Mage unhindered. She did not, however, place the deadly strike she had hoped for, as the remainder of his magic shield dflected her blow and only cut his right arm.
At least it was a distraction.
This is not dead which can eternal lie,
and in strange aeons even death may die!
Posted 26 August 2001 - 04:50 PM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 27 August 2001 - 01:47 PM
and charged at the mage and cut off his left arm.
The mage scremed in agony, after wich Eldrad pierced the mages torso with his sword.
The mages screams became weird gurgling sounds,
after wich blood started to come out of his mouth.
Eldrad pulled out his sword, and spat on he mages body.
"Is everybody okay?"asked Eldrad.
"Here's your crystal" said Verran and gave Slayer his crystal.
"Thanks" was Slayers response.
"What are we going to do now?" asked Avatara
trust not what your eyes behold
Posted 27 August 2001 - 02:43 PM
Avatara was not in a much better state, though he had no apparent wounds.
Eldrad looked down, a little ashamed. "Well, of course..." He knelt down beside Avatara to take care of him, while Verran healed Katze's leg and Rogan went over to Magpie to make sure he was alright.
All the while Slayer went around the room searching for clues as to why they needed his Crystal. "I don't like that... that couldn't possibly be everything now, could it?" he muttered.
"Why not?" Katze asked. "You got your Crystal, the mage is dead and we can all return to Talos' bar and have a drink." She stretched.
"The curse!" Rogan cried out. "Now what do we do about Talos' curse? ... I mean, look at him! That guy is dead!"
"Oh, ****... I forgot..." Eldrad and Katze murmured.
Everyone looked at each other.
"Maybe he was the wrong one?" Verran suggested tentatively.
"There's only one way..." Magpie, who had finally come to his feet, said. "Search the rest of this stronghold and hope..."
The group atarted out with the room they were in.
This is not dead which can eternal lie,
and in strange aeons even death may die!
[This message has been edited by Moonshadow (edited 08-27-2001).]
Posted 27 August 2001 - 08:27 PM
"I have a theory..." Lindus proposed, "If the crystal was used to curse Talos, then maybe I could attempt to use it to remove the curse."
"I get it!" Magpie blurted out, "Talos isn't turned to stone, he's merely trapped in time so it seems that way! By the time he has to take a breath, millions of years could pass! If we can somehow reverse that..."
"What are we waiting for?" Katze exclaimed, obviously excited about the notion.
"There's something else." Eldrad pointed out, "I don't like how this fortress is its foreboding something bad about to happen."
"The calm before the storm..." Avatara muttered. Some of the group noticed a low hissing sound, far away in the background. Just then, Rogan returned.
"The exit is blocked by some type of magical shield. Oh, and there are a few physical difficulties. That big shaking we felt when the mage died appears to have been the enterance collapsing. Hey...what's with the hissing?"
Now, the hissing was loud enough for everyone to hear. It was also loud enough to determine that it was similar to a noise everyone knew all to well. It was the type of hissing sound found on fuses of explosives....and it was getting louder fast.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 27 August 2001 - 08:34 PM
"That crystal is too dangerous for mortal men, it must be destroyed" Slayer was grim. Although he knew it was evil and it must be destroyed a part of him wanted to keep it. Imagine the power he could have, if only this, this Demon Magpie wasn't interfering! "No!!" Slayer yelled, and in a batlle against his will and his emotions he hurled the crystal at Magpie. Magpie cautght it beutifully and holding the crystal above his head he chanted "AmookSumanRu Nammahy Fuiut GunDOR!!!" The crystal light up blazing wiht inner light. Magpie laughed, a evil wicked laugh filled with hatred and disgust
"For eons I have been hidden!" he laughed again, filling all those who could hear with dread "You pittiful humans are to simple minded to understand your danger. Now all realitys are in my control!" He turned to Slayer "You are hardly worthy to do so much as stand in my presence" Magpie spat "Filth" At this moment Lindus cried out, and swung the metal bar at the crystal shattering it into a million fragments. Magpie screamed a horrid piercing scream. Around Magpie a bright white lgiht appeared. A light that was pure white but with a tint of evil. A tint of darkness.
The light envoloped Magpie searing brightly. It faded leaving no trace of Magpie or the crystal, distantly the company could hear hollow mocking laughter. An evil voice, like Magpies, spoke to them
"I will have my revenge"
Time is a predator that hunts you down. You can cheat it for as long as you like with doctors and medicines, but in the end time will catch up with you. What if I was to tell you I had found a place where the predator had no teeth?
Posted 27 August 2001 - 08:47 PM
"NO!" She cried, "We needed that crystal!"
Lindus dropped the rod, realizing what he had just done. He had destroyed their last hope at freeing Talos.
"Um...guys, we have a problem!" Rogan chimed in hurriedly. Verran and Avatara had found the fuse, and it was burning down fast.
"...and that one isn't the only one!" Slayer shouted, across the room. He had found another fuse, and there was bound to be more. So many, in fact, that they didn't have time to stop them all.
"We have got to get out of here! NOW!" Verran shouted, running back after a failed attempt to put the first fuse out.
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 28 August 2001 - 01:00 AM
"Watch out!" he yelled. And through the bomb at the wall beside the force field.
The explosion was big enough to make a small hole in the wall, which they all climbed through.
After they had Katze and Avantara through they began to run. As the bombs exploded those behind were pushed forward into the ground with sickening force (Verran Slayer Katze). Eldart and Rogan ran back to help, Verran wasnt looking too good but after a quick heal spell he was alright.
"I checked the others" said Eldard "Theyll be okey."
"I just thought of something" said Verran "We dont need the crystal or the mage, We probably just need whatever it was that took over Magpie."
"Yes that should be right." said Lidus.
"Just one problem." said Katze "We are in a cave and for all we know he is in another dimention."
Just then A blinding light appeared and Magpie, along with some of those demon things that had assulted him and Katze, were standing there.
"Now I will have my revenge!" Yelled Magpie in a terrable voice.
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
[This message has been edited by Verran (edited 08-28-2001).]
Posted 28 August 2001 - 12:18 PM
Slayer shot a lightning bolt at one but it didn't even harm it.
Katze took out her dagger and Eldrad ignited his sword,
while Verran,Rogan and Avatara started chanting.
Katze and Eldrad charged one of the demons.
Verran summoned a lightning elemental,
Avatara shot a strong fireball but didn't seem to harm them,
Rogan summoned a fire elemental.
Magpie laughed in mockery and shot a dark bolt at Avatara,
wich he just barely avoided.
no one seemed to even harm the demons.
"They are somehow magically protected!" screamed slayer.
"We arent getting anywhere" said Avatara "Verran do you think that you could try to cast that wind spell?".
"I think so, but then you all should get out of my way!" said Verran, and started chanting.
Eldrad and Katze ran away as fast as they could, and got just in time out of the way.
The magical winds started blowing,
and then a white blueish color started to appear in the winds.
Then the wind started blowing against the demons and Magpie pushing them back.
the winds got brighter and brighter until they were blinding.
And after a while the winds stopped,
and all of them were temporaliry blinded and rubbed their eyes.
When they regaind their vision they were amazed,
the cave was a lot bigger and all sounds echoed eeriely.
There was no sign of magpie or the demons anywhere.
"Do you think Magpie is dead?" asked Eldrad.
"I'm not so sure" was Avataras reply.
They checked that everyone was ok and healed the wounded.
Suddenly a dark bolt came out of the shadows and hit Rogan in the back.
"Did you think you would get away from me that easily?" asked Magpie,
as he walked out of the shadows laughing in mockery.
"Quite an impressive spell i must say" said Magpie "But not good enough!".
He shot a dark bolt at Verran and hit him in the stomach.
Katze charged Magpie but was thrown back by a magical shield.
Eldrad ignited his sword and shot a pillar of dark green fire at Magpie but it was deflected by a magical shield, Magpie laughed at their attempts to attack him wich failed.
"Youll have to do better than that!" said Magpie,
and shot a dark bolt at katze hitting her in the leg.
She screamed in agony as the bolt hit her leg.
the mages magics didn't work on magpie who laughed and laughed.
Eldrad tried to charge him but was also thrown back by the shield,
after wich Magpie shot a dark bolt at him too.
But this time the bolt hit Eldrads sword splitting it in half.
From the sword started to flow some kind of dark green fog,
and the gems lost their colors becoming plain white.
Suddenly Eldrad himself started burning, he screamd in agony and felt to his knees.
Magpie stopped laughing and looked at Eldrad
From the fog came out somekind of humanoid.
it talked in a strang tongue, after wich a blinding light became manifested.
Eldrads screams stopped and the light faded away.
The "heroes" found Magpie lying on the floor and Eldrad was missing!
They went to Magpie and he seemed to be sleeping,
they woke him up and he seemed to be normal again.
They started to search for Eldrad but they didn't find him anywhere.
After a few hours of searching they gave up.
"What are we gonna do now?" asked Verran.
*out of character*
don't write anything about Eldrad. Iv'e got a plan...
This seems to be my longest post.

if you do write about Eldrad i'll be very very angry like this --ð

so dont write about him!!!!
trust not what your eyes behold
Posted 28 August 2001 - 01:11 PM
"Katze!" Rogan said warningly. "There's no need to accuse anyone, okay? I know you're frustrated, we all are! And not only because we didn't find Eldrad and don't know what to do for Talos... we're also all tired from so much work. I suggest we rest for now, and when we're all rested, we'll set out again."
Katze nodded, but still didn't look at Magpie.
"But I think we should appoint watches." Slayer remarked. "We've seen nothing, but that doesn't mean nothing's here. And if we don't find Eldrad tomorrow we'll leave -"
"But -"
Verran was cut short by Slayer. "- through that hole we found in the southern end of the cave. Maybe it'll lead us out of here. We can't live on rock, we need more provisions and better equipment to search more effectively."
To that the others could only nod.
Katze agreed to take the first watch, Verran would take the second, Rogan the third, Slayer the fourth and Magpie the last. They made themselves comfortable as best they could on the rock and went to sleep immediately, without anyone talking.
*I hope you don't mind me talking about him, though

This is not dead which can eternal lie,
and in strange aeons even death may die!
Posted 28 August 2001 - 05:42 PM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 29 August 2001 - 12:48 AM
The theives stared mout open at the party that had apparently found their secret entrance for a moment and then got ready to fight.
Not fast enough though as Avatara Rogan and Verran all hurled fireballs their way. The front wave of them were gone but another 10 came on, Slayer Rogan and Katze took these on while Verran an Avatara cast benificial spells on them.
"That got em!" said Rogan "Its nice to be cutting down theives again!"
Then they all sat down as Katze and Slayer went off to hunt. As it happened they got talking about where each other was from, When Avatara finished his story Veran was just staring at him.
"What?" Asked Avatara after becoming annoyed.
"Its just that I didnt know you were from the same land as my father." Said Verran "Athough he probably left before you came to power. He told me that before he gave up his magic for my mother (She was human) he had been one of the people at the top of the government, the master of air or something."
"Hmmm..." Said Avatara "You mean your father was that vile scum that has taken over my homeworld?"
"I dont think so He left before you were around, but what what do you mean taken over your homeworld?"
"Oh, I don't think before I was around, that would have been some 600 years ago. Maybe it was before the council was formed, that would be in a reasonable time frame. Maybe he was one of the Elder Council, in the far northern lands..."
"It could be, but what's this about your homeworld taken over?"
Avatara told Verran how it had come about that he and many others had been forced to flee his land, or be forced to fight a terrible war.
"I see" said Verran "Well at least the magic of air is not evil, becouse thats how I become such a good mystic, by learning from my faters spell books and lecture. I would very much like to see the land of my father....." said Verran trailing off "If you ever do return you can count on me to come with you!"
"I have a feeling that it wasn't the magic of air that corrupted him, it was his desire to know all the magics...and the dark ones were too tempting. Once he found an impressive power he could use to manipulate others, he found it too hard to give up."
*If this last part doesent work with your storyline Avantara tell me and Ill edit it out, I just thought it would be nice to have an actually acnoleded home of "the elves" becouse there are so many other characters who are elves but no common homeworld.
I just edited it a tad.*
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
[This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 08-29-2001).]
Posted 29 August 2001 - 04:23 AM
"Look i know what happened wasn't your fault" said Katze staring uncomfortably at her feet "But what did go on?" Magpie grinned, Avatara shifted with the sight of the grin and rubbed his wound, something had changed about him. "I was taken over by the Crystal . With my mana drained its will was greater then mine" Slayer and Lindus looked uncomfortbly at Magpie, something defently had changed in him. For the worste most likely.
*I geuss you guys are wondering why i became evil. It is becuase of this: I think that in all team stories the good guys (Every one who posts) are fighting the bad guys (The people who post make them up). This means you good guys have to think up the Evil plot as well as your own. Now if I went as a bad guy to fight against you guys then you would only have to think of one storie line (Although a little help would be nice) and i could think of the bad storie line thereby improving the qualiyies of all posts. Or this could just be a really bad idea and i am nuttty*
Time is a predator that hunts you down. You can cheat it for as long as you like with doctors and medicines, but in the end time will catch up with you. What if I was to tell you I had found a place where the predator had no teeth?
[This message has been edited by Magpie (edited 08-30-2001).]
Posted 31 August 2001 - 05:19 PM
*Who knows? What about the other Crystals? What about Magpie? Talos? And, last but not least, Eldrad? Let's go on with it, until we come to a fitting conclusion. I, myself, find this one to be rather unsatisfactory...*
I was just trying to revive the good 'ol Cytherian spirit, from the older stories. Unfortunately, Talos, Theo Nean Donly, Rogan, Slayer, theKestrel, nor the other people that are good at this didn't post. Only five-person stories aren't the greatest.
I vote the party just sits down right now and has a picnic while we wait for Eldrad to post his idea, and see what we could do with that. After all, I was hoping to use the crystal on Talos, as that's the only thing that will save him from this curse....but other people had other plans, which is the fun behind these stories. But, too much 'variation' can lead to people tiring of the stories, as in this case. And its even worse when people don't read or understand the posts before them. (Magpie seems off in his own little world here

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 02 September 2001 - 03:12 AM
"Of course we have do find it!" yelled Avantara "Without us Cythera will be without a bartender!!!!"
"Well" said Verran "We have 2 options. One is to head back to town and recruit some more heroes and try to find were this thing could have gone."
*this means starting a new topic and then going from there*
"The other is to continue searching, I say we put it to a vote."
Verran then sat down to see what the others would say......
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
Posted 02 September 2001 - 04:29 PM
Avatara spoke up, "This is tiring, and I doubt we could find Eldrad until a time of his choosing. We must have the crystal, but as we don't right now, I say we return. I don't believe there is any more to do here."
(I hope this is okay, it goes to show you not every quest is successful)
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 02 September 2001 - 04:49 PM
This is not dead which can eternal lie,
and in strange aeons even death may die!
Posted 02 September 2001 - 05:22 PM
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel