Posted 21 May 2003 - 11:44 PM
IMPORTANT EMERGENCY REPORT (viewer discretion advised): On May 21, 2003, at exactly 7:44 PM, the notorious poster GandalfDaddy reportedly posted a message with no spelling or grammatical errors!
"I couldn't believe it," said one bystander known as Azeroth. "We all thought he had some issue with correct grammar." Another bystander called The Journalist commented, "HEEEE!!! HEEEEEEEE!!!!"
The post, which consisted of "He probably censored it becuase it was unfit for even my eyes to see it, then he decided that it was fun to use his moderator powers and kind of got carried away." shocked viewers and shook many people's faith in GandalfDaddy's ability to bring a level of intelligence to Trash Talk that made everyone else feel some self-worth.
The notoriously cynical one called Avatara remarked, "GandalfDaddy has shown himself incapable of being the board's official moron with this stroke of intellect. I will be calling in a moderator squad in shortly for a full investigation."
GandalfDaddy had made more than 150 posts prior to this amazing breakthrough, all of which were riddled with obvious errors in standard English mechanics. Rumors were made of previous posts that had no errors but were never confirmed by Trash Talk reporters.
When we attempted to reach GandalfDaddy for comment, the only response was, "No, only you confuse me! Becuase your are a illogical being and your impudence is larger then your ignorance, (feild)". Attempts were made by our top investigators to discover the meaning of this post. Head investigator Zortrium reported that the post had "no meaning" and should help restore the public's confidence in GandalfDaddy's incompetence.
Trash Talk News will keep you updated on this amazing series of events. If you have any other posts to report, please send to
[url="http://""]- The Demented Cartoon Movie[/url]
"No, only you confuse me! Becuase your are a illogical being and your impudence is larger then your ignorance, (feild)" - GandalfDaddy
[This message has been edited by Zortrium (edited 05-22-2003).]
It's all fun and games until a rampaging mod destroys half your account.
Commander of the AAS and Supreme Ruler of ZAP.
"Bad Avatara."
-- from the topic closings of Sundered Angel, Official Lektorian and founder of SONAH.