The Officer's Club Bar #6
Posted 29 October 2002 - 12:21 AM
Mag and the other crew members of the UNS Pegasus walk in, looking tired but not unhappy.
"Hey, Cicion. Helped a raid on a Cantharan spy post. Tough mission." Mag quickly eyes the shelves of drinks. "Could I have that one, over there?"
"This one?"
"Nah, farther over."
Cicion grabs one of the bottles with a strange, dark liquid in it, and eyes the label for a moment. "It's... greenyblack®©™."
"Hey, I thought you knew everything about your bar."
"I do. There's just been a lot of new drinks lately with all this remodelling. Hard to keep up with these things, you know."
His drink in hand, Mag wanders off to watch some people playing three player chess.
"Typical Americanism. Somebody else does it so we have to do it wrong."
Posted 29 October 2002 - 07:05 PM
... after a few microsecs its report is transmitted by ultrawave to PCDC HQ (on Earth as it happens!).
Lord Commander Anic views the report with quiet satisfaction.
The strategy of saturating the entire galatic market with cheap GreenyBlue spin-off brands seems to have worked...
...the dollarometer in the background was busily clicking up profits as somewhere across the multiverse someone bought a PolyChromatic Drink every 1/1x10exp3 seconds.
Another step towards ultimate galatic domination..., or a relatively comfortable retirement at any rate...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Posted 05 November 2002 - 03:51 PM
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 08 November 2002 - 08:14 PM
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 09 November 2002 - 09:13 PM
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 10 November 2002 - 04:48 PM
Too bad about that, Spamo. Here, take a seat at the bar and recount your troubles.
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 11 November 2002 - 04:03 AM
Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!
Posted 13 November 2002 - 10:18 AM
I've got so many different charachters it's a wonder I don't go schitzo. (Yes you have. No I haven't!)
Posted 15 November 2002 - 09:52 PM
I've got so many different charachters it's a wonder I don't go schitzo. (Yes you have. No I haven't!)
Posted 16 November 2002 - 05:33 PM
"So Blair" he says, drooling all the time.
"You fly... space ships?"
"So do I!".
:Beeblebrox blacks out:
Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!
Posted 17 November 2002 - 06:40 PM
Holding all the posts, topping the second page in the OC Bar...
Talk about living up to my name.

Now it's time to chill before I get karmaslapped.
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Posted 17 November 2002 - 08:34 PM
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 18 November 2002 - 02:26 PM
-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."
Posted 18 November 2002 - 09:03 PM
O! This platter is no mere platter. It is the mighty platter of Kings! Truly this is a bar of noble stature to serve its best upon flatware divine.
I declare the sky is navy green henceforth!
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Posted 19 November 2002 - 05:09 PM
Look upon my works ye mighty and despair."
With that Spamo drunkenly stumbles, dodging Beeblebrox's punch to his face before falling into a chair while kicking up his feet straight into Beeblebrox's groin causing Beeblebrox to crumple, whining to the ground.
"Fatum Iustum Stultorum."
"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."
Posted 22 November 2002 - 01:36 PM
Darkk 0 walked over to Spamo's twitching form. "Feeling better yet?"
Spamo swings the machette at Darkk 0, but it passes through him without injuring him.
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