Posted 11 February 2002 - 06:25 PM
Hold on a second.. you know hardly anything about the factions and you're already into the precise ship classes?
Here is some more info:
USC: The most established, prosperous, advanced empire in Manspace. Fleet power is roughly equal to the combined fleets of every planet in the scattering. The army is smaller, and elite. The citizens of the USC enjoy certain privileges, such as a constitution, code of laws, freedom from conscription and birth mallets.
USC O-Force: After the settlers had established themselves, a wave of anti-social nausea swept the different sects of humanity. Wars were common, and as the largest, strongest power by far, the USC had to put down many of these assaults on it's own territory. The conquered planets became too numerous to administer from Earth, and the USC would not commit genocide. They formed an 'O-Force', a temporary governing body that would administer the worlds with an occupation force. The USC O-Force is now, after a 250 years, a government in it's own right. The soldier's staged a revolt 200 years ago, and to prevent future such, all USC forces are exchanged with USC O-Forces regularly.
Dauron Pact: The largest collection of worlds, the 'Dauron Pact' is not an empire as such, more of a large group of settlers who early agreed on a non-aggression pact in their area. 400 years and the non-aggression pact is now a pact of mutual defense against other powers. Dauron's trade mostly with each other, nor do their high tariffs impact their economy greatly - their systems and planets are all rich in resources. The Dauron's represent the greatest economic force besides Earth. Also, the word's 'Dauron Pact' has filtered down into the language, meaning an agreement that has grown out of proportion.
Fibyo 'Hegemony': Originally settled by refugees from the collapse of the Kruybi by the USC. At the tip of Manspace, the Fibyo's operate as a small but aggressive empire that has begun many wars and regularly trades shots with neighbouring planets. The Fibyo's are perhaps the most freedom-constricted people of Manspace, and their government operates as a neo-communist dictatorship. The economy in terms of money, was so pitiful that the Fibyo's abolished money altogether, and now purely barter (when they do not attack/conquer.) Their ground force, very large and modern, is often at work pacifying their own planets. Their spaceship force, smaller, relies on numbers and massive cheap construction. They often use forbidden weapons wantonly, like Nuke-tons.
I'll do more on this when I have the time.
A note on ship's: When I founded this galaxy, I didn't originally want it to populated by numerous classes of many varied ships (like you seem to want) but for factions to have a few particular unique ships they often use. Technology is an evolving thing, and it's not practical for most economies to update and upkeep a wide variety of relatively new spaceship classes, but take the tried and true and modify it slightly for new roles. For instance, their are many ship classes in our RL navies, their are frigates, corvettes, aircraft carriers, battleships... but most of these designs are based on one design. In fact, I see only 2 actual designs in mainstream navies, the frigate-to-battleship type ship (long and aquiline with guns and missiles) and the carrier (large and flat-topped.) In the future, there should be one or 2 designs, and any variety comes from modifying them heavily. Ah, so basically I'll leave it to you to design the ship's, but follow these precepts:
Strong Economy: Small, very fast, very maneouvrable, computer controlled, heavily protected, minitiarised pocket-battleships with small elitist crews.
Medium Economy: Medium-to-large ships with moderately powerful computers and weapons with medium sized crews.
Weak Economy: Large slow, cumbersome ships with cheap area affect weapons, primitive computers and very large crews.
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
[This message has been edited by Joveia (edited 02-11-2002).]
There are only 3 kinds of people; those who can count, and those who can't.