I've found only six of the 10 Sapphire books, tho i can remember from an earlier game reaching the 7th Hall of Learning in the Magisterum. Where are the Sapphire Books of Beauty, Victory, Foundation and Mercy.
I wear Omen's ring but I haven't found anything towards whether if it helps or harms me(filthy Undine

I don't wear the odd helmets cuz they only block blows that would hit me, but from reading the topics, its sounds like they have some sort of magical protection. Do they have any special propeties?
There's passage blocked by a huge flow of lava, at Land's End. I can get there by taking the northern hole on the first floor of the volcano, tho i can see a piece of obsidian and what could be a passage. Is there a way past Deep Lava?
There's a secret passage(?) wall in left of the cave tunnel under The LandKing's Hall that i can't open(?). Has anyone opened it?
A hint: if you open the doors to the Void by the LandKing's Lab, open the world window all the way open and carefully move around, there's a set of drawers and a blue crystal ball on the wall left of the secret passage, left of the LandKing's lab. But, i can't get Fetch to work. Do i need to be a Mage, like you need to be a Thief to get shake down to work? You shouldn't need certain mindsets or skills to get certain magic spells to work so is there a new version with these changes?
Help with the first two questions is all i really want or expect an answer to, but I was hoping the other questions were linked to the first two.
"Treat animals just like they're people"
"But, we don't even treat people right."