Yep! Most dungeons play the Underground music, the Tyrant's tomb plays the Danger Theme. I understand how busy one can get, but I am curious if the Cythera save files worked for you?
If that's all anyone can think of, it looks like I have all of the music. So now, I will put up the track list.
- Main Theme - 1:36
- Cythera - 2:18
- Land King Hall - 3:35
- Odemia - 1:15
- Catamarca - 1:53
- Cademia - 1:17
- Kosha - 2:40
- Pnyx - 0:58
- Underground - 2:05
- Danger Theme - 1:12
- Seldane Theme - 1:38
- Bonus Track: Underground Remix - 2:08
- Bonus Track: City of Mystery - 1:14
I put the menu music first and named it Main Theme because it is the one that I think most people associate with Cythera. The main menu music is often called the "Main Theme" anyways.
Cythera is the Cythera Overworld theme, but I went with the name Cythera because that is the name of the region in-game, and it seems to work better with the city names when it doesn't have Overworld on the end.
The city themes are pretty self explanatory. Again, I didn't feel the need to put "theme" at the end of the name because the map name is the city name. The city music appears in the order that you encounter it in the game, or, more accurately, the way the red road winds over Cythera. There is one exception, though. Kosha is not connected to the road and could be placed after Pnyx; however, I went ahead and placed Pnyx last because I felt it was more appropriate to wrap-up the city section with one of the more important cities. This is a personal preference, and I would probably be open to changing it if anyone cares enough.
I considered the name Underground Theme because it plays at multiple places. Underground Theme just didn't look right, but aside from that, the majority of places where the Underground music plays are called "Underground" in the game. This fits in more with my naming system for Cythera and the city themes.
Danger and Seldane both have Theme tacked on the end of their names because they play at a vastly different number of places all over the island. There is no particular place called "Danger" nor is there one called "Seldane", so, since I wanted to use those names, it makes more sense to put "theme" at the end of their names since they aren't associated with certain places so much as certain moods.
Underground Remix and City of Mystery are the names of the bonus tracks, and I see no reason why a different name should be applied. These just seem to make sense given the naming system I've been using.
Anyways, that is the track list. If anyone has any suggestions regarding naming/order, I'd love to hear it! In a few days, I'll try to get everything packaged (it will either be 2 or 3 packages) and upload them to the add-ons section!