What is more, it was also storming.
Urslyph saw Bellpheron with a powerful rare jade book.
But before that, a shape-changer spoke to UrSylph.
Then UrSylph conspired with a shape-changer.
Urslyph poked Bellpheron.
Urslyph whacked Bellpheron.
Alaric and Larisa conspired together to capture Urslyph with his own bucket of sour milk. Alaric prepared his strange goat.
Alaric saw Urslyph.
UrSylph was a pretty person.
Only a hair dryer or pliers could have pressed UrSylph.
Though it was thought that a shapechanger could do the same.
Urslyph whacked Alaric, but Alaric soon bonked him in retaliation.
Later, Urslyph tried to whack Alaric.
"Have you hugged your fat bucket of sour milk, or are you just afraid to really
use it?" Urslyph boldly questioned Alaric.
Urslyph tried to hug Alaric.
Magpie tried to bonk Urslyph.
Alaric blasted Urslyph.
Larisa impaled Urslyph.
Then a shapechanger zapped Larisa.
"I do not fear your sharp strange goat, for I have a powerful rare jade book of whacking!" Urslyph proclaimed. "Give up or I shall use my rare jade book!"
Then Alaric pummeled UrSylph.
Afterwards, Alaric zapped UrSylph.
But before that, UrSylph injured Alaric.
Urslyph conspired to eat Magpie with his bucket of sour milk.
Magpie was a robotic person.
Magpie stood with Meleager preparing boxer shorts for use.
They felt that Hector, though owning boxer shorts as well, would be no match for them.
After that, UrSylph hit Magpie.
Then Meleager zapped UrSylph.
Magpie then talked to Alaric's belly with a old battery.
Hector and Larisa then healed Alaric with a Hamster Mallet.
The End.
[This message has been edited by moderator (edited 07-14-2003).]