Nah, the topic has stayed, for the most part, relatively stationary, it is the hill that has moved. The cause of the hill's movement, on the other hand, is certainly more difficult to understand than the topic maintaining the same general spacial coordinates. Perhaps the growth in size is due to some sort of upthrusting of rock due to a reasonably large amount of seismic activity in the vicinity, but that usually results in at least on cliff-face, which a hill certainly doesn't have. Perhaps it is due to the rapid erosion of surrounding farmland due to over-irrigation and a lack of crop rotation, but then again, the hill wouldn't necessarily be getting larger in that instance, it would simply appear to be growing. The proposition of some sort of volcanology at work is akin to lunacy as you will rarely end up with what can be called a hill due to volcanic events. Really, the only logical way to explain this is by making the assumption that the hill is, in fact, being created by a large pile of excrement originating with a large group of livestock of various varieties in an area with an unusually inhospitable climate for flies, decomposing bacteria, and/or dung beetles. Truly that must be it, the topic not going downhill, the hill of poo that it is sitting on is just growing larger (and, as SA is widely acknowledged as being King of Sheep and Other Various Varieties of Livestock, this probably has something to do with him conspiring against us all, but especially Av).
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -The Buddha