Character Info The CIA Factbook for Cythera's Heroes
Posted 24 November 2005 - 10:42 PM
Cimon is tall and has short-ish blond hair. He is from Catamarca and is a member of the Strymon family (grandson of Propontis's uncle).
Background (abbreviated version of TS post)
"Take the mountain pass to Pnyx", Berossus had said. "I can't detect any magical aptitude in you, but Lindus is a far more skilled mage than I. He's not headmaster of the Magisterium for nothing."
It had seemed like a logical enough suggestion, but the weather had seemed good when Cimon had set out from Cademia - plenty could change in an evening. At this point, though, he had nearly reached Pnyx, and it didn't make any sense to settle down for the night when there was still the hope of reaching a dry Dodona bed. That would be the simple first step towards putting his life back in order; Cimon hoped Lindus could help him make the second.
It was quite possible, Cimon mused, that all his troubles ran back to a single sea voyage he had taken back before Bellerophon had healed Alaric and the land. Cimon had been accosted by nothing at sea - there had been no hydras, no serpents to thrash his boat against the rocks. But superstition ran deep in Cythera. With the onset of the plague, he had been ostracized from his home city of Catamarca, and even after the true source had been found and removed under Tyrant's castle, Cimon couldn't return to a city that had turned its back on him.
As he raised his eyes to scan the horizon, Cimon thought he saw a triangular silhouette outlined near in the fog. He fervently hoped it was Pnyx; that he could find out what sort of strange ability he had acquired. As of late, he had begun to feel objects around him and to manipulate them without touch. It was not so much that it was unusual - in a child, it would be taken as an indicator of magical aptitude, and the child would be apprenticed to a mage and given a grimoire. But Cimon had never shown any such abilities in a child, and Berossus had been unable to detect any now. It was, it seemed, a matter for the Magisterium.
Posted 12 August 2006 - 01:53 PM
Age: 25 years
Height: 5'10"
Weapons: None, except for his mage staff and recently the Amulet of the Dead
Race: Human male
Weight: 180 pounds
Body: ???
Reflex: ???
Mind: ???
Armor: None
Spells: Various spells in the dark arts, necromancy
Occupation: Practitioner of the dark arts, necromancer
Affiliation: Death King's chief servant in Cythera
Rapierian (so named because of his narrow-seeming face) is distantly related to House Strymon in Catamarca and is forty-third in the line of succession for House leadership, as such he is sometimes (but not often) called "Lord Rapierian." When he was young, he showed some magical aptitude and was sent to Pnyx (some say that his family did this because of his very strange nature). For some time, Rapierian showed promise in his studies until it was discovered that he was secretly consulting the dark texts hidden in Pnyx's deepest vaults. He was then cast out of the city.
For a time, he wandered in the north of the Cythera, searching for the Temple of the Cult of Scylla of which he had read. After a while, he found it and was able to enter it. (It is believed that the Undine allowed this in hopes of using him against Tavara and to further spread their will in Cythera.) For some time, he remained in the Temple, learning what he could before he finally left it in disgust (it had failed to hold anything that he deemed of real value).
To the fury of the Undine, he decided that if they would not teach him what he wished to know he would go to one of their enemies and see what he could learn from him. As such, he journeyed to the Undead Strongholds in the mountains near Land King Hall. Again, he was allowed admittance (probably because Tavara now saw a chance to use him against the Undine). In the Strongholds, he learned much of the dark arts (including necromancy), but he ultimately left them rather than remain and become a pawn of Tavara. After many years, he finally returned to Cademia with unknown loyalties.
He participated in the attack on the Ruffian Encampment, the quest for the Sword of Elements, and recently the search for Katherine.
On this last, he was revealed as the Death King's servant when he claimed the Amulet of the Dead. Rapierian escaped the battle with Tavara and has since taken up residence in the Death King's old fortress.
His current plan are unknown, although he has appeared at Pnyx to talk to Propontis. He was present at Propontis's murder and knew the assassin, but this has never been conclusively proven.
It appears that during his wanderings in the north he must have stumbled on this fortress or the Death King's old prison and become a servant of that being.
Recently, he was cleared of any wrongdoing by passing a lie-detector test in front of Alaric and other powerful mages, although Alaric believes some outside force protected him. He searched for the Tree of Life along with the group.
Later, he traveled back to the past with another party of adventurers in an effort to stop an Undine-sent assassin from killing Chrysothemis.
Having returned to the present, he is once again traveling with a group on another quest.
As already mentioned, Rapierian has a long but thin face with green eyes. By some miracle, his color is actually healthy, although his hair has already whitened. Rapierian is slight of build and carries no weapon other than the typical staff of a mage. He also wears the typical robe of a mage, but his is black and seems more like a cloak than a robe. Under the cloak, he wears a grey shirt and black pants, along with a pair of black boots.
His only skills in a fight are magic based; he has almost no skill with weapons. Despite his long studies and practice of the dark arts, Rapierian is still young and somewhat lacking in experience. Yet it would not be wise to underestimate him or to underrate his knowledge of the dark arts (which as mentioned includes necromancy).
Rapierian is said to have a "strange nature." It might be more accurate to say that he suffers at times from mood swings. At times, he can be deadly serious, and, at other times, he can be almost comical. Some speculate that he is insane.
This post has been edited by Selax: 03 June 2009 - 05:45 PM
Posted 20 August 2006 - 05:30 AM
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet
Age: ???
Weight: 50 Kg
History: Satori once lived in the mountains of Cythera. A great city of magnificent might and power. but sadly the city no longer exists it was crushed eons ago by the colossal weight of the mountain. Satori only survived because she had been banished long ago. She was born with an ability not that like the mages but one who could kill with mind and emotion, people were afraid, and so they attempted to kill her. She slaughtered them in a furious attack. We found their bodies torn apart from the inside. Cast across walls. And that malice grew, she retaliated killing anyone in her sight.
The council stopped her. It took 8 mages just to control her savage mind and so, we cast her down to the deep foundations of our city. And hoped she would die. Who knows how she survived. But on the day we found her, she carried a gleaming scythe and was adorned in long robes, a weird amulet shining a deep blue light from a broken crack in its surface, hung from her neck.
She did nothing, just stood there not moving, eating nothing. The elder’s agitation grew, she was disturbing the population, and they asked her to leave. We were all surprised when she left without protest. But before she left we realized that she might harm others, ones who did not have the benefits of the mages. So we placed a mind block, one that would limit her memory of the anger and hate against people. And that so she would not remember fully how to kill. She left our care; she seemed at the time more like a vegetable then a person. Just silent. And slightly drugged looking. We guessed that she must have found someway to sleep through the ages or to remove fear of death.
For she is still hear. Mainly looking for answers or maybe something else, all we know is that there is still rage within her mind.
Scythe of the ancient one, this weapon mainly acts as a focal point for Satori’s unusual rage projecting it forth to rend targets apart with hate and malice.
Mark of the god’s ascendant. This weird mark, hangs around Satori’s neck. The old artifact is fractured and emits a blue light. This pendant seems to increase hatred, as an example two people walk near the mark. In a short period of time they will begin to distrust each other, then hate. And last but least attempt to kill each other. Who knows how Satori manages to keep the mark around her neck and still survive is beyond us.
The mark only really affects people to the full extent when Satori is angry.
Description: Satori has long black hair with small white tips hear and there.
Her face is pale and she is lean and reasonably fit. She wears old black tattered robes.
And her eyes seem to glow gold.
Fractured memory: Satori’s memory is broken she has trouble remembering things said only a couple of days ago. The biggest problem with this is that she may forget that you are helping her, or that you are not an enemy. This also limits her magic using capabilities. As an example, she may lock something in a box and put a protective spell over it and then forget about it and having it land in her face when she next tries to open the box.
Magic: Satori does not seem to be able to use the normal mage like magic.
Instead her magic seems to effect people’s emotion. This ability makes it extremely hard to cast magic while in her presence for the constant anger affecting the mages mind and makes it hard to concentrate. Satori also seems to be able to concentrate her rage on one target this often results in the target being torn to pieces. To approach Satori is also something that one should try to avoid as you move closer your body will be overcome with fear, you muscles will clench and you find moving difficult.
The main principle is that Satori’s magic while it can be devastating the full force of any of her spells can only be used when Satori is in a rage, other then that people will only find the effects of her magic are irritating and noticeable.
Posted 17 September 2006 - 12:18 AM
Name: Kickme
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weaponry: Mace, full helmet, leather breastplate, round shield, boots.
Description: Kickme is a newly trained ruffian. He has no combat experience so most people just ignore him. The only work he does at the moment is cleaning/pampering the veteran fighters. The ruffians are preparing him to be a spy, though he does not know this. Due to this minimal work he does his loyalty is not completely with the ruffians.
So far, the universe is winning
LotGD Development Server
Posted 18 September 2006 - 08:38 AM
Retsy is the essence of uselessness. She grew up on a farm with her parents and her big brother Toreon. Retsy knows no magic, nor does she own any weapons. She’s weak, and would not be able to hold her own in a battle against a ratlizard. She’s learned no reading, writing, nor arithmatic. Nor even has she exceled in the household work her mother tried so hard to teach her, and she was minimal help around the farm. Retsy gets opinions in her head, to such an extend that she may start up an argument. Having next to no contact with people outside her family, she is shy around strangers.
During her adventures with Cythera's heroes, Retsy has become convinced that she is a powerful sorceress. This upsets her greatly, because she believes magic is evil. But she has accepted her fate, and plans to take over Cythera as soon as she learns to control her powers, which seem to go off at random times because in reality she has no powers.
Retsy's parents were killed by ruffians on their farm, and her big brother was later killed by Undine.
This post has been edited by BreadWorldMercy453: 01 January 2010 - 09:53 PM
Posted 19 September 2006 - 05:20 AM
Gender: Male
Age: Physically in his mid twenties, his actual age is difficult to determine
Race: Human
Physical Appearance: Phaedrus is mostly unremarkable save for a look of weariness and almost constant bruising beneath two ocean blue eyes. His hair is dark and his skin pale; about him a faint smell of salt persists.
Equipment: Phaedrus carries a dagger. The blade of the knife has rusted into almost uselessness, and the inscription on the hilt, once proud, is now unreadable. Phaedrus wears a style of clothing not seen in Cythera since Alaric’s youth, and sports a tunic that is stiff and mildewy.
History: Phaedrus’s past is linked inextricably with the forces of the Undine. His exact fate is unknown to most, but he has memories of the Tyrants, the Cult of Scylla and even some of the land of humans before Cythera, Ancient Thera. More about him can be read in the chronicles entitled “Exodus”, which can be found here (part one), here (part two) and here (part 3).
This post has been edited by dusk: 26 September 2006 - 06:41 AM
Posted 19 September 2006 - 06:06 AM
Age: 22?
Equipment: Percius uses spears in melee combat. He is not skilled with throwing spears, but is very descent with a bow and arrows. He wears a leather helmet and a round shield that was his father's. He likes to travel light. His father was a guard of Cademia.
More complete description later- off to school!
Posted 01 December 2006 - 08:54 PM
Race: Half male human, half unknown species)
Height/weight: Varies
Age: Unknown (young)
Body: Varies (up to 18)
Reflex: 22
Mind: 46
Max Health: Varies (up to 151).
Max Mana: Varies (up to 98).
Status: Unknown, potentially dead.
Appearance: Uzsuy has blue skin, though otherwise looks like an average human. He has brown, curly short hair and always wears two spikes given to him by his mother when he was young (which connect to a top (tunik, shirt, etc.). He wears hand-made gator boots by himself.
History: Uzsuy's father was killed by something green (witness's bad descriptions) before he was born and his mother never told him what his father's species was. However, Uzsuy soon learned he could change his height, appearance, weight, strength, and power almost at will (though requiring concentration). It is assumed his father's species can do this. He learned magic at a very young age but his spell knoledge is not very vast.
Bio: Uzsuy is a young, instinctive half-human who is very stubborn and doesn't plan very well or very much. He can adjust his characteristics with some consentration, and if it wasn't for his blue skin no one would recognize him. He prefers magic and swoards to other weapons, and doesn't use shields any heavier than a round shield (which he carries). He wears an odd helmet which he didn't steal, but found out how to make, and made one after boldly stealing a harpy egg, personally hand-made gator boots, a metal breast plate, a ring his mother gave him (which has a meaning supposedly, but doesn't do anything), and his father's old pouch, where he stores his money and a small amount of belongings. Uzsuy likes adventures and expeditions, and doesn't like to be refused. He also likes to go wild sometimes.
EDIT 1/2/07: Updated bio.
EDIT 2/8/11: Updated status.
This post has been edited by Buzzzzy: 08 February 2011 - 06:06 AM
Posted 04 December 2006 - 07:46 PM
AKA Mort, or Bony
Several centuries ago, Mort was a student of magic at Pnyx. He came into possession of a book of dark magic, with which he began to experiment in secret. The last spell he attempted killed him, although nobody knows exactly which one that was. The book was supposedly never found, and no overt mention of it has been made since.
More recently, Mort's gravesite was struck by an accidental blast from a powerful magical artifact called the Zetacomb (an undocumented occurrence during the events of 'Witchhunt'.) The blast of energy somehow interacted with the residual energies of the spell that killed him, completing his reluctant transformation into a lich. The effect wasn't immediately noticed by those present, as it took several months for the reanimated Mort to dig his way out of his grave.
The combined effect of his death, and emerging several centuries after his own time, have undertandably left him extremely depressed.
Mort has picked up (literally, after the farmhand that was originally wielding it ran away, screaming) a large scythe, with which he occasionally impersonates the Grim Reaper.
Although he communicates by projecting his thoughts, he's by no means a mind reader.
Notes: For now, this character is intended for use only in the Tavern. I can't speak for the future, of course - Kronos I'm not.

This post has been edited by cache22: 16 January 2007 - 12:54 PM
Posted 08 December 2006 - 01:42 AM
Name: Shanadar
Race: Human
Occupation: City Enforcer (Guard/Peacekeeper)
Age: 44
Height: 6' 3''
Body: 28
Reflex: 32
Mind: 30*
*is not a caster, but uses his considerable wit to great effect in the course of criminal investigation, negotiation, and planning.
Attack: 8
Defense: 12
Behind his chestnut-brown eyes lies the mind of a quick-witted cynic, and behind his tattered cloak is the well-toned body of a combat veteran. In addition to the standard earthen-tone attire that is popular with Cythera's civilian populace, Shanadar wears a heavy belt and shoulder strap for carrying his equipment, which typically include his iron quarterstaff, provisions, and (sometimes) explosives. He does what he can to keep his mess of brown hair orderly, such as he can given the oft-chaotic nature of his line of work.
He is something of an expert in non-lethal combat, although he often attempts to end any sort of fight he finds himself in before it truly begins. Usually lightly armored if at all, he relies mostly on his speed.
While fast enough to dodge most attacks, and tough enough to endure some heavy blows himself, he'd be in serious trouble if he fought a similarly-swift opponent. Likewise, he's somewhat vulnerable to magic (though this is somewhat mitigated by the usual squishiness of casters themselves).
Though to most adventurers he might seem a bit aloof, he really does care for their well being--at least, for the upstanding ones, anyway. His primary concern is to maintain order, and the letter of the law closely follows. Those who would violate either earn his ire and swift judgment.
Born in the Mother City, Cademia, he grew up in an era of relative peace. When he came of age he was apprenticed into the occupation of city guard defending the Tyrant's castle, long since the established residence of the city's appointed Mage-Judge. For many years it was uneventful work, however when the LandKing's illness became apparent Cythera began to enter a state of decline with its sovereign. As crime escalated, the services of the city guard were increasingly called upon, and Shanadar distinguished himself against the rising tide of gang violence as a capable and devoted officer of the law.
Several years prior to the arrival of the hero Bellerophon, who would ultimately cure Alaric, the crime and violence in Cademia had reached such an epidemic that it was at last considered beyond the capability of the city guard to deal with, and they were forced to retreat first from the slums, and then into the confines of the castle itself. In response, Shanadar and nine of his colleagues were appointed as Enforcers; elite agents who could mete out justice with the Judge's sanction where the city guard could no longer reach. Together, they managed to push back the crime wave and contain it back within the ghetto-slums known as The Maze.
Realizing the threat that the Enforcers posed, the gangs began to organize with the intent of eliminating them. One by one they fell, until only Shanadar remained. Using his broadly-granted authority to take whatever measures were necessary to keep the peace, he managed to maintain the status quo through liberal bribery and brokering deals with the more benign of the criminal elements. Considering Shanadar a tolerable annoyance, and fearing what the powers that be might resort to if their last Enforcer failed, the gangs ultimately decided to leave Shanadar be.
When Bellerophon came and cured Alaric, the gangs ceased to expand, the perceived power-vacuum they were attempting to fill before having been side-stepped entirely. They did not, however, disappear, and Shanadar, the last Enforcer, remained hard at work dealing with them.
The onset of the adventuring craze came shortly after that. Shanadar could really care less about them, so long as they didn't interfere with his job. However, as the theme of adventurers became increasingly seedier, he took to monitoring them with caution. Most notably, he took to keeping a close watch on Rapierian, a Necromancer of poor moral fiber whom Shanadar helds in very low esteem; a fact accounting hugely for the reason he began tagging along with the adventuring parties to begin with.
To his eternal chagrin, two retired adventurers were brutally murdered in Cademia during one of his absences, and he's never quite forgiven himself for it. When Rapierian committed to murdering Propontis at Pnyx during a wedding at Pnyx which Shanadar himself having resolved not to attend, having decided it was more prudent to remain in Cademia to prevent more bloodshed. Shanadar immediately suspected the identity of the culprit, but could prove nothing. (For Whom The Bell Tolls)
It became all the more frustrating when, during a desperate attempt to rescue a kidnapped Wizard from a band of ruffians, the devious Rapierian reappeared, having coerced Alaric into issuing him a universal pardon, which all but confirmed his crimes. Shanadar has seldom let the Necromancer out of his sight after that, being quite certain that the Necromancer would eventually tarnish his newly clean record. Rescuing Wizard, it became apparent that his kidnappers had attempted to learn the location of the mystical Tree of Life. Thus, they embarked on a brief quest to find and protect it. (Tree of Life)
Shortly afterward, he was flung far back in time with several adventurers to the age of the Third Tyrant. After holding off a particularly nasty water elemental so that his compatriots could escape, he was briefly detained by the Tyrant's forces. Escaping from Cademia with a number of injuries, he rejoined with the others and succeeded in escaping to the present. (Terminated)
He tagged along with the adventurers to investigate some very strange killings in Kosha. Ironically enough, Rapierian was framed and briefly apprehended before mysteriously escaping. Shanadar suspected foul play at work, but again could prove nothing. Due to complications with teleporatation magic caused by the untimely--and worrisome--occurrence of Alaric abruptly falling ill once more, the group was split into two parties. Having lost Rapierian's trail, Shanadar traveled to Cademia with Katerei and Yomu to seek clues about the whereabouts of their quarry and their absent companions. There was the disturbing revelation of an assassination plot against the Mages, and in the process of foiling it the discovery of the existence of doubles from alternate universe. Shortly after they reunited with their missing companions, there was an ambush by unfriendly alternates, a fire, an enormous explosive golem, and a confrontation with alternate-Wizard at the castle, who was impersonating the Judge. Shanadar, Talos, and Silverfish remained behind to secure the safety of the city when the others went on to the LandKing Hall to stop a suspected plot against Alaric himself. (Dark Mirror)
This post has been edited by ~vIsitor~: 19 August 2011 - 04:10 PM
Posted 08 December 2006 - 02:58 PM
Species: Feline Elf*.
Age: Unknown.
Magical Ability: Nil.
Cat is about 1.5 metres tall, and is physically fifteen. She has waist-length silver hair, and amber eyes with pupils like a cat's. She always wears a deep blue cloak, deep blue boots, a deep blue shirt that is mid-thigh length with splits to the hips, and deep blue trousers. She has a jewelled belt, with diamonds and sapphires set in deep blue leather. The belt comes with a deep blue cover, which she always wears over the belt to prevent it glinting when she is trying to hide. She carries no weapons at all, and no armour. Her cloak is enormous, and can completely cover her. A single ring on her left ring finger is her only visible concession to jewelry. The ring has no obvious function (as yet...).
She is quick to anger, and quick to forget, but she never regrets what she has done. Cat doesn't carry grudges - she feels they are a waste of time.
Cat is not her real name, which not even she knows. She appeared in the Alraeican Tavern crying that she was being chased, and is not from Cythera. She is physically fifteen, but she doesn't know her age, nor exactly how she got here. It appears that all the people worth knowing in her country/world have amber eyes, and she instinctively trusts anyone who has the same eye colour.
Cat has no weapons, and no weapons training. She is exceptionally good at unarmed combat, and is good enough to defeat armed soldiers, but she is not invincible. When she is stressed, or unarmed combat is not enough, long claws grow from her fingernails and toes, much like a cat's. They are about 5 cms long, and are serious weapons, and can cut through some metals.
She doesn't wear armour, and never has or will. She hates it, and it actually impedes her fighting ability.
Best Skills: Unarmed combat, hiding, jumping, running, tracking, climbing, seeing in darkness.
Cat's combat is a form of karate, and she extends her claws and she fights without her boots, she can inflict serious damage.
Her cloak has magical properties, enabling her to hide anywhere in shadows.
Jumping twenty feet is nothing to Cat, who could probably jump twenty-five with a sufficiently long run-up.
She can run extremely fast, helpful when evading pusuers.
Cat can track a mouse through long grass, even if the mouse is tip-toeing.
She can climb like a... well, cat, kicking off her boots and extending her claws.
She can do all of these by starlight, as well or better, as she can see equally well in darkness.
Worst Skills: Armed combat, lockpicking, magic, thievery, swimming - she can't do and has never heard of them, except swimming, which she can do, and hates.
She has a terrible weakness for chasing things that twitch, and can only, with extreme effort, prevent herself from doing so. If she is sufficiently tired, or she can't concentrate, Cat will automatically pounce on the twitching, or hanging, object.
Cat can only be killed with a dagger made of sapphire, but she can be incapacitated, knocked unconscious, get incredibly weak from loss of blood, etc, so she's not invincible. It takes longer than usual for this to happen, e.g. an arrow in the chest will just slow her down, and she would complain about how it absolutely ruined her best tunic before noticing it hurt.
The Story of the Belt
Cat herself doesn't know where the belt came from, but it seems that the gems somehow 'store' life, and that could be one of the reasons Cat is really hard to kill. When it is needed, she can bring back a companion from the point of death, but not to full health, just out of danger. The belt works better upon elves, and even better upon herself. The belt 'recharges' in moonlight, and takes a very long time to fully recharge, almost a week of moonlight.
The belt means that the only way possible to kill her is to weaken her sufficiently so the belt kicks in to save her, then continue doing it until the belt is exhausted, then kill her with a sapphire dagger. You would need an extremely large force for this to happen.
*Feline Elves are unknown in Cythera, as Cat is the only one in existence. They are a race of Elves that share greater or lesser similarities with the great cats. Some are so similar, they can turn into or look completely like cats, whereas others merely have pointy ears and cat eyes.
This post has been edited by CrazyChick: 31 December 2006 - 06:07 AM
Posted 09 December 2006 - 02:28 AM
Race: human
Gender: male (but usually questioned)
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Character type: swordsman
Best skills: melee weapons, paranoia, running away from undead
Worst skills: appearing sane
Alice is tall and exceptionally skinny with ice-blue eyes and long, messy, whitish-blond hair. With his pale skin, it's common for people to think he's albino. He's never seen without his blue-and-black striped cap, which he usually jams over his eyes when he's intimidated. Usually he is dressed in a standard tunic and pants, a tattered black cloak, and leather boots. He carries a burlap bag with a strap slung over one shoulder, and a sword on the other side which he affectionately calls Sic, short for 'Sic Transit Gloria Mundi' ('glory fades'). The name is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, as the phrase is often associated with 'Memento mori' ('Remember you must die')... however, Alice has yet to still actually kill someone.
Alice's history is pretty basic. He grew up with his parents, got fed up with them and left town, and is now searching for somewhere to live. Along his travels, he stumbled across a graveyard, and a (probably bored) ghost decided to follow him. Alice was always a jumpy child, but having a rogue spirit showing up at random hours and chittering away in his ear has made him downright spastic. He is often overheard muttering about zombies and vampires, which is just him being paranoid about his graveyard experience, but the voices in his head aren't his imagination... most of the time.
Often, Alice is mistaken for a girl, due in part to his name and to his rather effeminate appearance. He will, however, vehemently deny this claim. As erratic and sketched out as he is, all he really wants to do is make friends... and maybe get rid of that ghost, as well.
This post has been edited by iKaterei: 18 June 2009 - 06:33 PM
Posted 31 December 2006 - 01:44 AM
Species: Copper Elf*.
Age: Unknown.
Magical Ability: Nil.
Starfall is about 1.5 metres tall, and looks about twelve. She has long copper hair, which she keeps tied back in two plaits, and copper eyes and skin. Her favourite colour is forest green, and she wears a green blousey thing and a green riding skirt. She has a green cloak too, dappled like sunlight shining through a tree, making it hard to find her if she doesn't want to be found. She never wears shoes. Her only piece of jewelry is a copper ring, which she wears on a fine chain around her neck. Starfall carries a long pole, maybe two metres in length, and while it has no magical properties whatsoever, it is two inches thick and her primary (and only) weapon.
Starfall is from the same world as Cat, and the two know each other well, even though they are two different species. She lived in a tree house near an abandoned mine, in which someone had carelessly left a magical crystal. The resulting magical echoes mutated her genes (see Side Effects of Starfall's Mutation).
When Starfall was twelve, she wandered off into the forest and got completely lost, and had been lost for two months when she appeared in Cythera.
Starfall's weapon of choice is a two inch thick staff with no magical properties. She is fairly good with it, but getting extra training would be a good idea. She doesn't wear armour, apart from her cloak, which is fire-proof.
Best Skills: Staff fighting, solving puzzles, climbing trees, detecting copper and brass, any feats to do with memory.
Starfall is fairly good with her staff, but not great - just good enough to make most wild animals think twice before attacking.
She is incredible at solving puzzles due to an excellent memory - most puzzles are similar, and she has encountered many.
Starfall lived in a tree in her world. There was no ladder up, so she had to be good at climbing.
Due to a strong affinity with copper, she can detect copper and other copper alloy metals from up to two hundred metres away.
Her memory is perfect - she can remember everything.
Worst Skills: Archery.
The first and last time she tried to learn archery, she managed to hit a tree, then full of remorse at hurting it, prompty fainted. She never touched a bow since.
Because she is part forest elf, she can't stand seeing trees cut down, or fresh tree stumps, and will cry over a dead tree like it's a person. She has learnt to see wooden objects such as tables and chairs without bursting into tears.
If she can't keep in close proximity with copper or copper alloy metals, she will, in effect, starve.
Side Effects of Starfall's Mutation:
Starfall is genetically mutated, the result of magical resonances in a copper mine. The magic turned her hair, skin and eyes copper coloured, as well as wiping her magical ability, perfecting her memory, dwarfing her, and making her rely upon copper for sustenance. She has a natural affinity with copper, and can locate even a small piece of copper from 200 metres away.
She needs copper near or on her person all the time, or she gets weak and wobbly after a time, much like one does when one is hungry. Starfall doesn't need to eat regular food or drink liquid of any kind, but sometimes she does it for fun. Having copper in close proximity seems to do away with the need for food of any sort. The copper near her doesn't get 'eaten', so she assumes she 'eats' the copper's aura. It all gets confusing, so she doesn't think about it much.
Starfall's Curse:
Upon learning Starfall had a perfect memory, an evil spirit cursed her with the ability of learning the memory of every person she touches. It meant that almost no-one wanted to associate with her, in case she learnt everything about them, but it also meant she always knew when her older brother had pinched her stuff.
She became a solitary child, never wanting to play with other children, and took long walks in the forest, sometimes vanishing for days on end. She found the curse didn't just work with people, it worked with any living animal, but not trees or plants. The trees in one part of what she had come to think of as her forest were almost sentient, (the result of a magical accident involving several acorns and a cauldron of bubbling purple goo, but Starfall didn't know that,) somehow managing to communicate with her. They became her friends, and she spent much of her time there, consulting them on how to abate the curse. They told her she should go on a quest to seek the answer, so she packed a blanket, a rope, some clothes and five chunks of copper, and left. Sometime after she appeared in Cythera, still hunting for the solution.
*Copper Elves are totally unique, whether in Cythera or any other world, as a peculiar chain of events lead to Starfall's genes mutating sufficiently to change her species.
This post has been edited by CrazyChick: 31 December 2006 - 06:16 AM
Posted 02 January 2007 - 03:38 AM
Race: Human
Height: 187 Cm
Age: Around 52
Weight: 80 kg
His known only as the Reverend,
He is a tall man, wearing a worn silver breastplate,
and a leathercoat kept open to show a raised sybol on his cheastplate, his pants are old and looked to
have been reparied many times.
His face wears the wrinkles of age, and his white hair
comes out from under what look likes a cowboy hat.
One hand holds a book, or bible of some sorts
whilst his other hand is empty, but is never far away from
a wierd mechanical device kept at his hip.
He appears only when he want and most of the time, when you least want him
for bewared all those who hateth the light, fire strike ye down with great venegeance.
He belives that he is his gods right arm. the blade to meet the sinners, He is the judge the jury,
now he is the executioner.
This post has been edited by Pippin 3: 03 January 2007 - 06:15 AM
Posted 10 January 2007 - 09:38 PM
Species: Faun.
Age: Forty human years, equivalent to about ten for a faun.
Magical Ability: Music.
Kerran is about 1.6 metres tall, and has brown hair, forest-green eyes and the usual youthful-looking features all fauns have. He is slightly built, even for a faun, and is extremely mischievous. He has the hind-quarters of a goat, and is very proud of his hooves, which are cloven, not solid. Do not insult them unless you want to dance until you drop. Like all fauns, he has a tail, brown like his hind-quarters.
Kerran was exiled from his world for (unknowingly) using magic at a coming-of-age ceremony. His specialty is music, and the instrument he plays is a little like a recorder in the shape of the letter Y, with fingering holes down the two stems. He is extremely good at playing it, and writes music for it in his spare time.
He loves playing practical jokes, and his magical ability with his 'recorder' comes in handy for evading pursuers, for it is hard to chase someone when you are pirouetting around the room from his dancing spell.
Kerran's only weapon is a dagger, which he uses to look threatening - he doesn't know how to use it properly. He wears no armour, and has never been in a battle before.
Best Skills: Music, running, hiding, climbing (but not trees), thinking up practical jokes.
Kerran has been playing his 'recorder' since he was very young, and it is the basis of his spells.
He is good at running and hiding due to being chased by his unfortunate victims after playing jokes on them.
His cloven hooves are perfect for walking over rough ground and climbing steep hills and cliffs.
Kerran is naturally mischievous - all fauns are, but him more than most - and loves playing practical jokes.
Worst Skills: Knowing when to stop.
Kerran will flinch every time he hears a note off-key or a sour instrument. He has music in his soul, and can't bear to hear anything played incorrectly.
Kerran has no mana, as his spells are music based. He is constantly creating new spells through writing music with a particular aim in mind, e.g. a spell to make something fly would be very light and soft, with lots of rising scales.
The names of the spells are pretty self-explanatory, and will affect everyone who can hear the music. The spells he can cast currently are:
Dance, happiness, sorrow, sleep, anger, flight, healing, fire.
This post has been edited by CrazyChick: 29 January 2007 - 05:25 AM
Posted 11 January 2007 - 03:56 PM
Age: Many Eternities, at least older than Cythera
Height: 6'1"
Weapons: Several daggers
Race: Unknown, likely the result of an experiment
Weight: Unknown
Spells: Ability to create simple illusions (see below)
The Nexus Lord is yet another black-cloaked figure; however, there is good reason for this. Under this cloak, he appears to be a nexus of colors�black, white, purple, etc.�looking much like a chunk of the Ethereal Void. Thus, it has been theorized that he uses this cloak to give himself some kind of form. Under his hood, the only thing usually visible is a pair of catlike eyes.
Recent reports have surfaced indicating that this description is inaccurate. It will be altered as soon as more information comes to light.
It is also believed that this creature has adopted another name during his time in Cythera. What that name may be is unknown at the moment.
The Nexus Lord is the product of an experiment: an attempt to create a creature that would function as the ultimate assassin. This experiment is believe to have taken place nearly 300 eternities before the making of Cythera. Although the experiment was not as successful as hoped, the end product is deadly enough and has become a renowned assassin throughout the Void. (It is still largely unknown who conducted this experiment or whether they survived doing so.)
Of all the people currently in Cythera, only Selax and possibly Wizard have so far encountered this being. It is said that the Nexus Lord is one of the main reasons that Selax chooses to sleep odd places and is always on alert.
Historically, this assassin has seemed to many to be a freelancer, taking jobs for money, challenge, or as a means to further his own goals. Some, however, believe that the Nexus Lord does answer to a master and does his bidding above all others.
The Nexus Lord has only just entered Cythera, perhaps at the bidding of this master and has begun to test Cythera's heroes by killing those he can and gauging the reactions and strengths of the others.
So far, he has killed only Indigo, although he no doubt is still on the prowl for others.
The Nexus Lord is quite athletic to an unknown extent (at the moment) and at least competent with a variety of weapons. His main skill is with the dagger, which he's extremely skilled with.
He has the ability to generate simple illusions, which vary in effectiveness depending on the strength of one's mind or the ability of one's eyes or on the number of people he's trying to fool at one time; these can be simple sights or sounds. The Nexus Lord can use these illusions to effect a chameleon-like ability for himself. (The effectiveness of this is dependent at least in part on lighting conditions and such.)
He is also resistant to telepathy and mind control.
*Credit for the name belongs to Jehezekel although he has very kindly let me use it.
This post has been edited by Selax: 21 February 2009 - 09:21 PM
Posted 13 January 2007 - 11:58 PM
Name: Talryn
Race: Half Elf
Current Age: 17 (in human years)
Gender: male
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lb
Mana Quantity: Standard
Status: Alive, Recovering from internal damage, Training
He has a past, but due to his heroic efforts to avenge the death of Toreon, he lost his memory because of a curse.
At the moment, he has no idea how to fight. With the aide of Thomas and Etiko and then hopefully Selax and Wizard, Talryn will learn how to fight and control his mana once again.
Talryn carries his sword that was used to kill Toreon, the blood has permenatly stained the blade.
Talryn's apperence really hasn't changed, except for maybe some scars.
Friends: Ton-Sair, Acquaintances with Selax, Wizard, Cat, Medoc, and others.
Other: Talryn has recently lost his memory and doesnt remember anything, with no hope of ever regaining that memory. Previous friends may have to explain their relationship and prove it before Talryn will believe them. Talryn, even after some pretty good convincing, still believes that he killed Toreon.
This post has been edited by Dark Jet: 11 March 2007 - 03:51 AM
Posted 20 January 2007 - 04:30 PM
About: Justforkix has just finished training as a fighter. He specialised with a mace, though he also knows how to use a sword, axe, sling and bow. At the moment, he is wandering the land looking for adventure. On one such "adventure", he reached Pynx and has been taught basic healing. He plans on becoming a hired arm later on in his life.
Description: Justforkix is about 7'2" and stocky. He is commonly seen wearing a grey cloak which hides his armour and array of weapons. He has a shield strapped to each arm which allows him to use two weapons at once, generally two maces.
So far, the universe is winning
LotGD Development Server
Posted 20 January 2007 - 07:59 PM
Race: Male human
Height/weight: 5-11
Age: Unknown (presumably young)
Body: 20
Reflex: 52
Mind: 50
Max Health: 180.
Max Mana: 22.
Status: Freelancer in Cademia.
Appearance: Zallbyn has slightly dark skin, very dark eyes that blend in with the pupil, and dark brown flat, though somewhat long and large hair. He wears gator boots made and given to him by Uzsuy, who he does not know except that he gave him the gator boots, hand-made them, and is very good at magic. Zallbyn wears a bland white tunic, bland brown pants, and not-so-bland yellow gloves of which he made.
History: Zallbyn grew up with a family friend because his parents were very busy people. But the friend got lost in a cave somewhere when Zallbyn was a teen. He lost them somewhere when they explored deeper and it became darker. Zallbyn, not liking to go into the darkness of an unknown cave, where who knows what inhabited it, stayed where he was, and waited there for hours until a crab snapped at his leg and he ran for his life outside the cave. Since his parents were still busy, he raised himself from there after. His parents were not very nice people, as Zallbyn find out when he tried to get in touch.
Bio: Zallbyn is very resoursefull since he had to raise himself almost half his childhood. He's always had a hard time learning magic, and only knows very basic spells and has a fairly low Mana. He makes up for this by being very clever and good with swoards and maces. He carries a swoard with him, but no mace since they're so heavy, as well as a full shield both of which he got from the person who raised him (the family friend). Zallbyn is not very muscular or strong, but has a great mind and great reflexes. He is fairly cautious, but nonetheless quite agressive when he feels he needs to be. There are a couple people who were kind to him he hopes to find someday: the family friend and Uzsuy.
--To be updated--
EDIT: Fourth page, hurrah!
This post has been edited by Buzzzzy: 08 February 2011 - 06:11 AM
Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:05 AM
Race: viirelei
Gender: female
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Weight: 128 lbs.
Character illustration here. Katerei typically wears a full-length violet dress, laced shoes, and several piercings in each ear. She carries a knife on her belt and sometimes a flail. She has a jagged U-shaped scar on the left side of her ribcage and a clean scar on her right thigh. She can also shift into a small silvery-blue wolf.
Character type: water mage
Best skills: water/ice magic, herbalism, swimming, throwing knives
Mediocre skills: healing magic, animal lore, flail weapons
Worst skills: reading, cooking, social interaction
Likes: the ocean, ridiculously strong tea, purple
Age 14
Katerei left her homeland with a shipload of refugees while her parents stayed behind to fight in civil war. She befriended Ferazel, a mysterious passenger, on the journey. After the ship was caught in a storm and thrown into the fogs around Cythera, it was forced to take port at Cademia. Stranded, Katerei tried to beg for food on the city streets, but found no welcome for someone who looked and spoke so differently. She fled into the woods and took up nomadic life.
She returned to Cademia on occasion, seeking news of any other ships that had docked. She also sold foraged goods in the marketplace, hiding her distinctive hair and face under a hooded cloak. On one of these trips, she discovered the Alraeican Tavern, whose eclectic patrons were much more receptive to outsiders; here she also saw Avatara for the first time.
Age 15-21
Katerei encountered a group of adventurers, including Avatara, after they were attacked by wolflizards in the forest. She cured them of poison and then tagged along with them. As years of living alone took their toll, she spent more and more time in Cademia or off on adventures.
She had a chance reunion at the Tavern with Ferazel, who bequeathed her a tiny, run-down old house on the coast by Catamarca, where she occasionally stayed. However, as her friends began to disappear, she withdrew back into the forest.
Age 22
After sustaining a bad wolflizard bite and almost dying alone in the forest, Katerei realized she couldn't be self-reliant anymore. She returned to civilization and joined a quest, but found it difficult to relate to others and took to heart her failure to protect them.
When invitations to a wedding at Pnyx arrived, she saw a chance to track down old companions and learn how to navigate human social functions. Instead, she saw Trundaylan die, discovered Avatara in prison, and then saw him nearly die too. She stayed at Pnyx to care for Avatara and had some revelations about herself while there.
To be continued...
This post has been edited by iKaterei: 04 February 2014 - 06:53 AM
Posted 25 January 2007 - 12:02 AM
Name: Aron
Gender: Male
Race: Ethereal
Age: Older than he was yesterday and younger than he’ll be tomorrow
Height: 6’0
Weight: Between 1 and 1000 lbs
Appearance : Curled hair a sharp shade of crimson falls to his shoulders and frames a handsome face of clean shaven sun darkened skin. His eyes are a blue deeper than the vastest ocean and within them one can see the light of an endless cheer that he shares with any he meets. Aron wears an entire suit of smooth medieval armor over his lean well muscled frame, armor polished so that it resembles the pristine surface of a shining mirror with its edges trimmed in what looks to be deep red steel. On his left hip rests a small bag that appears stitched of fine blue silk, barely larger than Aron’s gauntleted fist. With his armor he carries a matching helm, divided into two pieces. The first is an open faced helm of the same mirrored metal as the rest of his armor, a decorative set of wings, like those of a dove in flight, adorn either side of the helm and are lacquered to be a beautiful azure color with a brilliant shine. The second piece of the helm is a solid mask worn over the nose and mouth almost like a scarf. When assembled the helm hides all except for Aron’s eyes; it is an impressive sight and rarely worn outside of battle.
A silken cape of royal crimson flows down his back and nearly to the floor, hiding the sheathe he wears to hold his cherished sword. An ornate silver hilt can be seen as it rises from behind his left pauldron, its cross guard crafted in the image of a dragon’s talons with a single sapphire jewel resting just below the blade. Should he draw the weapon its perfectly polished blade would make his armor seem dull by comparison, to look upon its surface is to see a reflection that seems beyond real.
Strengths and Weaknesses : There is little that Aron is able to do; with truly one exception he seems to hold no ability what-so-ever with any weapon and looks to lack a fundamental knowledge in all schools of magic, indeed even his interaction with others often seems awkward an unbalanced. To his credit, while he appears clumsy and useless with any other blade, when he holds his own sword he stands as a master among masters. His apparent failings in the magic arts are balanced, and maybe surpassed, by the fact that magicks used against him warp and break apart when making contact with his armor, causing the spells themselves to fail. While simple and obvious things often escape his understanding he has a knack for grasping the complex very well.
Bio : Aron cannot be said to have traveled to this land, it appears that all at once he simply arrived with no explanation given, on that note inexplicable things are known to happen in his vicinity. He is a quirky but charismatic soul who always seems to mean well, though the truth of much of what he says should be considered dubious at best. While Aron is by all accounts intelligent he seems equal parts insane and, oddly enough, believes bananas to be the true root of all evil.
-Aron has the ability to talk to Anything. Or at least, he believes he has this ability, it’s hard to verify whether his cape answers him back…
-Though he seems to lack the ability to cast spells Aron sometimes appears to manipulate the space around him in a fashion that can only be described as Illusion. These tricks of the eye don’t last very long, nor can they effect anything physically, and Aron sometimes appears completely unaware of the occurrence.
This post has been edited by Ragnar0k: 25 January 2007 - 05:56 AM
- Jason Peck, R.I.P
"You know what? That milk was good. I don't care if that horse was on steroids."
- Melo, after drinking a glass of Nesquick.
A message for Gray Shirt Ninja: RAAAAAAARRRGGH!
Posted 25 January 2007 - 11:21 PM
Gender: Male
Race: Hyperian Bloodline (human)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6’2
Weight: Unknown
Appearance : A Hyperian man, his lean muscular frame is clothed in layers of tattered onyx robes, with a dark cloth hiding all but his eyes, the left a bright crimson, the right a deep sapphire. He wears a hood which frames his face; mostly hiding his short dark hair and sun darkened skin from view. His hands are held in onyx gauntlets with a pair of wicked black serrated blades laid flat across the backs, their serrated edges faced away from each other and their points extending a hand’s length past the knuckles of his closed fists. Another serrated blade runs from the backs of his wrists nearly the entire length of his forearms while a thumb sized spike which curved back protrudes from a special guard upon each elbow.
On his legs his shins are protected by guards of the same metal, each holding a razor thin serrated blade that faced outward and ran the entire length of the guard, giving any of his kicks a vicious bite. A spike that curved upwards, slightly larger than those upon his elbows, tops a separate guard on each of his knees. He had no other visible weapons on his person.
Strengths and Weaknesses : Rythan has a complete mastery of all the weapons he wields, and as one of the Hyperian Bloodine he possesses physical abilities that well exceed those of mortal men. As a draw back to being part of this unique bloodline he is completely devoid of any magical ability.
Bio : Rythan came to this place with Aron, and tails him from the shadows. Their relationship seems to be one of rank, and though neither is revealed it can be assumed that Aron far outranks him. Rythan is in fact slayer of demon lords by trade, his unique training and experience makes him a perfect assassin to use against magic casters and creatures. He is quiet killer, cold of temperament, steady of focus, often times appearing very distant. There are rumors that his family and village, men, women, and children, were all slain by his hand, but the details and circumstances surrounding that event are shrouded in mystery and Rythan will speak of it to no one.
This post has been edited by Ragnar0k: 26 January 2007 - 12:25 AM
- Jason Peck, R.I.P
"You know what? That milk was good. I don't care if that horse was on steroids."
- Melo, after drinking a glass of Nesquick.
A message for Gray Shirt Ninja: RAAAAAAARRRGGH!
Posted 28 January 2007 - 01:02 PM
Gender: Male
Race: Ningen-Kai (superior human)
age: 26
height: 5'10" (1.78 m)
Weight: 160 lbs (72.5 kg)
appearance: a mysterious man, kamille is one who has dedicated his life to the perfection of his sword arts. tall for a man who weilds the japanese sword set, it appears awkward in his hands. however, his art has become graceful and deadly over the years of his training. his face is hard and his expression rarely changes from the indifferent manor it usually holds, but save for his jaw line, his face has soft curves and a perfect nose. his eyes, although piercing blue with small rings of yellow surrounding the pupil, are soft and kind. his hair is a dirty blonde color, medium-long and tied back with a string, the tail wrapped around halfway and pointing slightly upward, bushing out at the end.
his skin is neither pale nor tan, healthy but not glowing.
his clothing is simple. his pants are the traditional hakama of a samurai, billowy and skirt-like in appearance with pleated fronts. they are unremarkable white, seemingly impervious to dirt, grime and moisture. his top is a deep navy blue kimono top, with sleeves that flair outward at the end like those of a wizard. they are hemmed with white. his sword sash is the same white as his pants.
thrust into the left side of the sash are his two swords-- the traditional swords of a japanese retainer. one long and one short. the short has a purple-tinged sheath with a white handle and a reddish-marroonish handle wrap. the long sword is black with a white handle and a dark blue handle wrap. the hand guards on them are identical, although the short sword's is slightly smaller, in the shape of a double-c.
there is a jutte thrust into the other side of his sash, plain with a black handle.
"(the asian characters wouldn't print, so i'll put this in instead, telling you all about it)" meaning "the chaos of battle is where one's identity is confirmed" is tattoed in blood-red characters on his left collarbone. it is always visible.
he also wears a somewhat tarnished silver charm necklace, with two unusual charms on it.
his horse: Kamille's horse in terms of size, power, speed and stamina is akin to that of Keji Maeda. the saddle is comfortable but not extravagent. on it are Kamille's other weapons-- a japanese spear, a chinese double-cresant halberd/spear, a chinese straight sword, chinese saber, and a european rapier with a simple dome-hilt. the horse is a rich pure chestnut, with jet black mane and tail.
strengths and weaknesses: kamille is as close to mastering his way of the sword as one can be. his abilities with the polearms his horse carries are relatively high, and his abilities with the other swords are fair, but not exceptional. although he tends to be quiet, he is quite articulate when speaking. he is schorly-fluent in English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and three forms of hillbilly. he is also competent in german and ebonics. he can say at least a few words in most known language.
his weaknesses are fresh cinnamon buns and oven-fresh krispy kremes. his true weaknesses are sexy voices and deep cleavage. his emotions tend to bleed profousely from him when he speaks of his ideals and convictions, as well as his aspirations to eliminate what he believes needs to be eliminated. (<-- i guess that's a weakness...) he has also been known to pay double price just for some "cream-o-land" chocolate milk, which is his favorite drink on earth. he also once did the "chicken dance" for a cadbury creme egg.
ablilities: most are mentioned above, but just to reiterate: basically sword master, excellent with a choice few polearms, knows his way around some other weapons. his hand to hand combat is also outstanding, he's a master of two forms of Kung Fu and, of course, the traditional samurai Ju-Jutsu he knows no magic, and feels he needs none. he has never failed to defeat one he felt needed defeating. defying his gentle nature, he never shows mercy to enemies. when he chooses his target, there is almost no escape. he will continue the hunt until all targets are eliminated. he can also juggle very well, and can drink TWO gallons of milk in an hour, no problem. he also cooks the worlds best cheeseburger.
bio: not much else can be said about Kamille. his bible is the literary works of the great Musashi. he loves to smoke, and has a magical case (defying his anti-magic nature,) which produces endless amounts of delicious cigarettes with perfect taste and no negative side effects. although it has been many whiles since he enjoyed steady female company, he is quite partial to a good romp, and enjoys one whenever possible. however, he never hires the company of prostitutes. he loves cheeseburgers, chocolate milkshakes, chocolate milk and cinnamon buns. he is otherwise elusive and mysterious.
Posted 29 January 2007 - 05:21 AM
Species: Human.
Age: About fifteen.
Magical Ability: Nil.
Aster is about 1.7 metres tall, but walks with a stoop, as if he is perpetually trying to hide. He has short, curly brown hair, and brown eyes. He wears faded brown trousers that have seen better days, and an orange tunic. He has a cloak, but it is pretty old, and it was once dark green. He has a sword, which he calls Thorn. It had a sheath once, but when Aster was given it, the sheath had gone. He also carries a sling-staff and sling.
He has a small pendant of no partucular colour on a chain around his neck; a sort of murky, uneven lump of glass with a hole in it. He found it when lightning struck a beach near his home.
Aster is the second son of Pelops the flax farmer. He can spin and weave flax, and know how to tend goats and make cheese. He is terminally shy, and hates being the centre of attention. He isn't scared of the dark, spiders, or anything much except meeting new people. When he was eight, a band of adventurers came to the farm, and since that moment he has wanted to have adventures.
Aster carries a sling, a sling-staff, and a lot of small pebbles to use as ammunition.
He has a sword, which he named Thorn. It has no magical properties whatsoever, no mysterious runes or strange curses, but it is very, very sharp.
The necklace he always wears is magical, however. It was created when magical lightening struck a beach near his home, and one aspect of its magic is radiating confidence, a huge bonus for Aster. He hasn't found any other uses for it yet.
His tunic is spelled to deflect blows from blunt instruments, and moths, but apart from that he wears no armour.
Best Skills: Sword fighting, hiding, moving silently, using a sling or sling-staff.
Aster fights with his sword Thorn, and is about average. Good enough to beat a ruffian.
Being perpetually shy means he can hide well.
Moving silently means he doesn't attract attention.
He is very accurate with a sling or sling-staff.
Worst Skills: Talking to a group of people.
Aster loves grapes, and will do nearly anything for a bunch.
Posted 30 January 2007 - 03:47 PM
Species: Hamster
Gender: Male
Age: Approximately 7...?
Height: 1.5"
Weight: A few ounces
Description: Hamster is a rather small, brown... dwarf hamster. He can talk, he can run, he can eat peanuts, and he has a habit of drinking hard liquor, and knocking things over or flying about with his mind. When cornered, confronted, angered, or otherwise messed about with, two largish blue eyes flicker up over his diminutive form. Overall, Hamster is relatively pleasant and fun-loving. Getting dumped through a one-way dimensional rift has made him slightly more agitated as of late.
Abilities: This little rodent has an absurd way with the bottle, and can and has beaten several humans in drinking contests. It is not yet known how these feats were physically possible. Hamster's reactions (when not impaired by alcohol) are formidable, and what he lacks in physical strength or speed, he compensates for with telekinetic forces. Other forces have been manipulated by Hamster, but only surfaced when he was under the influence of demonic possession, or severely hung over.
Equipment: Hamster carries no weaponry or armament, but has been known to store provisions in his cheek-pouches for later use.
History: Hamster would rather not speak of his exploits previous to falling through the rift, as they would seem absurd and rather childish to the denizens of Cythera. Flying metal boxes, fortresses levitating among the stars and such.
Name: Nirttef
Species: Illusory Projection
Gender: N/A
Age: Temporary
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: Variable
Description: Nirteffs are sentient slave-creatures, formed of a dark miasma wrapped up in strips of ragged black cloth. They wear large cloaks, wide-brimmed hats, high leather gloves, and heavy boots. The ssspeech of Nirteffsss isss sssomewhat reptilian-sssounding, and not very loud. They have no visible mouths to speak of, and their eyes are round lenses of obsidian glass, set into the front of their cloth-wrapped heads.
Abilities: The most unsettling ability by far of the Nirttef, is its habit of popping up without prior warning, on or under the ground, in numbers ranging from one to many. Nirttefs are very fast, and redistribute their mass within their cloth shells to throw kicks, punches, and other attacks. When converging on a more dangerous target, they will remove their gloves, and form their amorphous hands into gaseous, whip-like tentacles. Nirttefs do not have very sturdy armor, and a cut or blow that releases a portion of the dark miasma from inside their bodies is almost always fatal, as they will immediately deflate, and fall into a pile of cloth. The black vapor dissipates quickly, and has no harmful effects.
Equipment: Nirttefs carry no weaponry on them, but can improvise with objects they find in their area of combat. Their preferred weapons are their hands, gloved and ungloved, and their feet.
History: The Nirttefs have followed Hamster through the rift, and are the eyes and ears of their master, who has a score to settle with the rodent, and wouldn't mind wreaking a bit of chaos over the island of Cythera in the process.