what is everyones favorite archetype?
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Best archetype
Posted 01 July 2001 - 01:18 AM
I like the rouge with the 3rd face on the boys list. He has sp much character and i think althoug they master little of the magic they really kick arse at every thing else

"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..."
Posted 20 August 2001 - 09:45 AM
I like the Mystic (although the mage and wizard wind up the same way in the end) They get lots of mana and I LOVE blowing ruffiens to bits with lighting and fireball.
By the way does anybody know how to kill aralic (is that how you spell it?) in a straight fight. I can kill anybody else as well as all my team but I cant get him.
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
By the way does anybody know how to kill aralic (is that how you spell it?) in a straight fight. I can kill anybody else as well as all my team but I cant get him.
Ok so I cant think of a good signature.
Posted 20 August 2001 - 10:20 PM
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