Antares Releases
Posted 17 June 2011 - 09:15 PM
NMS, on 12 June 2011 - 07:33 PM, said:
I noticed another bug was marked fixed recently. How is the next release coming along?
It's certainly not "on schedule" but I don't think it should be long. Performance has improved and it's capable of running at a higher resolution now, though I have no interface to expose that other than changing some constants and recompiling.
Posted 01 July 2011 - 09:32 PM
Lord Commander Anic, on 29 June 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:
Do you by any chance intend to add in the scenario "Space Race the Musical" in a future Antares release?
Do you by any chance intend to add in the scenario "Space Race the Musical" in a future Antares release?
When Antares supports scenarios, that sounds like a good idea, but it's gated on that. NMS's workaround looks good for now.
NMS, on 29 June 2011 - 01:28 PM, said:
Edit ~/Library/Application Support/Antares/com.biggerplanet.ares.json and add level 26 to the list.
Maybe that file could be used to set the resolution, at least temporarily?
Maybe that file could be used to set the resolution, at least temporarily?
No, it's not the right place, ledgers are for things that are per-scenario, but this is game-wide. I guess if I start storing it in the game preferences, it will be possible to set it in the terminal with:
$ defaults write org.arescentral.antares ScreenWidth -integer 1280 $ defaults write org.arescentral.antares ScreenHeight -integer 800
The main issue is the order of loading things. The screen size has to be decided pretty early, and I don't currently load preferences or the ledger until later.
Note: "Ledger" is the term for the file "com.biggerplanet.ares.json". Ledgers store persistent, per-scenario state. For the time being, there is no such state other than which levels are unlocked, but the intent is to allow scenarios to store more later. For example, you could imagine a tower defense "Earth vs. Cantharan invasion" scenario that saves your best time and achievements, or even something where you could have a persistent character like EV.
Posted 03 July 2011 - 07:16 PM
Thanks for that guys.
I used to amuse myself with this scenario by transferring to a Heavy Cruiser, too easy with the HDD
Good to have it back in action.
I presume that extra third party scenarios could be made playable also...
I used to amuse myself with this scenario by transferring to a Heavy Cruiser, too easy with the HDD

Good to have it back in action.
I presume that extra third party scenarios could be made playable also...
Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...
Posted 03 July 2011 - 10:59 PM
Yeah, you have to screw up pretty badly to lose that mission. Jumping your HD and cruisers into the middle of the Gaitori gunships and leaving your carriers behind will do it though.
The multiplayer maps and a couple other scenarios are included in the data, and therefore in Antares, but I don't think you can play them without modification. They don't have any triggers and the multiplayer ones may crash the game or just not work right if loaded in single player. So Space Race is the only one that works reasonably well. Pallas is planning to implement plugins at some point though I think.
The multiplayer maps and a couple other scenarios are included in the data, and therefore in Antares, but I don't think you can play them without modification. They don't have any triggers and the multiplayer ones may crash the game or just not work right if loaded in single player. So Space Race is the only one that works reasonably well. Pallas is planning to implement plugins at some point though I think.
Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:03 PM
NMS, on 03 July 2011 - 10:59 PM, said:
The multiplayer maps and a couple other scenarios are included in the data, and therefore in Antares, but I don't think you can play them without modification. They don't have any triggers and the multiplayer ones may crash the game or just not work right if loaded in single player. So Space Race is the only one that works reasonably well.
They do have triggers, but I wouldn't bet on them working.
NMS, on 03 July 2011 - 10:59 PM, said:
Pallas is planning to implement plugins at some point though I think.
Yes. I could have sworn I've talked about this on the boards before, but it's Issue 4 on the tracker and I've put some notes up there, since it ought to be the canonical reference for my plans regarding plugins.