Originally posted by Nemesys:
That should solve any problems with ships not being consistent with other ships of the same faction.
BTW, do you have sprites for the stuff you've posted or is it just brief pics so far?
And do you have a template for the briefing pics that I could use? The interface really should be the same for all of them so if you could give me the fonts/glow effect that would be great.
Shure, ive got a templet for the Breifing pics, ill send it if i can get your email adress. What was it agian?
Finished 3 of the CF2 ships as sprites, who do i send them to?
I have finished the Nucular Delivery System, the last of the CF2 ships, will post it when i have the chance.
Stuck dead in the water on the CF3 ships, can't find any inspiration for the other ships.
Here are some updated system specs:
9 total
4 systems controled at start
7 systems controlled at end.
(Sol,Sirus,Proxima,Centuri,Gamm'uri,New Europe,Rigel)
Uncontrolled systems
System Data:
.gov:Global Republic of Earth- GRE
Planets:9 (Astriod Belt)
.gov:Syn'iena Faction- SF
Planets:3(4 moons)(2 Astriod Belts)
Agni'oran,Syn'iena, Dur'enio
.gov:The Free Worlds of Jados- FWJ
Planets:4(8 moons)
Jados, Eros, New America,Serveris
.gov:Centaurian Peoples Republic- CPR
Planets:4(3 moons)(small thin Astriod Belt)
Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri, Gamma Centauri, Delta Centauri
It's time for a new challenge.
[url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/benedwards/.cv/benedwards/Public/Ares1.2/StarsAreFire%3AC4.sit-binhex.hqx"]The Stars Are Fire[/url]-A TC for Ares
...And so the human race reached for the stars, unknowing of the dangers that awaited them...
[This message has been edited by Skyfox (edited 04-04-2002).]