Actually Pallas, we're using a new system for Season 2-if you've played the ladders for WC2 or SC you'll be familiar with it. The only change we made was to take account the difference in ranks between you and your opponent when determining the percentage chance of you winning against your opponent.
Everyone starts with 1000 points- people with no games aren't ranked on the ladder so those who have sub-1000 will still be ranked.
The points that you win/lose are based upon the percentage chance you have of winning against your opponent, calculated using both differences in your clan rank and difference in your ladder score.
So say you're a new player and have the starting score of 1000. If you play against another player with 1000, you'll gain 25 points for winning and the loser will lose 25 points-reverse is true if you lose.
What if you play against a player with a 1500 score on ladder and a rank of General or Marshall? Then, if you win, you'll get about 50 points, and the General will lose about 50.
But what if the General wins? Well then, you'll lose only 2.5 (rounded off I guess..) while the General will gain a similar, low number.
This system prevents players from newbie-bashing their way to the top while still allowing you to play MaG games against higher-ranked players without having to worry about serious damage to your record.
You can read all the new rules and about the full scoring system at [url="http://""][/url]
This really shouldn't cause any problems in my opinion
[url="http://""]Ares Axis[/url] Admin
[url="http://""]MaGLeague[/url] Ares Admin
GR/[url="http://""]MaGChat[/url]: Col. El Patrick
#2 on MaG Ares season 1(just don't ask what I placed in the tournament!)
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-24-2002).]