Originally posted by lotsofblackflags:
Oh, just the part about rambling on forever
I always ramble on forever. Really, for the most part, I type in about the same way that I talk (which explains all the parenthesis). I can easily turn a one sentence reply into something that is very long and drawn out for really no reason at all, except, as some people contend, to hear myself speak (which isn't true, I think much better when I don't speak and I like to think). Most people try to get from point "A" to "B" in a conversation whereas I go from "A" to "W" then take a detour around "16", touch on "B" then end up at "Double Q" having forgotten what I was trying to say to begin with. I try to keep that to a minimum on the boards, but I fear that it slips out all too often.
edit: In all seriousness and honesty, I really didn't intend for this reply to last this long, it's just my nature I guess, but I did prove what I am talking about.
If a tree falls in the forest and then springs back upright as a joke, do the squirrels freak out?
[This message has been edited by Pufer (edited 01-22-2004).]
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -The Buddha