Who are the Species?
Posted 23 July 2000 - 12:32 PM
Jane Burns
No Guts, No Glory.
She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything!
Posted 23 July 2000 - 01:37 PM
1) Humans: Got a message telling them to send a large ship with a large population to a distant system. They do so, only to discover that it was a ploy by the Ishimans (covered next) to save them from the Cantharans (covered later). The humans get really pissed that their planet was stolen, and start a war. The humans that stayed on Earth expanded their space a little, gaining three extrasolar colonies before the invasion of the Cantharans.
2) Ishimans: Zookeepers of the galaxy. With their holier-than-thou attitude, they preserve 'primitave' and 'endangered' civilizations on replacement planets or a Topopolis (tubeworld, kind of like cosmic spaghetti). The Ishimans, after a severe tounglashing by the captain of the Apollo, provided the Ares (new name of the Apollo) crew with the hardware to win Earth back from the Cantharans. The Ishimans were crippled in a battle with the Audemedons (covered later) in the Lalande system, losing a signifigant portion of their military equipment.
3) Cantharans: A former trading empire and forger of peace, the Cantharan Order was racked by the Boodan Civil War, which saw the rise of the Salrilian backed Boodan Zealots. The Zealots used asteroids laced with a biomechanical virus to gain control of planets, and eventually took control of the order, and soon began a massive expansion campaign in the name of the gods Zom and Doz to increase "enlightenment." Although it is speculated by the Ishimans that this expansion has more to do with followung the paths of the virus ridden asteroids than it does with enlightenment. Due to increasing belligerance, the Cantharans were eventually diplomatically excommunicated by most of the galactic powers, with the exception of the Gaitori, Salrilians, and Audemedons.
4) Gaitori: Once a powerful trading empire, the Gaitori Union is now little more than sentry to their economic supporters, the Cantharans. At one point, the Gaitori had the potential to be a huge militry power. At the height of this potential, they were engaged in a cataclysmic war with the Obain (covered later), which the Union was slowly winning. The tide of the war was turned however, when the Salrilians provided the Obain with cloaking technology. To this day, the Gaitori bare a deep hatred for the Salrilians, but can take no action due to their loyalty to the Cantharan Order.
5) Obish: A species not too terribley influential on the Ares plot, yet important in its history. The Obish helped the Ares crew in a few missions. The rest was covered above.
6) Bazidan: The Bazidan Star leuge is a current trading empire (this is how most galactic powers get their start, and some make a permanant job of it). The Bazidan are an economic backbone for any bergeoning (sp?) power, and are renowned for their patience. The limit to this patience was found when the Star leuge was being harassed constantly by Cantharan raids, and sunsequently, the Bazidan provided equipment to the Ares crew and the Ishimans.
7) Elejeetians: One of the oldest and arrogant species in the known galaxy. The Elejeetians rarely demonstrate their amazing militry potential. However, after a Salrilian raid on the Banadee, the liner ferring Minister Jommo, they were compelled to assist the Ishimans and the Ares crew.
8) Salrilians: The puppet masters of the galaxy, and most likely the oldest. The Salrilians are obsessed with predicting and controling destiny, and are said to have the ability to predict the future. This ability is far from supernatural however. Through a series of millions quantum computers spread throughout their space processing all the information they can get known as the Oracular Net, the Salrilians can easily predict any event in the galaxy. According to Salrilian proverb, an unknown factor is the most dangerous. Thus, they spend considerable resources into the research of other species. This research is conducted primarily in deep space simlabs. The Salrilians are the master race of both the Cantharans and Audemedons, and will exploit both of them freely to make sure that their predictions come to fruition.
9) Audemedons: A race of sentient machines built and abandoned long ago by an unknown race. The Audemedons' technology in amazingly advanced, surpassed only by that of the Elejeetians. The Audemedons' central consciousness was assimilated some 1,000 years ago by the Salrilian Oracular Net, and now serve as Salril's elite guard.
I hope that covers it. Someone please correct me if I got something wrong and/or left something out.
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 23 July 2000 - 06:03 PM
With all due respect, what were the source(s) you used to write your post?
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 23 July 2000 - 10:57 PM
Jane, in the plug-in series you take part in there are two additional races. Cicion probably can best describe them.
Sundered Angel,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy
#5 Guest_No thing_*
Posted 24 July 2000 - 12:09 AM
These are beaver-live critters who are very timid and nervous when it comes to war. These are the guys in the Aqua-colored ships that you fly during the game. The Ishiman miss the good ol' days of when there was peace and prosperity and everyone were the good-guys. They like to preserve undeveloped cultures and basically fight the bad-guys

The Ishiman point of view:
--Gaitori: The Gaitori are a bunch of slobs. We used to like them for their trade, but they were dominated by the Cantharans and now just get in our way.
--Obiards: The Obiards are our allies. We aided them during the last of the Gaitori/Obish wars, and they still owe us a favor.
--Cantharans: A bunch of overzealous religeous freaks. We do not like them. They are expanding their space. Their beligerance is disrupting our trade routes and their crusades against the 'unenlightened' are destroying other cultures.
--Bazidanese: The Bazidanese and us are a lot alike. Our relationship is friendly, a sort of 'scratch my back scratch yours' thing.
--Salrilians: We are not the best of friends with the Salrilians. They are an ally of Cantharis so we don't like them (and they don't like us). We try to stay out of each others' ways.
--Elejeetians: We are allies. We both have a lot in common--good technology, but a reluctance to use it in battle.
--Audemedons: These Artififial Lifeforms serve under the Salrilians. The Audemedons are very dangerous, so we avoid them at all costs.
--Humans: Brave, Noble, a bit pigheadded and arrogent at times, but they are brilliant leaders and aggressive fighters. The woefully underpowered ships they fly are a testament to human spirit. We manage to maintain a friendship despite us being at the opposite corners of the galaxy.
The Gaitori:
The Gaitori used to be a peacefull trading empire untill they were subjugated by the Cantharans at the Start of the Crusades. Now they serve as the border guard of Cantharan Space. Their ships are those white, hulking, glued-together pieces of junk. They are your enemies in the game.
The Gaitori Point of view:
--Ishiman: The Ishiman are among our many sworn enemies. We hate them, since they helped the Obish during the Gaitori/Obish Wars. We leave them alone and don't bother them; what do they do? They attack us (led by the Ares)!
--Obish: Our main enemies. We have gone to war with the Obish many times.
--Cantharan: We were attacked and dominated by the Cantharans during the Crusades. They are our overloards and we dare not rise up against them.
--Bazidanese: They're too far away for us to care. They're not a threat anyways.
--Salrilians: The Salrilians are way too spooky. They helped the Obish during the Gaitori/Obish wars, so we hate them.
--Elejeetians: Heheh, we could really smash them up good, but we probably wouldn't survive in the process. We try to keep our distance from them (try).
--Audemedons: The who?
--Humans: The humans are arrogant and dangerous, but frankly we don't care about them. We know their primitive ships would not dare attack us.
The Obish
The Obish have been in several conflicts with the Gaitori in the past, and they have always been enemies. At one point, they were losing the most recent war, but unexpectadly received help from the Salrilians and the Ishiman. The Obish are quick and their ships are a Royal Blue.
The Obish point of view:
--Ishiman: Were it not for the Ishiman, we would surely be speaking Gaitori by now. We like the Ishiman a lot.
--Gaitori: While in huge numbers and terribly aggressive, their ships are too primitive to be a threat. We have gone to war many times with these buggy basterds (they attacked us first), every time we have beaten them back.
--Cantharans: We are indifferent about the Cantharans. Some of us don't like them, but what could we gain by attacking them. We leave them alone, they leave us alone.
--Bazidanese: We like them because they try to maintain the peace and keep the trade routes intact.
--Salrilians: Were it not for the Salrilians, we would surely be speaking Gaitori by now. We like the Salrilians, even if they're a bit mysterious.
--Elejeetians: We hardly know anything about them, but at least they're neutral and not storming around the galaxy like the Cantharans.
--Audemedons: We learned this the hard way--stay out of their way.
--Humans: Best damn pilots we've ever seen. Good thing we're friends.
The Cantharans
Once a very large and peacefull trading empire, the Cantharan Order was rocked by the Boodan Civil War. They managed to win by bombing Boodan planets with virus-saturated asteroids, wiping out everything (shut up, Sargatanus). Although the Order prevailed, it was greatly changed. The elite and powerfull officials who kept the government calm during the war were reluctant to give up their power and (just like in EV) they corrupted into a tyrrany. They then started crusading arond the Galaxy, enslaving the Boodans, Gaitori, and the Humans. The Cantharan's are your main enemy and their ships are green.
The Cantharan Point of view:
--Ishiman: We view the Ishiman as sort of our equals. It's too bad we're on the opposite sides, as we really don't want to have to wipe them out.
--Gaitori: During the crusades, the Gaitori refused to convert to our religeon so we had to 'enlighten' them by force.
--Obish: Despite some recent border troubles, we have had no problems with the Obish.
--Bazidanese: These wimps are such pansies. We declare war, and they still try to maintain trade connections. We are very interested in their technology, so occasional raids on their borders are common.
--Salrilians: We don't know whether to see them as allies or overlords. Frankly we don't want to know. Fortunately, they cooperated every step of the way and we didn't have to convert them to our religeon by force: it could have been a very messy war.
--Elejeetians: Never, ever haggle with them.
--Audemedons: We don't like them, but the Salrilians have forced them to be our allies. Just don't ever attack one.
--Humans: Arrogant sods. We tried to enlighten them forcefully, but they chased us off with some help from the Ishiman.
The Bazidanese
The Bazidanese are very timid and obsessed with trade. Sort of like the Ferengi from Star Trek. They remain, or try to remain, neutral in all the wars and try to negotiate peacefull endings to the wars. However the Cantharan Order's beligerance is trying even the legendary patience of the Bazidanese. Bazidanese ships are very advanced and are mostly brown with navy stripes.
Bazidanese point of view:
--Ishiman: We try not to take sides, but the Ishiman are usually right in the wars. We conduct profitable trade with them.
--Gaitori: A bit stubborn when it comes to trading, but they also have the merchant's gift.
--Obish: Their systems are warzones with the Gaitori. Constantly fighting, those two. We conduct good, albeit dangerous, trade with them.
--Cantharans: We can't stand the Cantharans. They are very restrictive with our trade and have on several occasions worked up the gall to attack us, so we've cut off all trade with them entirely.
--Salrilians: The Salrilians are good at everything. They make the best traders.
--Elejeetians: The Elejeetians have, on several occasions, politely refused trade. They're pretty independant and hard bargainers.
--Audemedons: Scary bunch them Audemedons are. None of us are brave enough to venture into their territory.
--Humans: We dislike humans. They're too arrogent and... human if you know what I mean. Their systems are too deep in Cantharan space for us to rish tade with them.
The Salrilians are very mysterious and very advanced. They have an obsession with knowledge and they must learn everything. What they can't learn they contain. What they can't contain they destroy. Their ships are pitch black and usually have cloaking devices (some of them are hard to see even without the cloaking devices on).
The Salrilian Point of view:
--Ishiman: We hate the Ishimans. Their friends are too aggressive and the Ishimans are too bloody-minded for their own good. We stay clear of them because they have defied our calculations several times.
--Gaitori: At one time, the Gaitori had the potential to become a major threat to us, so we gave our technology the the Obish to keep the Gaitori in check. The Gaitori don't like us, and have on several occasions attacked us. Naturally we crush them whenever they do this.
--Obish: We like them, but they don't like us very much. We are not welcome in their space, so we leave them alone. The only reason they are where they are now is that we GAVE them all that technology.
--Cantharan: The Cantharans are idiots, but we are still allies. They have been pretty abusive towards us, but every since that incident at Bood, they've been quiet, almost afraid of us.
--Bazidanese: We like the Bazidanese because they are so simple. They are great traders, but they keep trying to rip us off. A display of power to them would very quickly shut them up. Yes....
--Elejeetians: One of their passenger liners recently violated our space. We disabled it and left it to drift.
--Audemedons: The Audemedons were once sentient, you know that? We've managed to contain them and learn about them. They are now mindless machines under OUR control.
--Humans: The Humans are a serious threat. We have tried to contain them and negotiate with them unsuccessfully.
I will continue this later...
Posted 24 July 2000 - 12:20 AM
I've never talked with him so I can't confirm any of this. As far as I can see, many of these claims are more like self-interpretation.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 24 July 2000 - 12:58 AM
[Sorry if anyone is offended by this, but I'm in a realy bad mood after work. Besides, I HATE it when people tell I'm wrong without telling me how and why.]
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 24 July 2000 - 05:28 PM
Hey, I've got this wild idea: Instead of saying "Shut up, Sargatanus. What you're saying is totally wrong and completely self-contracicting," how about pointing out where I'm wrong. It would help me out a lot.
[Sorry if anyone is offended by this, but I'm in a realy bad mood after work. Besides, I HATE it when people tell I'm wrong without telling me how and why.]
I apologize if I ever come across as rude. I can only assure you that it was never my intention to offend you.
But I am curious about the following:
Humans: Got a message telling them to send a large ship with a large population to a distant system. They do so, only to discover that it was a ploy by the Ishimans (covered next) to save them from the Cantharans (covered later). The humans get really pissed that their planet was stolen, and start a war. The humans that stayed on Earth expanded their space a little, gaining three extrasolar colonies before the invasion of the Cantharans.
1) How do you know what the message says?
2) The word "ploy" usually has a negative connotation. Are you suggesting that the Ishiman proposal (assuming that you do know the contents of the message) is some kind of trick?
Ishimans: Zookeepers of the galaxy. With their holier-than-thou attitude, they preserve 'primitave' and 'endangered' civilizations on replacement planets or a Topopolis (tubeworld, kind of like cosmic spaghetti). The Ishimans, after a severe tounglashing by the captain of the Apollo, provided the Ares (new name of the Apollo) crew with the hardware to win Earth back from the Cantharans. The Ishimans were crippled in a battle with the Audemedons (covered later) in the Lalande system, losing a signifigant portion of their military equipment.
1) Again, "holier-than-thou" also has a negative connotation, implying arrogance. I am wondering whether this is simply your interpretation rather than a fact? After all, one can interpret their exchange with the humans in the introductory text as sincere.
2) How do you know that the Ishimans have "Topopolis?"
3) The introductory text suggests that the Ishimans went along the plan beccause they saw it to their advantage. You imply that somehow their conscience was reawakened after a "tongue-lashing."
4) I also wonder about your point regarding the Ishimans suffering heavy losses at Lalande.
Cantharans: A former trading empire and forger of peace, the Cantharan Order was racked by the Boodan Civil War, which saw the rise of the Salrilian backed Boodan Zealots. The Zealots used asteroids laced with a biomechanical virus to gain control of planets, and eventually took control of the order, and soon began a massive expansion campaign in the name of the gods Zom and Doz to increase "enlightenment." Although it is speculated by the Ishimans that this expansion has more to do with followung the paths of the virus ridden asteroids than it does with enlightenment. Due to increasing belligerance, the Cantharans were eventually diplomatically excommunicated by most of the galactic powers, with the exception of the Gaitori, Salrilians, and Audemedons.
1) How do you know of the existence of Boodan Zealots?
2) How do you know they were backed by Salrilians?
3) How do you know that the Zealots used those special asteroids to gain control of planets? (especially considering that the text following the conclusion of chapter 7 suggested that this method of delivery is probably too slow)
4) How do you know that those Zealots gained control of the Order?
5) As I recall, the game itself only mentioned Elejeetians and Ishimans breaking off diplomatic relations. It never mentioned the Bazidanese or the Obish doing the same. Therefore I am at a loss as to how you can describe the Cantharans as being "diplomatically excommunicated by MOST of the galactic powers." (emphasis mine)
Gaitori: Once a powerful trading empire, the Gaitori Union is now little more than sentry to their economic supporters, the Cantharans. At one point, the Gaitori had the potential to be a huge militry power. At the height of this potential, they were engaged in a cataclysmic war with the Obain (covered later), which the Union was slowly winning. The tide of the war was turned however, when the Salrilians provided the Obain with cloaking technology. To this day, the Gaitori bare a deep hatred for the Salrilians, but can take no action due to their loyalty to the Cantharan Order.
1) "[E]conomic supporters" imply that the Cantharans provide grants or loans to help the Gaitori economy and government. How do you know that such economic assistance is being provided?
2) How did you know that the Gaitori had "potential to be a huge military power?"
3) How do you know they fought the Obish at the height of such potential? (assuming that they indeed had that potential)
4) How do you know that it was a cataclysmic war?
5) How do you know that they were slowly winning?
6) How do you know that the Salrilians provided the Obish with their stealth field technology then and not earlier or later?
7) If you cannot answer 6), then am I right to assume that your statement about their hatred of Salrilians becomes invalid as well?
Bazidan: The Bazidan Star leuge is a current trading empire (this is how most galactic powers get their start, and some make a permanant job of it). The Bazidan are an economic backbone for any bergeoning (sp?) power, and are renowned for their patience. The limit to this patience was found when the Star leuge was being harassed constantly by Cantharan raids, and sunsequently, the Bazidan provided equipment to the Ares crew and the Ishimans.
1) How do you know that a trading empire "is how most galactic powers get their start?"
2) How do you know that they were "harassed CONSTANTLY" (emphasis mine) by Cantharan raids? Chapter 14 is more like an invasion rather than a raid since the Cantharans took possession of the Bokleo Ststem. Incidentally, Chapter 14 is also the only chapter where a Bazidanese outpost was attacked in the entire game. Your use of the plural form of "raid" suggests that there was more than one of them.
Elejeetians: One of the oldest and arrogant species in the known galaxy. The Elejeetians rarely demonstrate their amazing militry potential. However, after a Salrilian raid on the Banadee, the liner ferring Minister Jommo, they were compelled to assist the Ishimans and the Ares crew.
1) How do you know they were one of the oldest? In addition, to make that judgment implies knowledge of which races appeared first and which ones appeared later. Can you please make a list of which ones are older than others? On what basis can you make that list?
2) Why do you claim that they are "arrogant?"
3) The use of "compelled" suggests that they were forced to fight after the attack on the Banadee. However, the introduction to Chapter 13 suggests that they were an old enemy of Cantharans. Another possibility is that the attack on the Banadee gave them the excuse to start a war with the Cantharans.
Salrilians: The puppet masters of the galaxy, and most likely the oldest. The Salrilians are obsessed with predicting and controling destiny, and are said to have the ability to predict the future. This ability is far from supernatural however. Through a series of millions quantum computers spread throughout their space processing all the information they can get known as the Oracular Net, the Salrilians can easily predict any event in the galaxy. According to Salrilian proverb, an unknown factor is the most dangerous. Thus, they spend considerable resources into the research of other species. This research is conducted primarily in deep space simlabs. The Salrilians are the master race of both the Cantharans and Audemedons, and will exploit both of them freely to make sure that their predictions come to fruition.
1) How do you make the judgment that they are "most likely the oldest?"
2) How do you know that there are "millions" of quantum computers?
3) Where did the Salrilian proverb come from?
4) Your description of the Salrilian relationship with the Cantharans and Audemedons imply a one-way exploitation relationship? From what basis do you make this judgment? How do you know it is not a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship? (a.k.a. "I scratch your back, and you scratch mine.")
Audemedons: A race of sentient machines built and abandoned long ago by an unknown race. The Audemedons' technology in amazingly advanced, surpassed only by that of the Elejeetians. The Audemedons' central consciousness was assimilated some 1,000 years ago by the Salrilian Oracular Net, and now serve as Salril's elite guard.
1) How do you know they were abandaoned?
2) How do you know that Elejeetian technology surpasses Audemedon?
3) How do you know their central consciousness was assimilated by the Salrilian Oracular Net?
4) How do you know the time that was accomplished?
I hope that my incessant questioning doesn't come acroos as rude. If it does, I apologize again. It is not my intention. My intention is to establish events that occurred prior to Ares. (Why do you think I take so much time to write so long a story on events prior to Ares if not for my curiosity?)
If someone asks me how I know the details of my story, I will readily admit that I don't. Only a tiny fraction of the details come from Ares. A significant portion comes from my personal speculation and extrapolation. The majority comes from my over-active imagination. I don't claim that my story had any basis in Nathan Lamont's ideas.
Therefore I am particularly interested when someone claims that their source is Nathan Lamont himself. (I know you didn't make that claim in your post. I am simply trying to make a point and putting those people on notice.)
As for your post, I believe my 31 questions can be further condensed into the following: How many of your details are from legitimate courses (namely, the game itself and Nathan Lamont himself)? How many of it are from your own speculations and extrapolations? How many of it are from your own imagination?
Again, I can't emphasize enough the point that I bear no hostile intentions towards you or anyone else. The reason why I am making such a lengthy inquiry is because you opened yourself to questions. If "No thing" also opens himself to questions, he can expect to also get a list of inquiries from me (which will probably be an even longer list since his post included even more details).
Finally, if for any reason you consider my questions offensive, I apologize and remind you that you are under no obligations whatsoever to respond.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft, 12/7/2001, Senate Judiciary Committee
Posted 24 July 2000 - 07:02 PM
1) Speculation and extrapolation. If we got a message to send something to a distant system, we would send a probe. The Ishimans wanted to preserve the species on a replacement planet, and for that you need a large popultion, which would require a large ship. Needless to say, they would have had to say something to this effect.
2) Ploy was the first word to pop into my head. And yes, I am biased against the Ishimans, but I'm not suggesting that they had any sinister intentions.
1) This was my dislike for the Ishimans showing. Nothing more.
2) Nathan Lamont talked about the Ishiman tubeworlds. I say Topopolis because that is what Pat Gunkel called them. Pat was the guy who first thought them up (or published them anyway…)
3) More speculation. The captian was probably really pissed when he heard that Earth had be taken over, and to him the negotiating with the Ishimans would seemed like giving them a tounge lashing.
4) Again this is speculation and extrapulation. When you play the level you lose a lot of ships. After the level you play as humans. Therefore I assumed that the Ishimans couldn't afford to provide any more ships (with the exception of the modified cruiser). Perhaps I'm using too much "if A, then C" logic.
1) Speculation/hinted at facts. The zealots of Zom and Doz took control of the order shortly after tha Boodan civil war, so I assumed that the zealots started at Bood.
2) Yet more speculation. The zealots believe that the Salrilians are true prophets (that's straight from the game if you doubt me), so it would make sense for the Salrilians to back them.
3) I essentially pieced this together from various conversation on the boards.
4) Well, most of the Cantharans are religious fanatics/zealots of Zom and Doz, so I assume it had a lot to do with Bood.
5) Hmmm… I guess I'm just flat out wrong on this one. I haven't played the original scenario in a while.
1) Something has to keep them loyal to the Cantharans. And after getting a pretty severe beating from the Obish (covered later), they could have used a boost. So this falls under speculation.
2) Nathan Lamont
3) Nathan Lamont
4) Nathan Lamont
5) Nathan Lamont
6) Nathan Lamont
1) This is the consensus made in several debates between sci-fi writers. If your species is just starting to emerge on a galactic scene already populated by more powerful species, the best way to establish yourself is to play the comodity exchange. There is a ten page debate lurking within this question, but I'd rather not get into it.
2) More reasoning. If the Bazidanese have "legendary patience," than it would take a lot of harassment (presumed constant) to exhaust it. As for the raid, it seems I'm wrong again.
1) This was hinted at by Nathan Lamont on AIM. Unfortunately, he gave no list, only saying that the Elejeetians were pretty old, and only the Salrilians were possibley older.
2) I believe it was said in level 13 that they were arrogant. But again, it's been a while since I've played the original plot.
3) Perhaps I should have said they "felt more than willing." I wasn't trying to imply that they were forced into anything.
1) This was hinted at by Nathan Lamont.
2) Again this was hinted at by Nathan Lamont, but I'm not sure if he said millions or billions…
3) Nathan Lamont.
4) This is merely my interpretation of it. No one knows for sure what the Salrilians think (except for Nathan Lamont) and I think that was the intent.
1) Nathan Lamont.
2) Nathan Lamont.
3) Nathan Lamont.
4) Nathan Lamont.
I hope that covers it. (Although I suspect more questions to come.) Thank you for taking the time to write a reasonable response.
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
#10 Guest_No thing_*
Posted 24 July 2000 - 07:28 PM
I hope that covers it. (Although I suspect more questions to come.) Thank you for taking the time to write a reasonable response.
You didn't say anything about the Obish.
Also, that stuff about the Cantharans is TOTALLY UNTRUE. The Cantharan Order (aka the Cantharan Starleague at that time) was once a peaceloving bunch of dudes. The Order was rocked by the Boodan War (the Boodans were rebelling against the Order), and the Order banded together and eventually won the war (it was a civil war), however the wartime officials refused to give up their power after the war (like the Confederates in Escape Velocity) and soon the Order became corrupt.
The Cantharan Order won the Boodan Civil War by Saturating Asteroids with (salrilian made) biomechanical viruses. They then Bombed the Boodan Planets with the asteroids. OK??!!
Sheesh, Sargatanus, everyone knows that.
Posted 24 July 2000 - 07:45 PM
Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.
Posted 24 July 2000 - 07:55 PM
Where in the galaxy are these people? I realize this might be very hard, and much easier if you were here, to point out. I've got the demo version of Ares. is that enough to show the whole galaxy? It doesn't appear to be, but... I geuss I'll know sooner or later.
Jane Burns
No Guts, No Glory.
"She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything!"
Titan AE
#13 Guest_htjyang: not the imposter_*
Posted 24 July 2000 - 08:21 PM
Whoa… I've got a lot of typing ahead…
Thank you for your prompt response. Personally, I try my best to confine my description of races to released material. As for my story, I am assuming that people who read the story I posted will recognize that it is a figment of my imagination judging from the amount of details I inserted.
The reason why I question your sources was because your post appeared to speak on good authority whereas I suspected that there was a mixture of your own interpretation and imagination along with released material. I was operating under the assumption that when the first post in this thread was intended to acquire legitimate information. I assumed that the person who made the original post can make up his own interpretations.
I won't bother debating with you your interpretations. Everyone works from similar amount of information.
Thank you very much for dealing with all 31 questions individually.
Note: Apparently what happened to Nothing happened to me as well. Someone is trying on many disguises. The above is the new name I am using. For whoever decided to use my name, all I can say is this: If I can write a long story, then I have enough imagination left to give htjyang enough variation. Besides, you may be able to psot using my name, But you won't be able to use my IP address.
#14 Guest_No thing_*
Posted 24 July 2000 - 10:05 PM
When did I ever anything contrary to the Cantharans being peace-loving before the Boodan civil war? And what are YOUR sources of information? I don't recall ever hearing anything about the Cantharans banding together like the confeds. And yes, I didn't say much about the Obish. There isn't mich information on them in the game, and I haven't seen much from Nathan Lamont either.
They didn't band together, they put military officials in charge and placed the entire galaxy under Martial Law. However, the Martial Law never ended.
oh and yang, just use a slightly different variation. switch the j and the th or something.
Posted 26 July 2000 - 09:47 AM

Hey, Angel. I was hoping you could explain more about this:
Jane, in the plug-in series you take part in there are two additionalraces. Cicion probably can best describe them.
No Guts, No Glory.
"She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything!"
Titan AE - Cale Tucker