The Island
Posted 25 December 2000 - 06:13 PM
Confucious say... "Don't drink and park--accidents cause people."
Posted 25 December 2000 - 06:42 PM

And with that the boat started nearing the small island...
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
[This message has been edited by J.Ace21 (edited 12-25-2000).]
Posted 26 December 2000 - 09:54 AM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 27 December 2000 - 07:50 AM
Everyone drew there wepons or powered their magic.......
Ring Of Recharge
My Site [url="http://""][/url]
Sign up for the Cythera Webring at: [url="http://""]http://edit.webring....webring[/url]
Posted 27 December 2000 - 08:54 PM
"ROGAN! Get back on the boat! The water is going to freeze I need to pull the boat away!"
Rogan quickly slashed at the monster's body one more time and jumped onto the deck of the boat. Rogan cried,
"Fanatic, Brian charge your spells"
but they had already started and bolts of lightning were springing from their fingertips into the water killing the monster...
*Out of Character*
Who's active in this story?
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 28 December 2000 - 08:23 AM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 28 December 2000 - 10:16 AM
Ring Of Recharge
My Site [url="http://""][/url]
Sign up for the Cythera Webring at: [url="http://""]Yahoo Webring[/url]
[This message has been edited by Mr.brian (edited 12-28-2000).]
Posted 28 December 2000 - 12:43 PM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.
Posted 29 December 2000 - 09:37 AM
Posted 29 December 2000 - 10:13 AM
Ring Of Recharge
My Site [url="http://""][/url]
Sign up for the Cythera Webring at:Yahoo Webring
Posted 29 December 2000 - 05:08 PM
*Out of Character...
character info:
Health: 110/110
Magic: 215/215
Mind: 53
Body: 24
Reflex: 31
6 foot 11inchs
201 pounds
Ring Of Recharge
My Site [url="http://""][/url]
Sign up for the Cythera Webring at:[url="http://""]Yahoo Webring[/url]
[This message has been edited by Mr.brian (edited 12-29-2000).]
Posted 29 December 2000 - 07:19 PM
psst... [url="http://""]http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000506.html[/url]
Thought you might be interested.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."
*Unless it's Avatara, of course."
-- From the memoirs of Sundered Angel
Posted 29 December 2000 - 09:04 PM
As they started to make camp Rogan looked up and said,
"Where's GameFanatic?"
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 03 January 2001 - 08:30 PM
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 03 January 2001 - 09:21 PM
The way to cure yourself of all ill's is to:
Not think about green cats with blue stripes after 12pm for two hours
The Crimson Dagger
[This message has been edited by The Crimson Dagger (edited 01-03-2001).]
Posted 03 January 2001 - 11:38 PM
Slayer's guide to Cythera:
Posted 05 January 2001 - 05:26 PM
I wish you wouldnt manipulate my character tike that while im gone...I had no wish for my chatacter to stray from the group...
***Back in***
Time is suddenly reset, and they are back in the boat. as the adventurers were talking, the boat neared the island...This time, fanatic stays with the group...They see a cave nearby on the island and enter it...
They say it's mostly vanity that writes the plays we act--
They tell me thats what everybody knows.
There's no such thing as sanity, and thats the sanest fact--
Thats the way the story goes...
Posted 06 January 2001 - 06:30 PM
I don't think he did that without a reason. you were gone and hadn't told us that you would be....
*Back in*
As Rogar steered the boat into the cave the group was able to see that this must've once been a large harbor for trade ships. They could see masts of sunken boats sticking out of the water and sails floating on the water.
"There's someone here," said Fanatic
"And that someone cleared out the original occupants, look over there." The group looked to where Rogan was pointing and saw a large mound of bodies... burning bodies.
"The fire is still new. This damage wasn't done a long time ago so the 'someone' is still here."
As they went past the bodies low mumblings were heard, and dismissed as the wind but suddenly the burning bodies got up wielding swords and daggers...
a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.
Posted 06 January 2001 - 06:49 PM
They say it's mostly vanity that writes the plays we act--
They tell me thats what everybody knows.
There's no such thing as sanity, and thats the sanest fact--
Thats the way the story goes...
Posted 07 January 2001 - 10:20 AM
I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.