Originally posted by Theo Nean Donly:
"Oh great, now we have to solve passwords while going through a maze," Rogan said. They approached the door on the right first. It read
I'm tired of hogging the riddles, some one else make one.
Oh great, I give up. What is it?
*The journey back to the tavern was un-eventful. When they were almost there, they heard a loud sound. The sun was just beginning to set behind the sky, but loud howls and snarls were surrounding them. Rogan hides the emerald in a black leather bag hanging at his waist, and wraps a dark cloth around it to conceal it. They hurry in the direction of the tavern, Cademia being just in sight now, but suddenly a wolf-like creature appeared in front of them, baring its teeth.
A quick glance around was all that was needed for the party to realize there were similar creatures all over. With a tiny burst of flame, the creature's fur caught on fire and it howled in pain while running around frantically. Rogan, at the front of the group turned to see smoke trailing from Avatara's right hand. Avatara guestured to the nearby forest, and Rogan acknowledged with a nod of his head. The group dashed through the now-dark forest.
After about an hour of running and hiding, the group realized they couldn't shake their pursuers and were starting to wonder why. Ducking into a cave, the group sat down silently and rested. Only then did they start to realize...
The cave was lit by a faint green glow, and upon examination, the cloth covering the pouch with the emerald was shining with a brilliant green light. Rogan removed the cloth, and took the emerald out of the bag, to reveal it glowing in the dark. With realization on how they were being tracked, they started to wonder what to do. Everything they covered it with wouldn't hide the glow enough, so they needed a better idea. Finally, Avatara came up with a suggustion.*
"We could put a wizard's web around it."
what?" Rogan asked.
"A wizard's web. I could cast one around it, its like a magical disguise. It can completely cover up features of the object, and is undetectable except by something adept in illusion magic."
"That might work." Theo pointed out.
"There's only one slight problem, it takes a lot of mana, more than what I have as it is not my normal spell type...I would need someone to give me their mana and part of their life force in an energy transfer. Unless, someone has a better idea that is."
"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
"Sometimes I get confused whether I'm posting on ATT or in the War Room. But then I remind myself: If it's moderators acting scatter-brained and foolish, then it's the War Room*.
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel