Three kiwis and three aussies are taking a train to see a sporting event.
The aussies notice that the kiwis only have one ticket between all of them. Odd.
"How come you three only have one ticket?" asked one austrilian.
"Watch and learn." replied the kiwi leader.
So, they board the train and end up seated across from one another.
Soon, the conductor comes walking up the asle. The kiwis head for the bathroom, all three of them, and enter it at the same time. It's probobly pretty crowded.
The aussies watch as the conductor, who did not see the kiwis enter the bathroom, knocks on the locked door.
"Ticket Please!" belows the conductor.
One of the kiwis slips out the single ticket from under the door, thereby using one ticket as a pass for all of them in the bathroom.
The aussies, impressed, decide to try this trick for themselves on the return trip, and purchase only one ticket home.
Again, they end up siting adjacent from the same group of kiwis.
To there shock, they note that the kiwis have no tickets!
Soon, the conductor starts at the back of the train and starts working his way forward.
The aussies run into the bathroom and wait.
Then, the kiwis get up. They go to the door of the aussie's bathroom.
One kiwi knocks on the bathroom door and says "Ticket Please!"

I've seen this joke many times, it's a 'fill in the blank' joke. You can make it for Mac and Windoze users, of cat people and dog people. Whatever. It insinuates that group A is more witty than group B, but does not really imply that group B is in some way lacking. They aren't stupid, group A is just more cleaver. Thus, while it does elivate group A, it does not directly insinuate a lack on the part of group B.
Um, it's defently not Bryce policy to seriously elivate one group above another, but I could not find a counter-joke about kiwis that was not profane or otherwise 'unhappy'. Sorry, Aussies. There does seem to be some fixation in the kiwi jokes I've read - they normaly focus on the concept of alternitive uses for sheep by kiwis :Shudder:
- Bryce
Hey, Why don't you get on IRC sometime?
(Famous Last Words #91)
Where do you want to [url="http://"http://www.macclassics.com/cythera/tricks/rJade.htm"]teleport[/url] today?
[This message has been edited by Bryce (edited 03-14-2002).]