I discoverd that I can put several chest into a chest of the same size. And more chest into those, and so forth to infinity and beyond. I don't know what it's good for but I find it entertaining.
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A chestful of chests
#2 Guest_TrevorZ_*
Posted 18 March 2000 - 05:21 PM
Buttercup wrote:
I discoverd that I can put several chest into a chest of the same size. And more chest into those, and so forth to infinity and beyond. I don't know what it's good for but I find it entertaining.
I discoverd that I can put several chest into a chest of the same size. And more chest into those, and so forth to infinity and beyond. I don't know what it's good for but I find it entertaining.
During beta, all sorts of entertaining things of this sort were discovered and fixed. For example, corpses could hold tons of stuff, and you could haul corpses around pretty easily. So if your inventory was getting full, all you had to do was throw your excess junk into a ruffian and haul him around. If you look at the alpha/beta test credits carefully you will see Jason Whong credited as "Alpha Corpse Abuser" for his extreme and hilarious (well, in a sorta warped kind of way) manipulations of dead bodies.
Trevor Zylstra
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