Because of a password mixup when these web boards were changed I was unable to get the word out about the new ares clan that is now availible. Well finally now i can. The clan homepage is listed after this sentence. [url="http://""]http://www2.tscnet.c.../josal/TAG.html[/url] Check it out and then post a message here about joining and I'll get back to you. This is a good way to prove your skill to other ares players and have fun doing it. There's one catch about this clan's not open to everyone. To get in you have to tryout against a TAG member. (you can find out who's a member if they have a TAG prefix in front of their name on Gameranger or by checking our homepage) So if you think you're good enough---post a reply here! If your too lazy to do that i'll be hosting a tryout monday through thursday at around 3:30-4:30 central time open to everyone. cya
ramble on..
ramble on.. --Jimmy Page
(Leader of TÅG -
Magleague Ares Admin -
#1 on magleague season 1 -
Jim, I appreciate this flooding of clan stuff in every forum, but I already posted this message in the NEWSWIRE board a long time ago.
-[TAG] Slug
------------------ Sorry about your starship, Captain ga'Krüg, but as we say on Earth :
'C'est la vie'!
-Admiral Williams,
Shortly after the defeat of the 3rd Gaitori fleet.
Sarge, the creator of the clan, has somehow fallen off the face of the earth
and nobody else except him can edit the web page.
Although, i'll just post the standings for the remaining TAG members in the Ares Breifing room weekly. Check out the stats there and just forget aobut our webpage. That way maybe more people will want to be part of TAG.
ramble on..
[This message has been edited by Jimmy Page 1 (edited 05-08-2000).]
ramble on.. --Jimmy Page
(Leader of TÅG -
Magleague Ares Admin -
#1 on magleague season 1 -