My theory on the Larisa disappearance mystery: Myus and Larisa are the same person - Larisa is Myus in drag. Timon is under an undine spell to convince him he has a sister. This spell also explains why Timon is so abysmally ignorant when asked about things like the pylons that Timon has mentioned in his own book. It also explains why no one in Khosa recognizes the name Larisa (or Joppa either - Joppa must be Pelagon; these disguises are how they are searching for the Crolna shards). Only the mages know of her, and they must know her only through Timon. This also explains why Timon stops asking about her when you go in her house after getting the last Crolna shard (the spell is broken). The only person who knows about Myus/Larisa is the fighter in the ruffian encampment who found out when Myus last visited the camp. The revelation was so shocking that the fighter was struck speechless and paralyzed on the spot. (Now if only I could work the non-functioning lever in the mining camp into this theory...)
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A newbie's theory on the disappearance of Larissa
Posted 27 April 2001 - 05:38 PM
It sounds a little far-fetched, but beleiveable.
Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?
Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?
And we're never gonna tour again.
Posted 27 April 2001 - 06:10 PM
Welcome to the Cythera Webboard!
Tycho Maudd
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
Tycho Maudd
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
Posted 27 April 2001 - 07:28 PM
I found it a good read. 
I realize that I am on the lower slopes of the mountain. I have crested the easiest, and as I gaze with hope upwards, I know that discipline will be needed to reach the highest peaks of understanding. This is my goal.

I realize that I am on the lower slopes of the mountain. I have crested the easiest, and as I gaze with hope upwards, I know that discipline will be needed to reach the highest peaks of understanding. This is my goal.
Since 2000.
Posted 27 April 2001 - 07:36 PM
Interesting, but why would Myus need to dress in drag when he can have Pelagon cast some sort of shapeshifting spell on him? (anything is possible.)
No one in Kosha (actual spelling) recognises the name probably because they're all undine drones. Go figure.
I seriously doubt that the fighter was so shocked he was paralyzed. More likely that he was a captive who has been gaged and tied up (that's why you can't talk to him, he won't move, and hector/meleager/timon/aethon get mad at you when you hit him)
And besides, Myus never conspired with ruffians. He probably couldn't withstand the political backlash if he did and was seen. That's why his brother Darius did all the negotiating.
As for Timon not understand stupid things: just a script (like play script, not technical script) error, if he was under an undine spell he wouldn't be able to lie to Larisa and Joppa. Though frankly, I really wouldn't be surprised if Joppa was really Pelagon.
Try to change it to fit these and then we'll talk
I am neither left wing nor right wing. I am falling from the sky because my wings beat each other up.
No one in Kosha (actual spelling) recognises the name probably because they're all undine drones. Go figure.
I seriously doubt that the fighter was so shocked he was paralyzed. More likely that he was a captive who has been gaged and tied up (that's why you can't talk to him, he won't move, and hector/meleager/timon/aethon get mad at you when you hit him)
And besides, Myus never conspired with ruffians. He probably couldn't withstand the political backlash if he did and was seen. That's why his brother Darius did all the negotiating.
As for Timon not understand stupid things: just a script (like play script, not technical script) error, if he was under an undine spell he wouldn't be able to lie to Larisa and Joppa. Though frankly, I really wouldn't be surprised if Joppa was really Pelagon.
Try to change it to fit these and then we'll talk

I am neither left wing nor right wing. I am falling from the sky because my wings beat each other up.
Reality has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
-Stephen Colbert
Posted 01 May 2001 - 01:44 AM
This seems quite far-fetched. But, when you think about it, they do look similar. I don't think the fighter was paralyzed by shock, because there is also a blacksmith there in that camp which seems paralyzed too. But why are people paralyzed like that in the first place???
Posted 03 May 2001 - 02:36 PM
Interesting theory, but it lacks plausibility... motivations are missing. Why does Timon need to be convinced that he has a sister?
My theory is that Larissa's disappearance is a loose end and a very frustrating one at that, since you can't do anything about it.
My theory is that Larissa's disappearance is a loose end and a very frustrating one at that, since you can't do anything about it.
Posted 03 May 2001 - 04:50 PM
I think this is save too say. WELCOME TO THE WEBOARD! 
Tycho Maudd
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.

Tycho Maudd
I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.
How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell
Posted 13 May 2001 - 11:10 PM
There's going to be a little change here. When I talkt o the mages they don't recognise the name Larisa. And if you've combined all the Crolna, leave Kosha then go back in, and go straight to Larisa's house, with Timon close behind you, he still says the same thing. What's up with this!?!?
#12 Guest_A person AWB TJB_*
Posted 14 May 2001 - 12:46 PM
Um... could anyone Please read mine? Review it ? Comment? Anything? I'd like to know what people think of it. Who knows, maybe your review could turn this into a post rivaling "tavern continued 2"
Please? Anyone? Rogan perhaps? (i'm groveling!!)
Please? Anyone? Rogan perhaps? (i'm groveling!!)
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