I'll probably only get "This topic has been discussed/answered" replies, but here goes anyway:
I'm stuck... I don't know what to do.. I've been walking around cythera hopelessly for 2 days now... Not finding anything. So please, someone help me.
These are the tasks I have yet to complete:
-Cure Alaric (duh)
-Ask Halos about Comana (I just can't find the guy)
-Investigate Iron mine (Been, there seen the ghost.. told that woman the report..etc.)
-Retrieve Books of Wisdom (3/10) (still at it)
-Find Harpy Egg for Pheres (err, I've seen them, but got killed)
-Find Eioneus (Hm, where do I find a mage enhancing weapons magicly...)
-find source of Kesh (I've eradicated that encampment at the mountains, an now?!)
The things I've done:
-Rescue kidnapped Ariadne
-Learn Magic at Magisterium
-Interrogate Bandit
-Show crystal to Lindus
-Take crystal to Timon (Now I have 2)
-Seek out Prusa
-Get Gator SKin to Alastor
-Put flowers on Andra's grave
-take net to Stentor
-Cure plague in Catamarca
I'd REALLY appreciate it if any of you *experienced* players would help me!

-Carl / Black Beard
Arrrrrrr!!!! D'ye have some rum, matey?
[This message has been edited by Black Beard (edited 04-10-2001).]