Originally posted by TheDarkDragon:
It's appreciated by us though, or at least me. I check it almost twice a week (if you can believe it)
It's appreciated by us though, or at least me. I check it almost twice a week (if you can believe it)
How did you originally find out about it? I've never heard of anything like this...
Originally posted by Avatara:
No, I cheat and use the "members" function, search for names, and compare the differences in the number every time I update it.
No, I cheat and use the "members" function, search for names, and compare the differences in the number every time I update it.
What's the members function? (see above)...
Interesting idea: What if, one person created more than one account, but didn't ever hint that they were the same. They could continuously argue back and forth (although, obviously leave time in between posts) and drive their post-count up. And, only reveal that they were the same person when the count was thought high enough. Heck, who would know if Avatara and I weren't the same person? We joined only a month apart, and almost two years ago.....

(note: I am not in any way trying to suggest that he and I are the same person. I'm not sure who that would be more insulting for

If truth is a lie, who am I?
The One And Only:
~Theo Nean Donly~