At sometime every few weeks or days, Hera switches the ids and names of all the objects around. People like Slug will realise that is disasterous. For example...
Lets say the Gaitori Cruiser has an ID of 300 and an explosion has an ID of 600. This bug will switch the ID's. Now the inital object editor for every level with a Gaitori Cruiser will not change the selection to the Gaitori Cruisers new ID or name, so for example, Easy Street will start with not Gaitori cruisers, but explosions and so forth.
Hera cannot, it seems, change this back, so the only thing I can do is bin it and load a backup copy. This can mean a few hours work down the drain

I decided to let everyone know this cause it has appeared twice on the same day I posted this topic, and if Nathan Lamont doesnt reply to my email soon then I will have to email one of the Moderators who will forward it to andrew who will forward it to Nathan with a priority status. This is a serious bug that could put some people off making mods.
[This message has been edited by Zell (edited 11-13-2000).]