Selax, on Mar 8 2007, 05:06 PM, said:
Certainly, although I don't know if I'll be able to reply much except for in the evenings. (Actually, we could use it to setup the assassin strikes if they are to be included in a next TS, and it's similar to an idea that came to me yesterday about a conversation between Seralcard and the NL.)
Speaking of the NL, I've decided on a possible revision route: a shapeshifter with some use of illusion magic, making him hard to see without the right people or the right circumstances.
Speaking of the NL, I've decided on a possible revision route: a shapeshifter with some use of illusion magic, making him hard to see without the right people or the right circumstances.
Ohhhh, that all sounds pretty cool

I didn't realize you were writing this, when I saw you online I started writing a PM to you with the first part of the game, so the next time you check your PMs that's what will greet you.
I think I like this shapeshifter idea you have, but I must hear more before I can sing the praises of its awesomeness. Is it a kind of chameleon ability? Yea, I know shapeshifting and camoflague are very different routes to take for the same result but the thought of an assassin in active camoflague (Halo anyone?) struck me as several types of cool. He wouldn't be completely invisible, so someone who is alert or has very good eyes could see him and defend themselves, but he would have the ability to sneak in somewhere silently and believably take out a hero character. And all the while he wouldn't be overpowered, double bonus ^^
And a meeting between Seralcard and NL seems very very interesting, you must tell me more of this as well, via PM, because my brain is going into overdrive from the possibilities held within this chron I still write. 30 hand written pages 0.o (only 10 typed, but still this thing is only starting up, it's great).