QUOTE (iKaterei @ Oct 15 2009, 01:34 AM)
A couple quick questions - do you know which rooms are which in Bryaxis's house, and what the ones in Berossus' castle are? There's probably more room for improvisation with the castle since it's supposed to be large, but I don't want to accidentally transform his bedroom into the kitchen. Oh and... what are those little rooms to the south of the castle - sheds, guard posts, servant quarters?
"That's so easy!" I thought as I read your questions, "I'm even using OS 9 right now!" But when I went to open Cythera, this poor machine tells me it can't have Cythera and Internet Explorer open at the same time! And, well, I'm lazy. *Closed-teeth grin* So I'm going from memory again.
Bryaxis's house opens into a foyer area. To the right is his music room (the one with the red dot), to the left is his living/dining room. His music room has a shelf along the west and north walls, and a desk in the south-east corner. The dining room has a small table and chair, and I can't remember what else (not much, he hangs out in the music room when he's not eating or sleeping). Through the dining room is the bed-room. He has a bed there, and I believe a dresser too, unless his dresser's in the dining room o.O The bedroom looks like an alcove on your map.
The castle's going to be harder to describe even though I remember which room goes where. If we were physically next to each other, I could point to the map and show you which room is which ^_^ Or if I knew how to modify and upload images, I could mark on your map. But oh well, here goes:
The room with the red dot is where Berossus hangs out all day. It has pillars along the sides. If you enter and walk straight north, you'll walk between two rows of chairs, facing each other. Then Berossus's fancier chair is at the top, facing south. Naxos and Malis would sit in the chairs just south of him, and chat all day. Maybe Malis still does, I don't know. The room opening east from the main room is Berossus's bed room. He has a shelf along the east wall (with some of his things on it, a gavel, a musical instrument, etc), and a dresser in the north-west corner. He kept the old keys to the castle (four of them, for various doors) in his dresser, along with his clothes. I can't remember where in the room his bed is :\ Back to the main room, if you exit to the north, you'll be in a hallway. The castle-servent guy walks back and forth in this hallway all day. Your map seems to show two doors from the main room going north, I don't understand that. The wider one is the actual doorway. My guess is there was a decorative ax on the wall to the right, making it look on the map like a doorway.
I think I need a new paragraph. So you're in the hallway north of the main castle room. There's a bedroom at the east end, which is kept locked. Don't remember the details, except I believe there's a lever in there, hiding under a potted plant. Sorry, I can't remember what the lever opens/closes :( (does anyone else remember?) I think it might close the entrance to the castle. This room also has a window in the north, with closed shutters. Back to the hallway, there's a room to the north, another bedroom I think. Also kept locked, this is the room that had a Sapphire book in it. This room has a (locked) door out to the yard, in the north wall. On your map, this room appears to have two doorways to the west (which would lead to the dining room), but again I think there were axes or something on the wall to make the map appear to have doorways. You have to go back to the hallway to get to the dining room. The huge table is in the north end of the room, leaving room to walk from the hallway to the kitchen in the southern part of the dining room. Then that big room in the west is the kitchen. All I remember is that the oven is on the west wall, there's crates of food along the south wall, and the cook-lady that works there all day is old, hard-of-hearing, and a little grumpy. The door to the yard in the north is kept locked. The little room off the east wall in the south is the servants' quarters.
Now, the little buildings in the castle yard south of the castle are guard posts. They are tiny. I believe in the lower eastern one there's a lever (that closes the entrance to the castle yards?). On the eastern side of the other eastern post-thingy, there's an entrance to the sewers.
One other thing I want to note is that there's a locked-off section of the yard, in the north-east corner. Maybe you can see on the map where the little walls come partially out? In that section, there's a sundial, and a hole where Bellerophon dug (perhaps it's been filled in since). The hole leads to the second tyrant's tomb, but Bellerophon already emptied it of its goodies. The servants must have keys, they like hanging out in this locked-off area after-hours.
I hope you can make some sense out of this post!